Academic Lead for NEAT [Norwich Electronic Assistive Technology]

Activity: Other activity typesOther


I was successful in implementing the following:
 Care Quality Commission (June-July 2016): key member of the team at the UEA in hosting the CQQ team who booked NEAT for their Inspector Induction Training. I liaised closely with a core team at the UEA including the UEA Relationship Manager from REN and the Director for Enterprise and key contacts in CQC headquarters to provide advice on pedagogical learning and teaching in addition to facilitating the logistics of using the facilities within NEAT. Income generated £10.920 for facilities alone.
 Maintained successful relationships and sensitive negotiations with external companies do-nating equipment to NEAT.
 SENSE Conference (June 2016): I provided lecturing and academic support for this event fo-cused on technology awareness for people with complex disabilities. Income generated £865.00.