PRP Group: Cognitive and Social Processes in Psychosis and the development of more effective interventions.

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Wellcome Programme Grant (Principal Investigator with the PRP group: Prof Kuipers (Kings), Prof Garety (Kings), Prof Dunn (Manchester), Prof Bebbington (UCL). This is a large scale programme of research which aims to better understand the way in which cognitive and social processes contribute to the maintenance of psychosis, and to develop better psychological treatments for people at risk of psychotic relapse. At the centre of this project is an RCT of the use of CBT in reducing relapse in psychosis. This programme grant is already being highly productive with a stream of publications being submitted to and accepted in high impact journals. I contribute to development of theoretical models and specification of novel hypotheses (Fowler, 2000; Garety, Kuiperes, Fowler et al 2001; Steel, Fowler, Holmes, In Press; Fowler et al, In Press). I lead subgroups of the project on trauma and emotion in psychosis (eg Hardy, Fowler, Freeman et al, In Press; Smith, Fowler, Freeman et al, Submitted; Fowler, Freeman, Smith et al, Submitted) and studies of adherene and competence of CBT intervention (Rollinson, Fowler, Freeman, et al, In Prep). I also contribute to the design, conduct, analysis and write up of studies on attributions (eg Freeman, Garety, Fowler, et al 2004) experimental studies on paranoia and virtual reality experiments and reasoning (eg Freeman et al, 2003; 2004; Freeman et al, In Press; Garety et al, In Press).