UEA Tyndall Centre lead for risk assessment projects/work packages funded by UK BEIS (details in description)

Activity: Other activity typesOther


BEIS CS-now (2021-2024) Climate Services Now. Co-I and WP leader £4m of which £560k to UEA

UK Dept. of Business and Industrial Strategy “Climate Impacts between 1.5°C and 4°C of warming”, PI, (Sep 2018 – Mar 2020), £250,000

UK Dept. of Business and Industrial Strategy “Implications of Global Warming of 1.5°C and 2°C”, UEA Co-I, (2017-2018), £300,000

UK Climate Change Committee Climate Change Risk Assessment, PI, (2016), £9,000

UK Dept. of Energy and Climate Change “Avoiding dangerous climate change II”, UEA PI, (2014-2016), £225,000

UK DECC, “AVOID” supplement, (2011), PI, £8,900

UK DECC, Scoping study of mitigation and adaptation, PI, (2011 – 2012), £8,300

UK Dept. of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) “AVOIDing dangerous climate change”, UEA PI, (2009 – 2012), £113,586

H.M. Treasury, Contribution to the U.K. Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, “Spotlighting impacts of climate change in integrated assessment”, PI, (2006), £15,400

H.M. Treasury Contribution to the UK Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change “Understanding the regional impacts of climate change”, PI, (2006), £20,000
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