Female entrepreneurs and the curse of 'male-only' business attributes

  • Lianne Taylor

Press/Media: Media Coverage or Contribution


The article argues that the world of entrepreneurship should be gender-blind but female entrepreneurs still suffer from stereotyping.  While societal judgements cannot be changed overnight, the article presents traits that are gender neutral such as decision-making, risk taking and the need to be in control.

Period22 May 2017

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleFemale entrepreneurs and the curse of 'male-only' business attributes
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletThe Conversation
    Media typeWeb
    DescriptionThe article argues that the world of entrepreneurship should be gender-blind but female entrepreneurs still suffer from stereotyping. While societal judgements cannot be changed overnight, the article presents traits that are gender neutral such as decision-making, risk taking and the need to be in control.
    Producer/AuthorDr Lianne Taylor
    PersonsLianne Taylor