Nordmazedonien - Qualifikation für Fußball-EM als politisches Instrument?

Press/Media: Media Coverage or Contribution


Feature for German national public radio station, Deutschlandfunk. The story concerns the national football team of North Macedonia, their attempts to qualify for the European Championships, and the political dimensions of sport in the country. The feature includes an interview with Richard Mills on the topic.

Period8 Nov 2020

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleNordmazedonien - Qualifikation für Fußball-EM als politisches Instrument?
    Degree of recognitionInternational
    Media name/outletDeutschlandfunk
    Media typeRadio
    Duration/Length/Size7 minutes and 25 seconds
    DescriptionRadio feature, broadcast by German national public radio station, Deutschlandfunk. Written and presented by Ronny Blaschke. It includes material from an interview on the topics of football, politics, nationalism, and history in North Macedonia.
    Producer/AuthorRonny Blaschke/Sport am Wochenende/Deutschlandfunk Radio
    PersonsRichard Mills


  • German Radio
  • North Macedonia
  • Football
  • Politics
  • Nationalism
  • State-Building
  • Yugoslavia
  • European Championships