Radio interview on webinar series

Press/Media: Media Coverage or Contribution


I was interviewed by a radio station in Argentina about my series of professional development webinars for language teachers in the Southern and Patagonian areas of Argentina. ‘La Mañana 10’ on Radio FM 92.3 invited Nora Noël, committee member of the Association of Teachers of English from Bahía Blanca (APIBB), to interview me about my initiative delivered virtually from UEA via Blackboard Collaborate and facilitated locally by APIBB. In the interview I explained that the training package aimed to provide practitioners with a pedagogical framework for the design of teaching materials that would enable secondary students to develop their intercultural and citizenship competences through the learning of foreign languages. The local language teaching community received specialised guidance from me on the creation of these materials for digital publication in PPL’s impact case study MAISE. 
Period10 May 2017

Media contributions


Media contributions

  • TitleRadio interview on webinar series
    PersonsLeticia Yulita