Glider observations of northwestern inflows of Atlantic water to the North Sea (2013)

  • Barbara Berx (Creator)
  • Gillian Damerell (Creator)
  • Alejandro Gallego (Creator)
  • Rob Hall (Creator)
  • Karen Heywood (Creator)
  • G. A. Lee (Creator)
  • Bastien Queste (Creator)



University of East Anglia (UEA) and Marine Scotland Science deployed an autonomous profiling ocean glider (Seaglider 502) at the Joint North Sea Information System (JONSIS) hydrographic section (2.23°W to 0° at 59.28°N). The glider repeatedly occupied the section between 12th October and 2nd December 2013, taking full-depth temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll and optical backscatter observations. Dive-average current observations were also collected. The glider was deployed by MRV Scotia and recovered by MPV Jura. The JONSIS section crosses the path of the Fair Isle Current and the East Shetland Atlantic Inflows, key routes by which Atlantic water enters the northern North Sea.

This dataset consists of near real-time ocean observations from an autonomous underwater glider, sampling at the Joint North Sea Information System (JONSIS) hydrographic section (2.23°W to 0° at 59.28°N) between 12th October and 2nd December 2013. The measurements were made by a Seaglider (serial number 502) and consist of full-depth temperature, salinity, oxygen, chlorophyll and optical backscatter observations. Dive-average current observations were also collected. This dataset contains standard raw NetCDF (.nc), engineering (.eng) and log (.log) files captured using Seaglider base station version V2.05. The glider deployment was a collaborative effort between the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Marine Scotland Science. Deployment took place from Research Ship MRV Scotia, whilst recovery utilised MPV Jura. The JONSIS repeat section crosses the path of the Fair Isle Current and the East Shetland Atlantic Inflows, key routes by which Atlantic water enters the northern North Sea.

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