Data on individual career histories were collected in a survey of ERC applicants. Due to data protection regulations, the ERC gave us permission to survey those who had applied for the StG in 2012 – as applicants from previous years were surveyed as part of an earlier ERC funded project – and all AdG applicants between 2007 and 2012. Our data collection and protection procedures were described in the declaration on ethics considerations of ERC-CSA-2012-317442 ERCAREER, approved by the ERC Executive Agency, in compliance with the terms of Regulation EC 45/2001, and included written consent of survey participants.
This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) [ERC-CSA-2012-317442], project acronym ERCAREER, and hosted by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A summary of the main findings of the original enquiry, “Capturing career paths of ERC grantees and applicants: Promoting sustainable excellence in research careers”, is available at:
The data is historic, it refers to ERC Starting Grant applicants in 2012 and ERC Advanced Grant applicants 2007-2012. More recent statistics on the gender breakdown of ERC applicants and grantees are available:
Also for each funding scheme:
Starting Grant
Consolidator Grant
Advanced Grant
The ERC has a working group which monitors gender issues:
To request access, please use the contact details provided.
This work was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) Coordination and Support Action (CSA) [ERC-CSA-2012-317442], project acronym ERCAREER, and hosted by Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. A summary of the main findings of the original enquiry, “Capturing career paths of ERC grantees and applicants: Promoting sustainable excellence in research careers”, is available at:
The data is historic, it refers to ERC Starting Grant applicants in 2012 and ERC Advanced Grant applicants 2007-2012. More recent statistics on the gender breakdown of ERC applicants and grantees are available:
Also for each funding scheme:
Starting Grant
Consolidator Grant
Advanced Grant
The ERC has a working group which monitors gender issues:
To request access, please use the contact details provided.
Date made available | 2020 |
Publisher | University of East Anglia |
Temporal coverage | 2007 - 2012 |
Date of data production | 2007 - 2012 |
Geographical coverage | Europe |