The MASSMO 4 dataset DOI includes data collected by 6 submarine gliders (National Oceanography Centre and University of East Anglia (UEA) assets) and 1 waveglider (Waimea). The dataset includes recovery versions of data downloaded from the all gliders with no quality assurance applied and fully quality controlled data for the gliders that were operated by UEA. No quality control procedures have been applied to waveglider data. Parameters observed include, temperature, salinity, chlorophyll fluorescence, optical backscatter, and oxygen. The dataset was collected within the UK sector of the Faroe-Shetland Channel, focussing on the outer shelf and upper shelf. The work area had a bounding box of 58-62 degrees north and 2-9 degrees west. The MASSMO 4 campaign was run between 1st June 2017 until 7th June 2017 while platforms were deployed they were collecting data continuously. The dataset was collected using a mixture of three autonomous surface vehicles and eight submarine gliders. Glider sensor suites included CTD, bio-optics, oxygen optodes, and passive acoustic sensors. Additionally the surface vehicles were equipped with meteorological sensors and cameras. Waveglider data are in raw csv format. Data that has been quality controlled are in Matlab .mat formats with PDF reports on data quality. The raw csv data from Slocum gliders are in ASCII fomat documented at The mission comprised a range of oceanographic data collection, but had a particular focus on passive acoustic monitoring of marine mammals and oceanographic features, and included development of near-real-time data delivery to operational data users. Passive acoustic data, video data, turbulence data, image data, and raw binary versions of glider data are available upon request. MASSMO 4 was co-ordinated by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) in partnership with University of East Anglia (UEA), Plymouth Marine Laboratory (PML) and Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS). The mission was sponsored by Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) and involved close co-operation with the NATO Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation (CMRE) and UK Royal Navy, and was supported by several additional commercial, government and research partners.
Date made available | 2019 |
Publisher | British Oceanographic Data Centre - Natural Environment Research Council, UK |
Temporal coverage | 1 Jun 2017 - 7 Jun 2017 |