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ACAA Seminar on British Values
Lee Jarvis (Participant), Eylem Atakav (Participant) & Lee Marsden (Participant)
- Profile named as Top 5% by 30-Day Views in September 2014
Markus Wohlfeil (Participant)
Impact: Other Impacts
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Anna Sewell and Black Beauty: Local Histories and Global Legacies
Thomas Ruys Smith (Participant) & Hilary Emmett (Participant)
Assuring quality through translation revision
Joanna Drugan (Participant) & Angelika Vaasa (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impacts, Economic Impacts
British [Muslim] Values film screening.
Lee Jarvis (Participant), Lee Marsden (Participant) & Eylem Atakav (Participant)
Cessation of routine night-time splinting following Dupuytren's contracture release
Christina Jerosch-Herold (Participant)
Impact: Other Impacts
Challenging economic assumptions based on the assumed value of private ownership and property
Catherine Rowett (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impacts
Changing Rhythms: Influencing the Form and Content of Festivals (REF21 Impact Case Study)
George McKay (Participant), Emma Webster (Participant) & Elizabeth Bennett (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impacts
Conservation of the Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis)
David Richardson (Participant)
Impact: Other Impacts
Contributing author to a White Paper prepared by UNESCO-ICOMOS-IPCC on the topic of Climate Change Impacts to Global Heritage
Joanne Clarke (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impacts
Enabling the precautionary principle to achieve wider public use, in a more tenable form
Rupert Read (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impacts
European Commission translation quality management policy review
Joanna Drugan (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impacts, Economic Impacts
Evaluation of impact teaching materials at Liceo Scientifico Pitagora, Rende, Italy
Davide Rizza (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impacts
Evaluation of teaching materials at Liceo Scientifico di S.Giovanni in Fiore, Cosenza, Italy
Davide Rizza (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impacts
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Global Research Translation Award
Nitya Rao (Participant)
Impact: Social Impacts, Public policy Impacts
Impact of COVID-19 on the socioeconomic inequality in mental health in the UK
Apostolos Davillas (Participant)
Impact: Quality of life Impacts
Impact of public engagement in olfactory disorders
Carl Philpott (Participant)
Impact: Quality of life Impacts
Improving international advocacy for media freedom (impact case study)
Martin Scott (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impacts
Independent Review of the UK's Prevent Strategy
Lee Jarvis (Participant), Eylem Atakav (Participant), Lee Marsden (Participant) & Michael Lister (Participant)
Inter-governmental Panel for Climate Change, Assessment Report 6, Working Group 2
Joanne Clarke (Participant)
Impact: Economic Impacts, Cultural Impacts, Public policy Impacts, Quality of life Impacts, Social Impacts
Invited submission to the Independent Commission on UK Counter-Terrorism, Law, Policy and Practice
Lee Jarvis (Participant) & Tim Legrand (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impacts
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Invited to extend policy discussion from Klusak et al. (2021) into a paper for NIESR.
Patrycja Klusak (Participant)
Late pregnancy ultrasound screening for Breech
Edward Wilson (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impacts
Making humanitarian aid allocations fairer (impact case study)
Martin Scott (Participant)
Impact: Public policy Impacts
Museu Indigena Ulupuwene
Aristoteles Barcelos Neto (Participant), Autaki Waura (Participant), Patricia Rodigues-Niu (Participant), Wajamani Waura (Participant) & Mafalda Ramos (Participant)
Impact: Cultural Impacts