Global Research Translation Award

Impact: Social Impacts, Public policy Impacts

Description of impact

Sustainable food systems in India

Who is affected

Rural communities, especially women, youth and children


To address food & nutrition security alongside gender equality in the poorest regions of India through systematic & sustainable upscaling of small-scale innovations on the ground (SUSTAINABLE FOOD SYSTEMS). We aim to create a proof of concept for using community-led knowledge and information platforms, drawing on multiple perspectives and knowledges on food and nutrition security, in particular, those of women, often non-literate, and youth, to develop appropriate solutions and strategies for achieving the goals of food and nutrition security alongside gender equality. It is a corollary of the ongoing GCRF capacity-building award entitled ‘Transforming India’s Green Revolution by Research and Empowerment for Sustainable Food Supplies (TIGR2ESS). The subproject will work with regional collaborators, namely, Pradan (NGO), Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences, KISS (University) and Gram Vaani, a social enterprise, in India. The goal of this project is to address the health and nutritional wellbeing and empowerment of rural and urban communities, especially women and children, by producing and exchanging relevant and contextual knowledge and practices through face-to-face and virtual platforms. Our approach combines community participation and public pressure (relevance & intensity of opinion) with political will and bureaucratic response (salience) to put in place funds and human resources for more effective implementation of larger programmes for nutrition and food security.
Impact statusIn preparation
Impact date1 Oct 201931 Mar 2021
Category of impactSocial Impacts, Public policy Impacts
Impact levelEngagement


  • food and nutrition security
  • gender equallity