Late pregnancy ultrasound screening for Breech

  • Edward Wilson (Participant)

Impact: Public policy Impacts

Description of impact

Paper published in PLoS Medicine. Extensive Media coverage. Reached desk of Simon Stevens (NHS England Chief Exec), contact made with Chief Investigator of project. Potential for policy change to introduce midwife-based positioning scan in late pregnancy to reduce the incidence of undetected breech and hence emergency C-section. Estimated will prevent 7-8 neonatal fatalities pa in England.

Parliamentary written question asked 8/5/19

Clarification requested 3/6/19

Channel 4 - Tory leadership debates. Demonic Raab cites 3rd trimester scans for breech as a policy commitment.

Who is affected

All pregnant mothers in England.
Impact statusIn preparation
Impact date2019
Category of impactPublic policy Impacts
Impact levelAdoption