Who is affected

Secondary Mathematics Teachers


MathTASK (Transforming Aspirations of Mathematics Teachers into Strategies in Context, https://www.uea.ac.uk/education/research/areas/mathematics-education/our-research/mathtask_homepage) is a collaborative research and development programme on secondary mathematics teachers’ knowledge and beliefs and the transformation of these knowledge and beliefs into pedagogical practices.
In the MathTASK, in order to explore teacher knowledge in situation-specific contexts, we engage secondary mathematics teachers with classroom situations (Tasks) which: are hypothetical but grounded on learning and teaching issues that previous research and experience have highlighted as seminal; are likely to occur in actual practice; have purpose and utility; and, can be used both in (pre- and in-service) teacher education and research through generating access to teachers’ views and intended practices. So far, teacher responses in these Tasks, joined with post-Task individual semi-structured interviews, have allowed us to access a range of teacher knowledge and beliefs (epistemological and pedagogical). This programme was launched in 2005 in collaboration with Elena Nardi (UEA) and Theodossios Zachariades (University of Athens) and so far, seven mathematics educators from the UK, Greece and Brazil have been involved. The research we have conducted – and we anticipate to conduct in the following years – is divided in four strands: (1) mathematical thinking (e.g. pedagogical and didactical practices in relation to the teaching of specific mathematical topics); (2) classroom management and mathematics learning (e.g. interference of the classroom management with the learning of mathematics); (3) CAPTeaM: disability and inclusion in the mathematics classroom (e.g. deaf and blind students strategies in dealing with mathematical problems); and (4) the use of technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. Especially CAPTeaM project (http://www.uea.ac.uk/capteam) has been supported the British Academy (International Partnership and Mobility Grant, IPM2014-1Y and IPM2016-3Y).
Impact statusOpen