Projects per year
- 150 - 200 out of 2,114 results
Search results
Patient safety in health care professional educational curricula : examining the learning experience
Howe, A., Lindqvist, S., Pearson, P., Robinson, J. & Wright, D.
NIHR Patient Safety Research Programme
1/04/06 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
What are the information needs of patients with primary systemic vasculitis? Development of an educational programme
Watts, R. & Macgregor, A.
1/04/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
The Economics of Cystic Fibrosis Care in the Eastern Region of the UK
Jarrett, J. & Mugford, M.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/01/07 → 31/12/09
Project: Research
NIHR FSF Funding application to fund Rose Davidson
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/11/09 → 31/01/10
Project: Research
Developing a research framework to underpin the productive ward programme
Kelly, D.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/02/09 → 31/01/10
Project: Fellowship
Exploring the ability of lay workers to support health-related behaviour change in deprived areas through Heart of Mersey
Harvey, I., Bower (Manchester), P., Capewell (Liverpool), S., Edwards (Manchester), P. R., Gabbay (Liverpool), M., Harrison (Manchester), R., Heller (Manchester), R., Kennedy (Liverpool), L., Lloyd-Williams (Liverpool), F. & Mugford, M.
1/07/08 → 14/02/10
Project: Research
Economic Evaluation of Pharmacy Practice Seminar Series
Sach, T., Elliott, R. & Wright, D.
Economic and Social Research Council
21/02/08 → 20/02/10
Project: Research
The influence of Lactobacillus casei Shirota on anxiety and depression in patients with IBS
Lambert, R.
1/02/09 → 28/02/10
Project: Research
Developments in the Safe Ground family man programme and the Safe Ground Network during 2007-8: an independent review
Poland, F. & Boswell, G.
30/04/08 → 28/02/10
Project: Research
Economics of Chronic Pain - Phd Studentship
Robinson, A.
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
1/01/06 → 28/02/10
Project: Training
Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust
2/03/09 → 28/02/10
Project: Research
A systematic review of the effects of climate change on food within the remit of the Food Standards Agency. (Climate change & food)
Lake, I., Bentham, G., Fairweather-Tait, S., Hooper, L., Hulme, M. & Hunter, P.
13/07/09 → 28/02/10
Project: Research
New genetic diagnostic technologies of consanguineous families at risk of recessive genetic disease
Sach, T. & Taylor, G.
1/10/08 → 18/03/10
Project: Research
An exploratory study of mental health nurses' contribution to improving the physical health of people with severe mental health problems
Gray, R.
1/04/09 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
R&D Research Funding (NNUH)
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/12/09 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
DeNDRoN Research Network Flexibility & Sustainability Funding
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/09/09 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
NIHR Flexibility & Sustainability Funding (Toby Smith)
Cross, J. & Smith, T.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/04/09 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
Research Capacity Building in Nursing, Midwifery and Professions Allied to Medicine
Moore, J. & Crozier, K.
James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
14/01/08 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
UEA/NHS Health Economics Support Programme (HESP) - Cambridge
Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Public Health Network
1/04/03 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
Application for R&D Research Funding (NNUH) - TIPAC (Andrew Wilson)
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/01/09 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
A Mixed method investigation into the information needs of people with Parkinson's Disease at diagnosis: Phase 1 of a research programme
Salter, C. & Worth, P.
1/06/09 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
Enzymes in painful tendon - a potential target for therapy?
Riley, G.
H B Allen Charitable Trust (The)
1/04/07 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
HEALTHY-WATER: Assessment of human health impacts from emerging microbial pathogens in drinking water by molecular and epidemiological studies
Hunter, P., Bosch (Barcelona), A., Christen (UNICE), R., Courtois (SUEZ), S., Figueras (URV), M., Hofle (German Res. Cen. for Biotec), M., Kasimir (Hydra), G., Lake, I., Torokne (NIEH), A. & Tyler, K.
1/10/06 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
FSF Funding (Orla Jupp)
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/01/10 → 30/04/10
Project: Research
Integrin a7 as potential therapeutic target for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
French Muscular Dystrophy Association
1/05/09 → 30/04/10
Project: Research
RC double-blind trial of nasopharyngeal mupirocin or parental co-amoxiclav, or the combination, in prevention of infections associated with percutaneous endoscvopic gastrostomy
Beales, I., Fellows (N & N), I. & McGovern (N & N), J.
1/06/04 → 31/05/10
Project: Research
The role and function of MMP-23 in chronic tendinopathy
Riley, G. & Clark, I.
1/04/07 → 31/05/10
Project: Research
Screening of TolC transporter mutants by phenotype microarray technology
Fanutti, C.
John & Pamela Salter Charitable Trust (The)
1/06/08 → 31/05/10
Project: Research
A national evaluation of early intervention for psychosis services: DUP service engagement and outcome (The national EDEN project)
Fowler, D., Amos, T., Birchwood, M., Bryan, S., Harrison, G., Jones (Cambridge), P., Lester, H., Lewis, S. & Marshall, M.
1/01/05 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
Interaction of ficolin-opsonized fungi with phagocytes
Schelenz, S. & Sexton, D.
John & Pamela Salter Charitable Trust (The)
1/07/09 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
Policy Options for NCD Prevention and Control in China ($130,000)
10/01/10 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
The impact of language and cognition on compliance during a natural disaster
Hunter, P. & Rundblad (KCL), G.
1/09/08 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
An investigation into the effectiveness of Lycra pressure garments in the management of movement control problems caused by cerebellar ataxia
Watson, M., Mares, K., Mcarthur, M. & Worth, P.
1/01/07 → 30/06/10
Project: Research