Projects per year
- 350 - 400 out of 2,114 results
Search results
DeNDRon East Anglia Research Network Flexibility and Sustainability Funding
National Institute for Health and Care Research
22/01/12 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Review of the current monitoring to support the position on E Coli O157
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
13/08/10 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Preoperative education for colorectal surgery patients (PREPARE)
Spalding, N., McCulloch (NNUH), J., Poland, F., Sargen, K. & Vicary (PPIRes), P.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/03/09 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Tender to Provide Education Research Support for the Multi-Professional Deanery in the East of England
Leinster, S., Grant, J. & Robinson, J.
East of England Strategic Health Authority
1/01/10 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
NHS Norfolk - Telemedicine,& Adaptive, & Assistive Technology Project
Norfolk Primary Care NHS Trust
18/03/09 → 31/03/12
Project: Other
Literature search and review related to specific preparatory work in the establishment of Dietary Reference Values (LOT 2 & 3)
Fairweather-Tait, S., Collings, R., Harvey, L. & Hooper, L.
European Food Safety Authority
1/03/11 → 28/04/12
Project: Research
Integrin a7 in satellite cell activation and muscle regeneration
French Muscular Dystrophy Association
1/01/11 → 30/04/12
Project: Research
Targeted delivery of near-infrared activated nanomedicines for breast cancer therapy
1/07/10 → 31/05/12
Project: Research
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
1/09/11 → 31/05/12
Project: Research
The functional characterisation of specific novel metalloproteinases in degenerative tendinopathy
Riley, G.
1/03/07 → 30/06/12
Project: Fellowship
EURRECA: Network of Excellence
Fairweather-Tait, S., Cassidy, A., Harvey, L. & Hooper, L.
1/01/07 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
The Alcohol Care Team Project
Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust
1/10/11 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
A new approach to target abnormal chondrocyte growth in osteoarthritis and the aging joint
Chantry, A., Clark, I. & Hemmings, A.
1/07/10 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Norfolk & Suffolk CLRN Flexibilty & Sustainability Funding (Leanne Miller)
Jerosch-Herold, C. & Miller, L.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/01/12 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Will a dedicated service improve medicine administration in older persons with dysphagia
Wright, D., Farrow, C., Fleetcroft, R., Holland, R., Kelly, J., McKimm, A. & Sach, T.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/08/09 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Characterisation of tomato short RNAs involved in fruit development
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
5/01/09 → 4/07/12
Project: Research
Investigating the potential impact of food processing, storage and human metabolism on the cardiovascular bioactivity of common food-based phytochemicals such as flavonoids found in juice, tea and coffee
Kay, C.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
28/05/12 → 20/07/12
Project: Research
The development of health economics teaching in the UK from a course directors perspective: A qualitative study
Sach, T., Frew, E. & Lorgelly, P.
1/08/08 → 31/07/12
Project: Research
The role of AR gene amplification in prostate cancer progression and treatment
Association for International Cancer Research
14/11/11 → 31/07/12
Project: Research
Next Generation Tests for the Detection of Latent Tuberculosis Infection
Abubakar, I.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/12/11 → 31/07/12
Project: Fellowship
A preliminary comparison of acute mental health inpatient wards which use Patient Engagement Time, with other wards delivering standard care alone
Gray, R., Gilburt (KCL), H., Johnson (UCL), S., Lloyd Evans (UCL), B., Morant (Cambridge), N., Nolan (UCL), F. & Simpson (City Uni London), A.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/06/10 → 14/08/12
Project: Research
Optimising Team Functioning, Preventing Relapse and Enhancing Recovery in Crisis Resolution Teams: The CORE Programme (CRT Optimisation and RElapse prevention)
Gray, R., Faulkner (Freelance), A., Henderson (Inst of Psychiatry), C., Johnson (UCL), S., Lloyd-Evans (UCL), B., Mason (N E London NHS), O., Morant (Cambridge), N., Morris (UCL), S., Nolan (UCL), F., Onyett (Care Services Imp Pship), S., Osborn (Camden & Islingtn NHS), D., Pilling (UCL), S., Wallace (Camden & Islingtn NHS), W. & Weaver (Imperial College), T.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/04/11 → 14/08/12
Project: Research
Looked after children and offending: identifying risk and protective factors
Schofield, G., Dodsworth, J., Parnell, R., Scaife, V., Stone, N. & Ward, E.
1/03/10 → 20/09/12
Project: Research
Cellular response of tendon to machanical load
Riley, G.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/05/12 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
STaRLab Modernisation Project
Pomeroy, V., Clarke, C. & Kennedy, N.
1/10/11 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
To develop a mandatory treatment escalation form as an alternative to the DNAR
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/06/11 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
Is Dysregulation of MMP's linked to aggressive behaviour of cutaenous melanaoma in the elderly
Kim, J.
Norfolk & Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
25/10/10 → 25/10/12
Project: Research
A systematic review of screening for dementia in the older population
1/11/10 → 30/10/12
Project: Research
Is 111 the Answer? The Organisational and Workforce Implications of the Introduction of a Single Point Access for Urgent (Non-Emergency) Care in England
Lattimer, V., Halford (Southampton), S., Jones (Southampton), J., May (Newcastle), C., Pope (Southampton), C., Prichard (Southampton), J. & Turnbull (Southampton), J.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/08/11 → 31/10/12
Project: Research
The effect of strain on human tendon
Legerlotz, K. & Riley, G.
John & Pamela Salter Charitable Trust (The)
1/11/11 → 31/10/12
Project: Research
A combined engineering and molecular approach to study the initiation and progression of tendinopathy
Riley, G., Donell, S. & Screen, H.
12/01/09 → 31/10/12
Project: Research