Projects per year
- 300 - 350 out of 1,312 results
Search results
Member of the SSSA (South Sudan Seed System Security Assessment) Team in Eastern Kenya
McGuire, S.
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
10/09/11 → 10/11/11
Project: Other
A longitudinal study of the influence of peer and teacher climates in physical education
1/08/10 → 30/11/11
Project: Research
A Strategic Approach to Climate Change in the Context of Water Resource Management in the Niger River Basin
Goulden, M. & Few, R.
1/11/10 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Carbon Benefits : measurement, monitoring and modelling
Mcdonagh, J., Lu, Y. & Stocking (Consultant), M.
8/02/09 → 31/12/11
Project: Other
PQ Lecturer in Childcare at UEA - Cambridgeshire County Council Children's Services
14/01/11 → 13/01/12
Project: Other
A needs analysis of looked after children and those on the edge of care or custody and their families
Sellick, C. & Bailey, S.
Suffolk County Council Social Services
1/09/11 → 31/01/12
Project: Research
Piloting Local Decision-Making in the Development of a REDD+ Compliant Benefit Distribution System for Vietnam
Sikor, T.
United National Development Programme (UNDP)
17/10/11 → 15/03/12
Project: Other
Rural Innovation Panel - Business Lifestyles/Dragon's Den (Interreg)
Tzokas, N. & Al-Dajani, H.
European Regional Development Fund
18/05/10 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Professorial fellowship: Resilient development in social ecological systems
Brown, K.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/01/09 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Future Agricultures Consortium Mid-Term Review
Department for International Development
2/09/11 → 31/03/12
Project: Other
Review of the current monitoring to support the position on E Coli O157
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
13/08/10 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
Price Dynamics in Food Retailing in Great Britain
Dobson, P., Chakraborty, R., Seaton, J. & Waterson, M.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/07/10 → 31/03/12
Project: Research
The Impact of the Libyan Civil Ward on Two Neighbouring Polities - Mali and Niger
Guichaoua, Y.
7/03/12 → 11/04/12
Project: Other
Value for Money Assessment on the Productive Safety Net Programme (PSNP2)
White, P. & Ellis, F.
Department for International Development
13/02/12 → 12/04/12
Project: Other
Research into Social Assistance Needs of Poor and Vulnerable Elderly Persons
Australian Agency for International Development
16/01/12 → 27/04/12
Project: Research
Biennial Review of Serious Case Reviews 2009 - 2011
Brandon, M. & Sidebotham (Warwick), P.
1/12/10 → 31/05/12
Project: Research
Creation & Evaluation of 3D Virtual GIS Tools for the SURF Gaywood Valley Project
Lovett, A., Hiscock, K. & Turner, J.
1/09/10 → 31/05/12
Project: Research
Integrating Forest Conservation and Food Security in Upland Burma (Myanmar) - Scoping Award
1/06/12 → 8/06/12
Project: Research
Families on the edge of care proceedings: the operation and impact of pre-proceedings processes in children's social care.
Dickens, J. & Masson, J.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/04/10 → 30/06/12
Project: Research
Suffolk Youth Offending Service health Needs Assessment Follow Up
Scaife, V., Schofield, G. & Walsh, J.
Suffolk County Council Social Services
29/03/12 → 12/07/12
Project: Research
Organisation of three sets of Executive Training on Climate Change for the African Development Bank's Senior Management
Few, R., Brooks, N., Byrne (Sussex Energy Group), R., Ockwell (Sussex Energy Group), D. & Schroeder, H.
13/07/11 → 12/07/12
Project: Other
Complaints, content regulation and media convergence in the UK
Mac Sithigh, D.
1/08/11 → 31/07/12
Project: Research
Examination of Neglect in Serious Case Reviews
NSPCC (The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
1/03/12 → 31/07/12
Project: Research
Chinese Competition and the Restructuring of South Africa Manufacturing
Economic and Social Research Council
15/06/11 → 14/08/12
Project: Research
Regional Interpretation of the Foresight Report on Migration and Global Environmental Change for the Middle East and North Africa
Zeitoun, M.
1/03/12 → 23/08/12
Project: Other
City Solicitor's Educational Trust Lectureship in Property Law
City Solicitor's Educational Trust (The)
1/09/09 → 31/08/12
Project: Other
Looked after children and offending: identifying risk and protective factors
Schofield, G., Dodsworth, J., Parnell, R., Scaife, V., Stone, N. & Ward, E.
1/03/10 → 20/09/12
Project: Research
Improving Coastal Livelihoods in Equatorial Guinea: Appraisal of Fish Resources in Support of the Design of a Coastal Resources Management Programme
Hellebrandt Da Silva, D.
30/03/12 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
Art Made Man through Art Therapies and Handicraft - GRUNDTVIG
Al-Dajani, H. & Spada, P.
1/10/10 → 30/09/12
Project: Training
Strengthening the EU Disaster Management Capacity: good practices on disaster prevention
10/02/11 → 30/09/12
Project: Other
ReDirect: Reconciling Biodiversity and Development Through Direct Payments for Conservation - Rwanda
Martin, A., Kebede, B. & McGuire, S.
1/07/08 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
Landskills East - Establish Rural Skills Programme (Renewable Energy Exhibition & Seminar)
1/04/09 → 30/09/12
Project: Training
ECRAN (Europe China Research Advice Network) Research on China's Food Security: challenges and responses in global context
Norse (Consultant), D., Huang (Centre for Chinese Agri..), J. & Lu, Y.
3/07/12 → 15/10/12
Project: Research