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- 1,300 - 1,312 out of 1,312 results
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Making Research Count - Open University - 2003/2008
Mcdonald, A. & Bailey, S.
1/04/03 → 31/03/08
Project: Research
Making Research Count - Salford University - 2003/2008
Mcdonald, A. & Bailey, S.
1/04/03 → 31/03/08
Project: Research
CSERGE Centre for Environmental Decision Making
Turner, K., Bateman, I., Day, B., Jones, A., Jordan, A., Lovett, A. & Sugden, R.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/10/01 → 30/09/07
Project: Research
Making Research Count - Essex County Council - 2001/2008
Mcdonald, A. & Bailey, S.
1/04/01 → 31/03/08
Project: Research
Globalisation, Production and Poverty: Macro, Meso and Micro Level Studies
Thoburn, J., Jenkins, R., Sen, K. & Dolan, C.
Department for International Development
1/01/00 → 31/12/03
Project: Research
Industrial Subcontracting: A Comparative Study of the U.K. and Japan
Thoburn, J.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/08/91 → 31/07/92
Project: Research
Industrial Cooperation between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta Region in China
Thoburn, J.
1/01/87 → 31/12/88
Project: Research
The World Tin Industry and Policy Options for Producing Countries
Thoburn, J.
Department for International Development
1/07/78 → 31/12/80
Project: Research
Appropriate Technology: Lessons from Malaysian Tin Mining
Thoburn, J.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/08/74 → 31/07/75
Project: Research
Export Expansion and Economic Development in Malaysia
Thoburn, J.
Ministry of Overseas Development
1/08/69 → 31/07/71
Project: Research
Challenging and extending predictive coding as an account of brain function
FitzGerald, T.
1/01/19 → 20/04/23
Project: Research