Projects per year
Search results
Extension and improvement of the digital servitization 'SME self-assessment toolkit'
5/11/24 → 28/02/25
Project: Research
The University of East Anglia and The AF Group Limited KTP 23_24 R1
Fearne, A. & Malagueno de Santana, R.
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
The University of East Anglia and The AF Group Limited KTP 23_24 R1
Fearne, A. & Malagueno de Santana, R.
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Seaweed in East Anglia (SEA) project
Harrington, T., Malin, G., Matthewman, C. & Qi, S.
1/04/23 → 29/02/24
Project: Research
Business Model Innovation and Digital Servitization in UK Manufacturing Small and Medium Enterprises
28/11/22 → 27/07/23
Project: Research
Addressing Interdisciplinary challenges through Raman Microscopy - a new facility for UEA
Lettice, F., Alexander, M., Askounis, A., Baker, A., Cammidge, A., Chao, Y., Fabian, L., Fielden, J., Hernaez, M., Hui, O., Kaplani, E., Khimyak, Y., Liss, P., Lord, R., Marin, M. J., Mayes, A., Melendi-Espina, S., Nolte, S., Romanov, A., Saeed, A., Sobolewski, A., Tolhurst, T. & Wright, J.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
6/11/20 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Aurora Alliance
Bowen, F., Avila-Merino, A., Barrow, S., Bernal, P., Chalvatzis, K., Cole, A., Fincham, G., Gillespie, H., Harvey, R., Sanderson, K. & Yeoman, K.
1/11/20 → 31/10/23
Project: Other
Transforming Food Production
Fearne, A., Dorling, S., Heppleston, A. & Minihane, A.
12/10/20 → 11/11/20
Project: Research
Concrete solution dRaining for the CLimate and Environment (CIRCLE)
Chalvatzis, K. & Botelho, T.
European Regional Development Fund
1/10/20 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Smart Environments Research Facility
Aung, M. H., Bagnall, T., Buckley, O., Cawley, G., Day, A., De La Iglesia, B., Finlayson, G., Harvey, R., Huber, K., Kulinskaya, E., Laycock, S., Lines, J., Mackiewicz, M., Milner, B., Moulton, V., Parr, G., Ren, E. & Wang, W.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
10/01/20 → 8/07/22
Project: Research
Meeting the SDGs: creating innovative infrastructures and policy solutions to support sustainable development in Global South communities (GS-DEV).
Cornea, C., Jere, C., Mayes, A., McNeil, J., Minns, A., Qi, S., Rao, N., Robinson-Pant, A., McDonagh, T., Millora, C. & Smith, A.
1/10/19 → 30/09/21
Project: Research
The Sourcing, Interpretation and Presentation of Market Intelligence to Food Producers in Northern Ireland
1/09/19 → 31/08/22
Project: Research
Gas chromatography-mass-spectrometry and fluorescence facilities
Lettice, F., Fielden, J., Marin, M. J., Munoz-Herranz, M. P., Sachdeva, A., Storr, T., Waller, Z., Wildgoose, G. & Wright, J.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/10/18 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
The Internet of Food Things
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
14/05/18 → 30/04/22
Project: Research
TIGR2ESS - RCUK Collective Call (BBSRC) - Cambridge-led
Griffiths, H., Rao, N., Bentley, A., Doubleday, R., Fennell, S., Harrington, T., Heuer, S., Hibberd, J., Jones, M., Lawson, T., Petrie, C., Ray, S., Smith, L., Srai, J., Uauy, C., Vira, B. & Yadav, G.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
1/10/17 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
Benchmarking Exeter Data Research Project
Chief Fire Officers Association
1/10/16 → 30/11/17
Project: Research
Intelligent Community Energy
Chalvatzis, K., Morin, H., Bazin, J., Connor, P., Daniels, K., Eib, C., Gallo, A., Iglesias, G., Lettice, F., Markellos, R., Mishra, N., Monbet, P., Portal-Sellin, R., Powell, S., Tregaskis, O. & Zhang, M.
European Regional Development Fund
29/06/16 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Regionalising adoption in Yorkshire and Humberside: a research project
Neil, B., Cornford, J. & Young, J.
1/05/16 → 30/04/17
Project: Research
Can a market based approach to emission control reform the power sector and mitigate regional socio-economic disparities in China?
Chalvatzis, K.
1/04/16 → 31/03/17
Project: Research
Trust makers, breakers and brokers: building trust in the food system on the island of Ireland
Fearne, A., Calnan, M., McCarthy, M. & O'Reilly, S.
1/09/15 → 30/11/16
Project: Research
LOKA - High Street and Merchant Loyalty Service
Lettice, F., Tricker, G., Korfiatis, N. & Stamolampros, P.
1/08/15 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Technology Innovation for the Local Scale, Optimum Integration of Battery Energy Storage
Chalvatzis, K., Kaldellis, J., Bell, E., Daniels, K., Dobson, P., Finegan, A., Garyfalakis, S., Haack, D., Hahndorf, I., Hargreaves, T., Lettice, F., Magnor, D., Mantzaris, N., Markellos, R., Merten, J., Notton, G., Ortiz, B., Patsaka, T., Suarez, S. & Vona, M.
1/02/15 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
Sync The City
Lettice, F. & Zhang, M.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/11/14 → 30/11/14
Project: Research
Smart Data Analytics for Business and Local Government
Hancock, R., Sena, V., Coakley, J., Cornford, J., De La Iglesia, B., Fasli, M., Fearne, A., Forder, J., Harwood, A., Hviid, M., Jones, A., Kulinskaya, E., Laurie, H., Lovett, A., Schofield, G., Appleton, K., Morciano, M. & Sunnenberg, G.
Economic and Social Research Council
31/01/14 → 31/10/20
Project: Research
Impact of research and innovation networks on regional competitiveness: The role of HEIs
Lettice, F., Boden, R. & Howells, J.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/03/07 → 30/06/09
Project: Research