Organisation profile

Organisation profile

This group seeks to gather those colleagues from across the Faculty interested in exploring the dialogue between the verbal and the visual, word and image, poetry and art. This might pertain to works that explicitly involve both kinds of language, from medieval manuscripts, to works of literary illustration and ekphrastic writing, to recent forms of conceptual art and concrete poetry. Equally, though, it might relate to more formal or structural kinds of correspondence: between the devices of poetry and of visual art, for example, or the means of literary and art historical kinds of analysis. Of course words take visual form and images are in some ways always ‘read’, but the transactions between these different modes of sense-making (and unmaking) provide much food for thought. In a contemporary world increasingly saturated by consumable images and rapid, instrumental forms of writing, the pleasure and value of holding up and turning over these different forms of language seems all the more necessary. The group might be especially attractive to those working in literature, theory and philosophy, art practice, film, and visual culture, as well as art history.

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