Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Research in Patient Care and Pharmacy Practice cluster is supported by several important multi-institutional grants such as NIHR (Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Service (CHIPPS) and recently awarded CompreHensive geriAtRician-led MEdication Review (CHARMER) spanning across different faculties at UEA, other UK institutions and NNUH). The cluster’s work also includes considerable training initiatives, including Pre-registration Trainee Pharmacist Programme (ca. £1M) funded by High-Education East of England.  


  • Twigg, along with the international team of researchers, identified patterns of medications use in pregnancy from a multinational perspective, with emphasis on type of medication utilised and indication for use. 
  • Bhattacharya and Scott used behavioural determinants and their associated intervention components to develop a hospital deprescribing implementation framework (hDIF). Intervention components should be selected from the hDIF to provide a theory and evidence-based intervention tailored to hospital contexts. 
  • Considerable training activity (for Health Care professionals, pharmacists) and teaching innovations are developed within a grouping “Innovations in Pharmacy Education”. 

This cluster is led by Prof Debi Bhattacharya and Prof David Wright

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