Organisation profile

Organisation profile

Established in 2003, the RME Group is a growing and vibrant community of researchers in mathematics education with a range of research interests across educational levels (primary, secondary and tertiary), and expertise in a variety of research approaches.


The Group was established following the successful hosting of PME26, the 26th Annual Conference of the International Group for Psychology in Mathematics Education in 2002.


RME Group research has been supported by the ESRC, the Nuffield Foundation, the British Academy, the Higher Education Academy, the Learning and Teaching Support Network, RCUK and several funders outside the UK (e.g. Canada, New Zealand and Norway). Collaborations in research and teaching with several EU countries have been supported by the Erasmus, Socrates and Comenius programmes.


Much of our research is conducted in close collaboration with UEA's School of Mathematics and other UEA Schools. Group members currently hold collaborations with mathematics education researchers from across the UK and abroad (such as Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Tunisia).

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or