Projects per year
- 350 - 400 out of 1,114 results
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Research Donation - Support for Robert Hawkes PhD
Breaking New Ground Partnership
13/03/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
POPsicle - Ice enrichment of chemical contaminants: A Laboratory Campaign
1/03/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Research
The Role of Facultative Methanotrophs in the Cycling of Natural Gas.
Murrell, C. & Crombie, A.
10/02/17 → 30/04/21
Project: Research
Application of stable- and 14C-radio isotopes to evidence metaldehyde biodegradation
Reid, B. & Bennett, K.
4/02/17 → 2/12/17
Project: Research
Effects of alternative management treatments on the use of grass heath plots by breeding stone-curlews, woodlarks and priority non-vertebrate species.
Dolman, P. & Hawkes, R.
1/02/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Mechanisms of evolutionary adaptation in marine microalgae under global change
1/02/17 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
Development of genome editing tools to improve biofuel properties in microalga.
15/01/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Training
Harnessing 'citizen science' to reinforce resilience to environmental disasters:creating an evidence base and community of practice
Barclay, J., Armijos Burneo, T., Armijos Burneo, T., Chilvers, J., Dorling, S., Foden, G., Haklay, M., Hicks, A., Mather, T., McMahon, W., Mee, K., Oven, K., Phillips, J., Pyle, D., Rosser, N. & Simmons, P.
Natural Environment Research Council
9/01/17 → 1/03/18
Project: Research
Foundations for climate resilient and sustainable growing settlements (U-RES)
Le Quéré, C., Clarke, J., Dawson, R., Dhakal, S., Tebboth, M., Tebboth, M., Wasonga, O. & Metcalfe, A.
Natural Environment Research Council
9/01/17 → 19/11/17
Project: Research
Unifying Perspectives on Atmosphere-Ocean Interactions during Cyclone Development.
1/01/17 → 30/06/20
Project: Research
Air pollution, pollen, asthma and hay fever and their interactive effect on cognitive development: environment & health date linkage feasibility study
Lake, I., Rodgers, S., Berridge, P., Davies, G., Doherty, R., Mavrogianni, A., Milojevic, A. & Wilkinson, P.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/01/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Readiness of ICOS for Necessities of integrated Global Observations (RINGO; Finland lead)
Bakker, D., Kutsch, W., Branco, V., Buchmann, N., Burns, I., Cerasoli, S., Chen, H., Davila, M., Gielen, B., Haszpra, L., Herbst, M., Johannessen, T., Levin, I., Mammarella, I., Michalopoulos, N., Nicolae, D., Noe, S., Olejnik, J., Osborne, B., Papale, D., Rinne, J., Sanders, R. & Sprtova, M.
1/01/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Understanding the role of Streptomyces bacteria in plant roots and rhizosphere
Hutchings, M., Murrell, C. & Osbourn, A.
1/12/16 → 30/11/17
Project: Research
Advanced Communities Infrastructure Funding - H2020 - Lead UPEC/IPSL (France)
Kaiser, J., Reeves, C. & France, J.
1/12/16 → 31/08/21
Project: Research
COP21: Results and Implications for Pathways and Policies for Low Emissions European Societies
Demailly, D., Rayner, T., Anger-Kraavi, A. & Jordan, A.
1/12/16 → 31/01/20
Project: Research
Bacterial Isoprene Metabolism: A Missing Link in a key Global Biogeochemical Cycle.
1/11/16 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Explosive Transformations: Cultural Resilience to Natural Hazard on St Vincent
McMahon, W., Armijos Burneo, T., Armijos Burneo, T., Barclay, J. & Armijos Burneo, T.
Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/11/16 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
Desperately Seeking Space for Nature: A spatial analysis of biodiversity in changing landscape
Badura, T.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/11/16 → 30/04/17
Project: Fellowship
Historical trajectories of SIDS
Barclay, J., Wilkinson, E., Few, R., Forster, J., Jowitt, C., Lorenzoni, I. & Woolhouse, G.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/11/16 → 2/02/18
Project: Research
Moving with Risk: forced displacement and vulnerability to hazards in Colombia
Few, R., Armijos Burneo, T., Barclay, J. & Marsh, H.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/11/16 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
EU Calculator: trade-offs and pathways towards sustainable and low-carbon European Societies.
Warren, R., Price, J. & Goswami, S.
1/11/16 → 29/02/20
Project: Research
Implications of the Paris Agreement for Biodiversity and Conservation Planning (IMPALA)
Natural Environment Research Council
31/10/16 → 30/10/17
Project: Research
Oxygen Flux Measurements as a New Tracer for the Carbon and Nitrogen Cycles in Terrestrial Ecosystems.
1/10/16 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
1/10/16 → 30/06/20
Project: Training
Spilling the beans on the densest water formed in the North Atlantic
Brearley, A., Renfrew, I. & Dye, S.
Centre for Environment, Fisheries & Aquaculture Science
1/10/16 → 30/09/20
Project: Training
AFIS - Atmospheric Forcing of the Iceland Sea
Bracegirdle, T., Renfrew, I., Cope, A., Lachlan-Cope, T., Elvidge, A. & Macdonald, A.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/10/16 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
PopSeqle: Software for Population Sequence data to Lower Errors
van Oosterhout, C., Etherington, G. & Palma, F.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
5/09/16 → 4/03/18
Project: Research
Robust Spatial Projections of Real-World Climate Change.
Collins, M., Joshi, M., Hawkins, E., Matthews, A., Tarling, G., Woollings, T., Wallace, C. & Harold, J.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/09/16 → 28/02/21
Project: Research
Iodide in the Ocean:Distribution and Impact on Iodine Flux and Ozone Loss.
Carpenter, L., Stevens, D., Jickells, T. & Wadley, M.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/09/16 → 29/02/20
Project: Research
Social Influence and Disruptive Low Carbon Innovations (SILCI)
Wilson, C. & Pettifor, H.
1/09/16 → 31/05/21
Project: Research
Limits to habitability under climate change
Le Quéré, C., Harpham, C., Lemke, B., kjellstrom, P. & Andrews, O.
1/09/16 → 20/11/17
Project: Research
2016 Undergraduate Year in Industry Placement - Norfolk County Council
11/07/16 → 14/07/17
Project: Training
Long range wireless devices for high-resolution monitoring of animal movement (Technology Proof of Concept)
Franco, A., Atkinson, P. W., Serra Acacio, M., Blomfield, D. & Griffin, N.
Natural Environment Research Council
25/06/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
European Floods Pilot Project - Draft 1
He, H., Dorling, S. & Manful, D.
1/06/16 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Closing The Global Methane Budget - NERC Highlight Topics - October 2015
Manning, A., Nisbet, E., Allen, G., Boesch, H., Chipperfield, M., Jones, A., Lewis, A., Palmer, P., Pyle, J., Reeves, C., Rigby, M., Sturges, B., Suntharalingam, P., Watson, A., Chen, Z., Forster, G., Newland, M., Pickers, P., Etchells, A., Hewitt, M. & Wilson, P.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/05/16 → 30/04/20
Project: Research
CCP Equity and justice in retail energy markets: current and future energy systems
Waddams, C., Fletcher, A., Hargreaves, T., Harker, M. & Deller, D.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/05/16 → 31/10/18
Project: Research
Interreg Europe - led by Forest Sciences Center of Catalonia
European Regional Development Fund
1/04/16 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
Effectiveness of landscape-scale deer management for future forest resilience
1/04/16 → 31/03/20
Project: Training
Navigating the Roadmap for Clean, Secure and Efficient Energy Innovation — SET-Nav
Farnleitner, A., Wilson, C., Egging, R., Everts, M., Fougeyrollas, A., Genoese, F., Huppman, D., Martellato, E., Midthun, K., Psarras, J., Ramos, A., Schaffner, C., Sensfuss, F. & Szabo, L.
1/04/16 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
NERC UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme, Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Research Programme and Greenhouse Gas Removal Research Programme - R8/H12/73 - Linked to: R16032 (Ocean Acidification Research Programme) and R21280 (Shelf Sea Biogeochemistry Research Programme)
Natural Environment Research Council
1/04/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Research