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DEV: Impact Evaluation Training Course (see also I205800)
International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
1/03/18 → 31/03/18
Project: Consultancy
Mexico's megalopolis as a model for the key role of watershed protection to sustainable cities.
Bell, D., Carrillo-Rivera, J., Few, R., González, L., Hoth, J., Lopez, J., Medrano, A. & Montes, A.
1/02/18 → 30/09/19
Project: Research
Caribbean hurricane report
Forster, J., Conlon, S., Shelton, C. & White, C.
8/01/18 → 31/07/18
Project: Consultancy
Accountability for gender equality in education: Critical perspectives on an indicator framework for the SDGs
Jere, C., Unterhalter, E. & Vaughan, R.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/01/18 → 31/05/21
Project: Research
Cholera, WASH and Climate Change
Lake, I., Few, R., Hunter, P., Bouzid, M. & Jones, N.
4/12/17 → 3/12/18
Project: Research
Lessons of diversity in Norfolk
Theuerkauf, U., Abranches, M., Scott, C., Tebboth, M. & White, C.
Economic and Social Research Council
4/11/17 → 4/11/17
Project: Other
International migration: experts and experience (ESRC Festival of Social Science)
Economic and Social Research Council
4/11/17 → 11/11/17
Project: Other
Parlimentary Academic Fellowship - Carole White
Economic and Social Research Council
1/11/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Fellowship
Netting the benefits for sustainable fisheries
Natural Environment Research Council
1/11/17 → 4/01/19
Project: Research
Impact Evaluation Training Course - March 2018 - see also U206587
Duvendack, M., Kebede, B. & Scott, C.
1/10/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Training
TIGR2ESS - RCUK Collective Call (BBSRC) - Cambridge-led
Griffiths, H., Rao, N., Bentley, A., Doubleday, R., Fennell, S., Harrington, T., Heuer, S., Hibberd, J., Jones, M., Lawson, T., Petrie, C., Ray, S., Smith, L., Srai, J., Uauy, C., Vira, B. & Yadav, G.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
1/10/17 → 31/03/22
Project: Research
Ecosystem Services in Sustainable Development – Short Course
Gross-Camp, N.
1/09/17 → 30/09/17
Project: Training
ESPA Book Chapter - Neil Dawson
Dawson, N., Coolsaet, B. & Martin, A.
Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation
4/08/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Increase Valorisation Sociale
Bika, Z., Miller, W., Adams, C., Brebisson, A., Caux, H., Ferreira Peralta, C., Lanning, R., Leblond, S., Moing, T. & Richard, C.
European Regional Development Fund
5/07/17 → 30/06/23
Project: Research
Comparative assessment and region-specific optimisation of GGR
Guan, D. & MacDowell, N.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/07/17 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
ESPA open access grant - Neil Dawson
Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation
20/06/17 → 20/07/17
Project: Other
Developing capacity to support the integration of environmental data into multidimensional poverty indicators for improved poverty measurement and alleviation
Gross-Camp, N. & Sandbrook, C.
Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation
5/06/17 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Feasibility of Afforestation and Biomass energy with carbon capture storage for Greenhouse Gas Removal (FAB GGR)
Vaughan, N., Bateman, I., Binner, A., Chilvers, J., Day, B., Forster, J., Friedlingstein, P., Gilbert, P., Gough, C., Harper, A., Hastings, A., Jordan, A., Lenton, T., Lorenzoni, I., Rayner, T. & Roeder, M.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/05/17 → 30/09/22
Project: Research
Global Water Scarcity: a case study on urban water crisis and its relation to businesses in China and UK
Guan, D. & Wang, H.
20/04/17 → 30/04/19
Project: Research
Study on the key points and difficulties on the green and low-carbon development of city under the paradigm of ecological civilization
Guan, D.
1/04/17 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
Exploring historic and contemporary migration in Norfolk - Maria Abranches, MUPI
31/03/17 → 30/12/17
Project: Other
Temporary migrants or new European citizens? Geographies of integration and response between ‘camps’ and the city
30/03/17 → 29/03/18
Project: Research
Impact Evaluation for Evidence-based Policy in Development Short Course 2017
27/03/17 → 7/04/17
Project: Training
Issues and Myths in Protected Area Conservation: Tradeoffs and Synergies (IMPACTS)
Martin, A., Woodhouse, E., Bedelian, C., Dawson, N., Gross-Camp, N., Homewood, K., Jones, J., Morgera, E. & Schreckenberg, K.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/03/17 → 28/02/18
Project: Research
Akenfield Now: a Suffolk community 50 years after Ronald Blythe's oral history
1/03/17 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
Interventions for Older People in Sub Saharan Africa
Economic and Social Research Council
31/01/17 → 31/12/18
Project: Research
Harnessing 'citizen science' to reinforce resilience to environmental disasters:creating an evidence base and community of practice
Barclay, J., Armijos Burneo, T., Armijos Burneo, T., Chilvers, J., Dorling, S., Foden, G., Haklay, M., Hicks, A., Mather, T., McMahon, W., Mee, K., Oven, K., Phillips, J., Pyle, D., Rosser, N. & Simmons, P.
Natural Environment Research Council
9/01/17 → 1/03/18
Project: Research
Foundations for climate resilient and sustainable growing settlements (U-RES)
Le Quéré, C., Clarke, J., Dawson, R., Dhakal, S., Tebboth, M., Tebboth, M., Wasonga, O. & Metcalfe, A.
Natural Environment Research Council
9/01/17 → 19/11/17
Project: Research
Global Ageing and Long-term NETwork
Evandrou, M. & Lloyd-Sherlock, P.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/01/17 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
Review of Payment by Results in DFID: establishing the evidence base
Department for International Development
12/12/16 → 30/04/17
Project: Research
Land-use intensification in forest-agriculture frontier landscapes: effects on ecosystem services and poverty alleviation (ESPA-Frontiers)
Martin, A., Corbera, E., Dawson, N., Fisher, J., Franks, P., Mertz, O., Pascual, U., Ryan, C. & Vang, L.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/12/16 → 31/12/17
Project: Research
Transnational Organised Crime and Translation (TOCAT): Improving police communication across languages
Drugan, J., Balogh, K., Innes, A. & Salaets, H.
Economic and Social Research Council
21/11/16 → 20/12/18
Project: Research
Moving with Risk: forced displacement and vulnerability to hazards in Colombia
Few, R., Armijos Burneo, T., Barclay, J. & Marsh, H.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/11/16 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
Explosive Transformations: Cultural Resilience to Natural Hazard on St Vincent
McMahon, W., Armijos Burneo, T., Armijos Burneo, T., Barclay, J. & Armijos Burneo, T.
Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/11/16 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
Historical trajectories of SIDS
Barclay, J., Wilkinson, E., Few, R., Forster, J., Jowitt, C., Lorenzoni, I. & Woolhouse, G.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/11/16 → 2/02/18
Project: Research
Increasing resilience to water-related risk in fruit and vegetable supply chains
Hess, T., Lankford, B. & Guan, D.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
1/10/16 → 31/07/20
Project: Research
Refugee and IDP participation in local markets in urban Uganda
Camfield, L. & Monteith, W.
International Institute for Environment and Development
16/09/16 → 28/02/17
Project: Research
Literature's lasting impression - what makes shared study of novels powerful?
1/09/16 → 31/08/17
Project: Research
Local Community Experiences of and Responses to Conflict-Induced Displacement from Syria: Views from Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey
Fiddian-Qasmiyeh, D., Stonebridge, L. & Rowlands, D.
Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/09/16 → 30/08/18
Project: Research
A Behavioural Economic Analysis of reproductive Health in Burkina Faso and Tanzania
D'Exelle, B., Filippi, V., Hansen, C., Ilboudo, P., Meda, N. & Tungodden, B.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/07/16 → 15/12/19
Project: Research
Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners Short Course 2016
Budds, J.
20/06/16 → 24/06/16
Project: Training
China Prosperity Fund (FCO) - Yuelai Lu
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
15/06/16 → 31/03/17
Project: Research