Projects per year
- 150 - 200 out of 463 results
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Impact Evaluation for Evidence-Based Policy in Development Short Course 2016
6/06/16 → 17/06/16
Project: Training
Forest Governance: Operationalising Equity and Justice in REDD+, PES and FLEGT
Sikor, T.
16/05/16 → 27/05/16
Project: Training
Hydropolitical Baseline of the Yarmouk River
Zeitoun, M.
Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation
1/04/16 → 31/10/17
Project: Research
Principles and tools in evaluating socioeconomic - environmental nexus in city developments
Guan, D., Edwards, G., Goulden, M., Mcdonagh, J., Schroeder, H. & Yu, X.
14/03/16 → 11/09/18
Project: Research
Quantitative analysis of an innovative results based aid pilot in the Ethiopian education system
Clist, P. & Afonso Roque Ferreira, I.
Department for International Development
16/02/16 → 31/07/16
Project: Research
REDEGN Stage 2
Sikor, T., Ali, N., Fisher, J., Mason, M. & Schroeder, H.
Economic and Social Research Council
30/01/16 → 30/11/17
Project: Research
Saving Forests, Changing Lives - Nicole Gross-Camp - Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
Gross-Camp, N., Martin, A. & Gross-Camp, N.
Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh
29/01/16 → 31/07/17
Project: Research
Rethinking Supranational Forest Governance in an Era of International Trade and Justice Politics (ProdJus)
Sikor, T., Acheampong, E., Hoang, C. & Maryudi, A.
Volkswagen Stiftung Foundation
1/01/16 → 30/09/18
Project: Research
N-CIRCLE: Virtual Joint Centre for Closed-Loop Cycling of Nitrogen in Chinese Agriculture
Lu, Y., Smith, P., Baggs, E., Bingham, I., Cai, Z., Cao, W., Gilligan, C., Griffiths, H., Gu, A., Hillier, J., Houdijk, J., Ju, X., Liu, H., Morley, N., Pan, G., Rees, B., Ren, T., Roehe, R., Shen, Z., Shi, W., Topp, K., Wang, A., Wang, A., Wang, X., Wang, X., Wu, A., Yan, X. & Yi, K.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
1/01/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
Integrated assessment of the emission-health-socioeconomics nexus in Chinese megacities (INHANCE)
Guan, D., Brimblecombe, P., Dorling, S. & Reid, B.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/01/16 → 31/12/19
Project: Research
PISA for Development between standardization and re-contextualization
Gorur, R., Maddox, B. & Sorensen, E.
Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
1/01/16 → 30/06/17
Project: Research
Academic-activist co-produced knowledge for environmental justice
Rodriguez Fernandez, I., Temper, L., Hamouchene, H., Kothari, A., Martin, A., Masri, R. & Ozkaynak, B.
17/12/15 → 30/04/19
Project: Research
Editorial Assistant: European Journal of Development Research
European Association of Development Research & Training Institutes
23/11/15 → 22/11/18
Project: Research
Gender and Food Security Programmes in India
International Food Policy Research Institute
1/11/15 → 15/10/16
Project: Research
Gender and Adolescence: Global Evidence programme (GAGE)
Department for International Development
1/11/15 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
Developing a framework and tools for enhancing equity and justice in protected area management - Adrian Martin, ESPA
Martin, A., Schreckenberg, K., Dawson, N., Hardcastle, J., Roe, D. & Sandwith, T.
Ecosystem Services for Poverty Alleviation
1/10/15 → 31/03/17
Project: Research
Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS)
Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)
9/09/15 → 30/06/16
Project: Research
Securing water for megacities: An analysis of water governance and scarcity in the São Paulo Metropolitan Region (Newton Mobility Grant 2015)
Budds, J. & Empinotti, V.
5/09/15 → 4/09/17
Project: Research
When and why do states respond to women's claims? Understanding gender-egalitarian policy change in Asia
1/09/15 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Why should ecosystem services be used for poverty alleviation? Establishing the ethical foundations of ESPA (WhyESPA)
Fisher, J., Sikor, T., Martin, A. & Schneider, H.
Natural Environment Research Council
20/08/15 → 19/02/17
Project: Research
Water Security for Policy makers and Practitioners Short Course 2015
Budds, J.
9/07/15 → 9/11/15
Project: Training
Newton Fund for the Remote Sensing for Sustainable Intensification in China through Improved Farm Decision-Making
Crawford, J. & Lu, Y.
Science and Technology Facilities Council
30/06/15 → 29/06/16
Project: Research
Researching Gender - Concepts and Methods Short Course 2015
Rao, N., Camfield, L., Jackson, C. & Locke, C.
8/06/15 → 30/09/15
Project: Training
Work, Learning and Wellbeing
Daniels, K., Bryan, M., Connolly, S., Hooper, L., Longhi, S., Mitchell, I., Nandi, A., Nayani, R., Nielsen, K., Ogbonnaya, N., Robinson-Pant, A., Song, F., Street, J., Thomas, G., Tregaskis, O., Unger, D., Watson, D., Fitzhugh, H., Hogg, M. & Watson, D.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/06/15 → 31/08/21
Project: Research
EU-India Research & Development Partnership - Climate Adaptation and Services COmmunity
26/05/15 → 30/11/18
Project: Research
Atmospheric Pollution and Human Health in a Chinese Megacity - Proposal Development Grant
Guan, D.
Natural Environment Research Council
13/04/15 → 4/06/15
Project: Other
STFC Agri-Tech in China Network+ (Rothamsted)
Crawford, J., Lu, Y., Grace, J., Stott, A. & Tiffin, R.
Science and Technology Facilities Council
1/04/15 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
Scoping workshop for assessing indirect economic impact of climate extreme events in Chinese coastal citites
Guan, D. & He, H.
Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office
1/04/15 → 31/03/16
Project: Research
Euro-China GE: Dynamics of Green Growth in European and Chinese Cities (DRAGON)
Guan, D.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/03/15 → 28/02/18
Project: Research
International Academic Fellowship: Ecological Frameworks in Educational Testing
Maddox, B.
1/03/15 → 29/02/16
Project: Research
Child Wellbeing in Ethiopia
UNICEF - The United Nations Children's Fund
22/01/15 → 21/07/15
Project: Training
Impact Evaluation for Evidence-Based Policy in Development Short Course 2015
21/01/15 → 22/09/15
Project: Training
Effecting Change in Seed Security Response
McGuire, S.
Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical
20/01/15 → 15/03/15
Project: Research
Beyond Surveys and Experiments - Other Approaches to Impact Evaluation
6/01/15 → 25/01/16
Project: Training
India's Food Security: Implications for Agriculture and Nutrition
Rao, N. & Chanchani, D.
Department for International Development
14/12/14 → 30/09/16
Project: Research
UNITAR Water Diplomacy Module Training
Budds, J.
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
17/11/14 → 16/12/14
Project: Other