Projects per year
- 200 - 250 out of 461 results
Search results
Delivering and evaluating multiple flood risk benefits (Blue Green City)
Guan, D.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/10/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Advanced Training Initiative
Lebeau, Y., Chhotray, V., Finlayson, A., Lorenzoni, I., Priyadharshini, E. & Watts, S.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/10/14 → 30/09/17
Project: Research
Organisational and operational response and strategic decision making for long term flood preparedness in urban areas
Coates, G. & Guan, D.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/10/14 → 2/12/15
Project: Research
Innovations in Climate Policy and Governance: Sources, Patterns and Effects (INOGOV)
1/07/14 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
Evaluating Development Impact Bonds
Clist, P. & Drew, R.
Department for International Development
23/06/14 → 30/11/14
Project: Research
Evidence Synthesis Research Awards (ESRA)
Economic and Social Research Council
16/06/14 → 16/12/14
Project: Research
Beyond surveys and experiments: other approaches to impact evaluation short course 2014
16/06/14 → 20/06/14
Project: Training
Theorizing Climate Justice and Understanding NGO discourses in the UK and Australia
1/06/14 → 30/05/15
Project: Research
Supporting the Design and Implementation of a Survey on the Perception of Security among Niger Communities (D00940)
Guichaoua, Y.
Cabinet of Analysis and Actions for Security and Peace in the Sahel
19/05/14 → 1/10/15
Project: Research
Water Security for Policymakers and Practitioners short course 2014
Zeitoun, M.
19/05/14 → 23/05/14
Project: Training
Presentation of Safe Learning Environments Paper at CIES & in Washington DC
Terry, G.
11/03/14 → 13/05/14
Project: Other
Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR)
Few, R., Budds, J., Camfield, L., Chhotray, V. & Rao, N.
International Development Research Centre
20/02/14 → 19/11/18
Project: Research
Southern Africa's Hydro-Economy and Water Security (SAHEWS).
Osborn, T., Dorling, S., Lankford, B. & Deryng, D.
Natural Environment Research Council
10/02/14 → 31/07/16
Project: Research
Global Norms and Heterogenous Donor Organisations
Jones, B. & Petersen, M.
Danish Institute for International Studies
1/02/14 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Supporting Evaluation Capacity in Government and Civil Society in Uganda
German Agency for International Cooperation
1/02/14 → 31/03/14
Project: Other
A Behavioural Economic Analysis of Agricultural Investment Decisions in Uganda
27/01/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Inception Phase of the Impact Evaluations of two IFAD-Supported projects: Rural Livelihoods Improvement Project in Kratie, Preah Vihear and Ratankri (1350) in Cambodia; and Rural Livelihoods Improvement Programme in Attapeu Province (1301) in Laos
United Nations International Fund for Agriculture and Development
11/01/14 → 31/05/16
Project: Research
CoCooN Conflict and Cooperation in the Management of Climate Change: Hydropower Development in the Context of Climate Change: exploring conflicts and fostering cooperation across scales and boundaries in the Eastern Himalayas
Chhotray, V., Budds, J., Chettri, S., Choudhry, G., Clement, F., Das, P., Gyawali, D., Huber, A., Joy, K., Khawas, V., Kullarni, H., Leibrand, J., Mehta, S., Shrestha, H., Sugden, F. & Zwaarteveen, M.
2/01/14 → 30/06/18
Project: Research
REDD+ The Forest Grab of all Times? [Theme 3: Rights to Natural Resources]
Few, R., Sikor, T., Locke, C. & Sikor, T.
1/01/14 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
Understanding Urban Water - Phase 1
Zeitoun, M.
International Committee for the Red Cross
11/11/13 → 31/03/14
Project: Research
Conceptual Basis for Payment by Results In International Development
Department for International Development
4/11/13 → 12/12/13
Project: Research
Nationality and vaccination - A workshop that brings together experts on the history of vaccination and nationality
Stockl, A. & Smajdor, A.
1/11/13 → 30/11/13
Project: Research
Ecosystem Services, Wellbeing and Justice: developing tools for research and development practise
Sikor, T., Ball, S., Danielsen, F., Martin, A., Mertz, O., Thongmanivong, M. & Dawson, N.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/11/13 → 30/04/16
Project: Research
Valuing Progress: Gates Foundation: Development Progress II
Camfield, L. & Coulthard, S.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
1/11/13 → 14/02/14
Project: Research
Facilitation of an On-Line course: Module 1 - "Water Resources and their Potential for Conflict"
Budds, J.
United Nations Institute for Training and Research
21/10/13 → 27/10/13
Project: Other
Rethinking Environment and Development in an Era of Global Norms: An Exploration of Forests and Water in Nepal
Sikor, T., Fisher, J. & Zeitoun, M.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/10/13 → 31/03/15
Project: Research
Conservation, Markets and Justice: a comparative study of local and global conceptions
Martin, A., Gross-Camp, N., Kebede, B., Rodriguez Fernandez, I. & Sikor, T.
Economic and Social Research Council
30/09/13 → 29/09/16
Project: Research
EADI PhD Conference
European Association of Development Research & Training Institutes
19/09/13 → 20/09/13
Project: Research
Advice and Support to the Middle East WatHab Regional Coordinator to develop the ICRC' strategic approach
Zeitoun, M.
International Committee for the Red Cross
9/09/13 → 30/11/13
Project: Other
SAHEWS - Southern Africa's Hydro-Economy and Water Security (Belmont Forum CRA12)
Dorling, S., Krueger, T., Lankford, B. & Osborn, T.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/09/13 → 31/08/15
Project: Research
Community Forestry in Asia Pacific - writing of policy briefs
Sikor, T. & Valkonen, A.
The Centre for People and Forests
1/08/13 → 27/09/13
Project: Other
INTEGRATE: International Network of Generational Transfers Research
Lloyd-Sherlock, P., Kostelecky, T. & Searle, B.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/07/13 → 30/09/13
Project: Research