Projects per year
- 400 - 450 out of 463 results
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QUEST - Earth System Modelling
Natural Environment Research Council
1/07/09 → 31/03/11
Project: Research
DFID Senior Research Fellow Secondment
Conway, D.
Department for International Development
1/07/09 → 31/03/11
Project: Research
Database Development for the Parameterization and Evaluation of Dynamic Green Ocean Models
1/07/09 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
EVOLVE - Norwich University College of the Arts
Ward, N. & Tzokas, N.
Norwich School of Art and Design
1/05/09 → 30/09/10
Project: Other
Economic Challenge Investment Fund (Refer to NBS97) - [ECIF] now [EVOLVE]
Tzokas, N., Ward, N. & Williams, K.
Higher Education Funding Council for England
1/05/09 → 30/09/10
Project: Other
Training of Trainers for GEF PALM
Mcdonagh, J. & Stocking, M.
United Nations Environment Programme
19/04/09 → 29/04/09
Project: Training
Tyndall Centre Phase 2 Transition
Watson, S. R., Lorenzoni, I. & Osborn, T.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/04/09 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
The GeoEngineering Assessment & Research (GEAR) Initiative
Norfolk Charitable Trust (The)
16/02/09 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
Carbon Benefits : measurement, monitoring and modelling
Mcdonagh, J., Lu, Y. & Stocking (Consultant), M.
8/02/09 → 31/12/11
Project: Other
Establishing a national monitoring programme for white shouldered ibis in cambodia
1/01/09 → 1/01/10
Project: Research
Avoiding dangerous climate change: analysis with an integrated assessment model.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/01/09 → 31/12/13
Project: Fellowship
After the storm: memories of vulnerability following the Orissa super-cyclone 1999.
15/11/08 → 30/04/09
Project: Research
Wright, H ESRC/NERC Studentship
Natural Environment Research Council
1/10/08 → 30/09/13
Project: Training
ReDirect: Reconciling Biodiversity and Development Through Direct Payments for Conservation - Rwanda
Martin, A., Kebede, B. & McGuire, S.
1/07/08 → 30/09/12
Project: Research
MAREMIP - Setting the basis of a MARine Ecosystem Model Intercomparision Project. (EUROCEANS)
1/04/08 → 31/10/08
Project: Research
Predicting the impacts and consequences of climate change on global fish production
Adger, W.
Natural Environment Research Council
15/03/08 → 15/09/10
Project: Research
Science Communication at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2008 (ESRC)
Economic and Social Research Council
1/03/08 → 31/07/08
Project: Other
Research Services Provision - Shipboard Trace Gas Monitoring and Data Access Facilities (Equipment)
1/03/08 → 28/02/09
Project: Research
Science Communication at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2008 (NERC)
Natural Environment Research Council
1/03/08 → 31/07/08
Project: Other
Community Resilience to Extreme Weather Events Through Improved Local Decision Making (CREW)
Few, R., Ingirige (Salford), B., Jones (Greenwich), K., Proverbs (Wolverhampton), D., Soetanto (Loughborough), R. & Thomas (Manchester), D.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
4/02/08 → 3/02/11
Project: Research
Calibration cylinder filling and preparation facility (Quest)
Natural Environment Research Council
1/02/08 → 31/10/10
Project: Research
Developing a Catchment Management Template for the Protection of Water Resources: Exploiting Experience from the UK, Eastern USA and Nearby
Hiscock, K., Bailey (University of Kent), A., Benson, D., Jordan, A. & Smith (SOAS - UOL), L.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/11/07 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
Carbonopoly and Carbon Literacy Tools
Burgess, J., Lorenzoni, I. & Seyfang, G.
20/07/07 → 31/01/09
Project: Other
Investigation of the long-term effects of river flooding on levels of organic environmental contaminants in food from livestock reared on flood-prone pastures
Lake, I., Foxall, C. & Lovett, A.
4/06/07 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
Task allocation in European Union environmental policy: testing the value of a federal theoretical perspective
Benson, D.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/05/07 → 30/04/08
Project: Fellowship
Use of satellite observations to understand the interactions between climate and marine ecosystems.
16/04/07 → 31/07/08
Project: Research
Adaptive Capacity and Social-Ecological Resiliance Systems Vulnerable to Global Change
Adger, W.
Economic and Social Research Council
1/04/07 → 28/02/08
Project: Fellowship
Framing Energy Futures and Risk: Exploring Public Understandings
Lorenzoni, I., Burgess, J., Eiser (Uni of Sheffield), J. R., Hulme, M., Pidgeon (Cardiff University), N. F. & Poortinga (Cardiff Uni), W.
1/01/07 → 31/12/11
Project: Research
HEALTHY-WATER: Assessment of human health impacts from emerging microbial pathogens in drinking water by molecular and epidemiological studies
Hunter, P., Bosch (Barcelona), A., Christen (UNICE), R., Courtois (SUEZ), S., Figueras (URV), M., Hofle (German Res. Cen. for Biotec), M., Kasimir (Hydra), G., Lake, I., Torokne (NIEH), A. & Tyler, K.
1/10/06 → 31/03/10
Project: Research
A study into the possible association between step changes in water hardness and incidence of cardiovascular disease in the community
Hunter, P., Lake, I. & Swift, L.
1/08/06 → 20/10/07
Project: Research
Tyndall Phase 2
Watkinson, A., Allen (University of Oxford), M., Anderson (Tyndall North), K., Arnell (University of Southampton), N., Barker (University of Cambridge), T., Bristow (University of Leeds), A., Ekins (University of Westminster), P., Hall (University of Newcastle), J., Halliday (Rutherford), J., Haxeltine, A., Hulme, M., Launder (Tyndall North), B., Liverman (University of Oxford), D., Mander (Uni of Manchester), S., Minns, A., Nicholls (University of Southampton, R., Shepherd (South), J., Stansby (University of Manchester), P., Thomas (Oxford University), D., Tight (Uni of Leeds), M., Warren, R., Watson (University of Sussex), J. & Wilkinson (London School Hygiene), P.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/04/06 → 30/06/09
Project: Research
Earth Modelling System
Le Quéré, C., Gregory, J. M., Slingo (Reading), J. M. & Watson, A.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/04/06 → 30/11/09
Project: Research
ADAM: Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies - Supporting European Climate Policy
Hulme, M., Haxeltine, A. & Jordan, A.
1/03/06 → 31/07/09
Project: Research