Projects per year
- 50 - 100 out of 140 results
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Drought Resilience In East African dryland Regions (DRIER) - GCRF
30/03/19 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Health for Dairy Cows
Hunter, P., Hooper, L., Steverding, D., Tyler, K. & Bouzid, M.
European Regional Development Fund
1/03/19 → 31/03/23
Project: Research
Mobilising Global Voices 2019 Event at the UK Parliament - 27-28 Feb 2019
Arts and Humanities Research Council
18/02/19 → 17/03/19
Project: Research
Multi-hazard Urban Disaster Risk Transitions
Barclay, J., Armijos Burneo, T., Forino, G. & Lee, G.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
13/02/19 → 31/05/22
Project: Research
Impacts and Risk Assessment to better inform Resilience Planning
Warren, R., Guan, D., He, H., Minns, A., Price, J., Forstenhaeusler, N. & Manful, D.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/02/19 → 31/07/20
Project: Research
Researcher Links Workshop - November 2019 'Water security in urban Brazil: Infrastructure, governance, and scale'
Budds, J.
1/02/19 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Characterising and adapting to climate risks in the UK wine sector
Natural Environment Research Council
1/02/19 → 30/11/20
Project: Research
'Disaster passed'. Resilient Caribbean futures via shared knowledge of recent disasters.
Barclay, J., Armijos Burneo, T. & McMahon, W.
Arts and Humanities Research Council
18/01/19 → 31/01/21
Project: Research
Enabling near-term results for climate adaptation in Africa and Asia beyond CARIAA
International Development Research Centre
20/11/18 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
DEV: Delivering maritime economies plans for commonwealth small island developing states
5/11/18 → 30/09/19
Project: Consultancy
Weather extremes under a changing climate: making better projections of future climate
1/10/18 → 30/06/22
Project: Training
Weatherproofing for a smarter, resilient and more sustainable agri-sector. - BSPB
British Society of Plant Breeders
1/10/18 → 30/09/22
Project: Training
School, territory and post-conflict: Grounding a local peace culture in Tolima, Colombia
Rodriguez Fernandez, I., Armijos Burneo, T. & Theuerkauf, U.
14/08/18 → 13/02/21
Project: Research
Green Infrastructure Valuation’
Bark, R., Jones, A., Lovett, A., Turner, K., Agarwala, M., Ferrini, S. & Sunnenberg, G.
2/07/18 → 23/12/19
Project: Research
Dementia Care PhD studentships: partnership between UEA, CLAHRC East of England, and the Norfolk and Suffolk Primary and Community Care Research Office (Dem Care) (CLAHRC FUNDED PORTION)
Mioshi, E., Bunn, D., Kishita, N. & Lazar, A.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/04/18 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
First International Workshop on Paleoclimate, Water Use and Environmental Phenomena in Ancient Peru and Their Contemporary Impacts.
Lau, G. & Budds, J.
1/04/18 → 31/01/19
Project: Research
DEFRA Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) - Phase 3 - Wensum
Lovett, A., Hiscock, K., Dockerty, T., Dugdale, S., Sunnenberg, G. & Vrain, E.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/03/18 → 31/03/19
Project: Research
How effective are catchment approaches to reducing metaldehyde loss to water supplies
1/02/18 → 31/07/21
Project: Training
Mexico's megalopolis as a model for the key role of watershed protection to sustainable cities.
Bell, D., Carrillo-Rivera, J., Few, R., González, L., Hoth, J., Lopez, J., Medrano, A. & Montes, A.
1/02/18 → 30/09/19
Project: Research
Cholera, WASH and Climate Change
Lake, I., Few, R., Hunter, P., Bouzid, M. & Jones, N.
4/12/17 → 3/12/18
Project: Research
Global Water Scarcity: a case study on urban water crisis and its relation to businesses in China and UK
Guan, D. & Wang, H.
20/04/17 → 30/04/19
Project: Research
Harnessing 'citizen science' to reinforce resilience to environmental disasters:creating an evidence base and community of practice
Barclay, J., Armijos Burneo, T., Armijos Burneo, T., Chilvers, J., Dorling, S., Foden, G., Haklay, M., Hicks, A., Mather, T., McMahon, W., Mee, K., Oven, K., Phillips, J., Pyle, D., Rosser, N. & Simmons, P.
Natural Environment Research Council
9/01/17 → 1/03/18
Project: Research
Explosive Transformations: Cultural Resilience to Natural Hazard on St Vincent
McMahon, W., Armijos Burneo, T., Armijos Burneo, T., Barclay, J. & Armijos Burneo, T.
Arts and Humanities Research Council
1/11/16 → 31/01/18
Project: Research
Increasing resilience to water-related risk in fruit and vegetable supply chains
Hess, T., Lankford, B. & Guan, D.
Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council
1/10/16 → 31/07/20
Project: Research
Reducing the burden of disease caused by women and children carrying water
1/09/16 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Water Security for Policy Makers and Practitioners Short Course 2016
Budds, J.
20/06/16 → 24/06/16
Project: Training
European Floods Pilot Project - Draft 1
He, H., Dorling, S. & Manful, D.
1/06/16 → 31/03/24
Project: Research
Hydropolitical Baseline of the Yarmouk River
Zeitoun, M.
Swiss Agency for Development & Cooperation
1/04/16 → 31/10/17
Project: Research
European Climatic Energy Mixes.
Dorling, S., Artale, V., Baron, F., Bozec, P., Brayshaw, D., Felice, M., Goodess, C., Harpham, C., Jones, P. & Pearson, S.
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (UK)
1/11/15 → 31/03/18
Project: Other
Water Security for Policy makers and Practitioners Short Course 2015
Budds, J.
9/07/15 → 9/11/15
Project: Training
Addressing Valuation of Energy and Nature Together
Lovett, A., Bateman, I., Beaumont, N., Day, B., Hastings, A., Hiscock, K., Pearson, R., Taylor, G., Turner, K., Ziv, G., Agarwala, M. & Sunnenberg, G.
Natural Environment Research Council
30/06/15 → 31/08/21
Project: Research
Community based monitoring of water and sanitation services for improved household water security in South Africa
1/01/15 → 31/12/16
Project: Research
Updating a systematic review on the effects of fat intake on weight
Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A. & Bunn, D.
1/11/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
Diagnostic accuracy of calculated serum osmolarity to predict dehydration in older people
Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A., Blyth, A., Brown, T. & Bunn, D.
1/11/14 → 31/05/15
Project: Research
Analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of urinary measures to predict dehydration in older people
Hooper, L., Abdelhamid, A., Blyth, A. & Bunn, D.
1/11/14 → 31/05/15
Project: Research
Delivering and evaluating multiple flood risk benefits (Blue Green City)
Guan, D.
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
1/10/14 → 31/12/15
Project: Research
DEFRA Demonstration Test Catchment (DTC) - Follow on from R18299 and R200198
Lovett, A., Boar, R., Hiscock, K., Pedentchouk, N., Dockerty, T., Dugdale, S., Outram, F., Sunnenberg, G., Vrain, E., Brindle, J. & Stevenson, J.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/10/14 → 31/03/18
Project: Research
GI Health Protection Unit - Paul Hunter - 25th Sept 2013
Hunter, P., Hooper, L., Lake, I., Wain, J., Kintz, E. & Vanderes, M.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/04/14 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
Wensum Demonstration Test Catchment - Phase 2 of Component 1
Lovett, A., Boar, R., Hiscock, K., Dockerty, T., Dugdale, S., Outram, F., Sunnenberg, G., Brindle, J. & Stevenson, J.
Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs
1/04/14 → 31/03/15
Project: Research
HPRU Emergency Preparedness and Responseline
Hunter, P., Clark, A., De La Iglesia, B., Hooper, L. & Lake, I.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/04/14 → 31/03/20
Project: Research
Adaptation at Scale in Semi-Arid Regions (ASSAR)
Few, R., Budds, J., Camfield, L., Chhotray, V. & Rao, N.
International Development Research Centre
20/02/14 → 19/11/18
Project: Research
Southern Africa's Hydro-Economy and Water Security (SAHEWS).
Osborn, T., Dorling, S., Lankford, B. & Deryng, D.
Natural Environment Research Council
10/02/14 → 31/07/16
Project: Research
CLAHRC - Eating and Drinking in Dementia (linked to R22140)
Hooper, L., Fox, C., Hooper, L., Killett, A., Potter, J. & Abdelhamid, A.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
22/01/14 → 31/01/15
Project: Research