Adam Wagner


  • Room Medical School

Personal profile


Adam is a Research Fellow in the Health Economics Group at the University of East Anglia (UEA). He originally trained as a Statistician (PhD from the University of Strathclyde) but recently completed an MSc in Health Economics at UEA (funded by the CLAHRC East of England (EoE) - Adam provides health economic and statistical support for the CLAHRC East of England. Since 2010, he has worked in health services research, with a particular focus on health and social care services supporting women and men with learning (intellectual) disabilities and acquired brain injuries. While continuing this research, Adam is now also involved in economic evaluations and modelling of healthcare interventions. Previously, Adam was a Research Associate within the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Cambridge and part of the Enduring Disabilities and Disadvantage Theme.

Academic Background

  • MSc in Health Economics (University of East Anglia)
  • Membership of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) (MIMA membership number: 21725)
  • Chartered Mathematician status (CMath) awarded by IMA
  • Chartered Scientist status (CSci) awarded by IMA (IMA/114/021725)
  • Associate Higher Education Academy (AHEA) awarded by HEA (42374)
  • PhD in Statistics (University of Strathclyde: EPSRC PhD Mathematical Science Industrial CASE Award)
  • MSc Computer Science (University of Edinburgh)
  • BA/MA Mathematics & Computer Science (Peterhouse, University of Cambridge)
  • HCert in Theology (University of Glouchester)

Education/Academic qualification

Master in Science, Health economics, University of East Anglia

1 Sept 20131 Dec 2015

Award Date: 21 Jul 2016

Doctor of Philosophy, PhD Statistics (EPSRC PhD Mathematical Science Industrial CASE Award) Extending Scottish Exception Reporting Systems Spatially and Temporally, University of Strathclyde


Award Date: 30 May 2010

Master in Science, MSc Computer Science


Award Date: 1 Nov 2005

Bachelor of Arts, BA Mathematics & Computer Science


Award Date: 1 Jun 2004

External positions

Post Doctoral Research Associate (Statistician), , University of Cambridge

Apr 201031 Dec 2015

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