Personal profile

Academic Background

1980: BA (The University of York)

1985: MA (The University of London)

1997: M.Phil  (Clare College, The University of Cambridge)  

2004: PhD (Clare College, The University of Cambridge)

Awards: 2002 Decani Scholarship, Clare College, The University of Cambridge

Membership of Academic and Scholarly Associations: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy 




Alain Wolf received his degree in Philosophy and English Literature from the University of York and his PhD in Applied Linguistics from the University of Cambridge.  He has experience as a teacher of English and French and as a translator of academic texts. Prior to coming to the University of East Anglia in 2009, he taught Translation Studies and Pragmatics at the Universities of Cambridge, Durham and Sheffield. 

Key Research Interests

My research interests are in the area of Intercultural Pragmatics and Translation Studies. My most recent work has focused on the relationship between intercultural identity and inter-religious dialogue. I am also interested in the recovery of inferences in translated literary/sacred texts, specifically in the areas of stage translation and film adaptation.


Areas of Expertise

Intercultural Communication; Translation Studies; Pragmatics; Language of Religion; Interfaith Dialogue; Dialogism and Polyphony

Teaching Interests

The Pragmatics of Translation

Intercultural Pragmatics

Translation Theory

Teaching Activities

  • MA in Translation Studies
  • MA in Intercultural Communication
  • French Language (BA)
  • Translation Theory in Practice (BA)
  • Translation and Adaptation (BA)

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Cambridge

Award Date: 1 Jan 2004