Personal profile
Following 15 years as a Primary teacher, I joined the Primary PGCE team as a tutor in September 2017 as a professional development tutor. I lead the the teaching of History, Geography and Religious Education. During my time in the classroom, I was also subject leader for English, RE and PSHE and then as a member of the SLT, I combined my knowledge of these separate areas to became Curriculum Leader.
I passionately believe that every child should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which provides high quality learning in all subject areas. Children should develop disciplinary and substantive knowledge of each curriculum subject but they should also be supported to see the links between them. Learning should provide opportunities for children to develop their own lines of enquiry and then present their findings creatively using drama, ICT, art and music. Children in my classes have benefited from working with experts in different fields, from the Opera Project at the Theatre Royal to archivists and outdoor and adventurous activity providers.
Through my university teaching and then through teaching practice supervision in our partnership schools, I aim to support our students to develop their teaching skills so they can inspire the next generation of curious, articulate life-long learners. I have developed partnershps with education teams in a range of outside organisations (such as the museums service, wildlife organisations, local subject advisors and forest school trainers) to enrich our curriculum delivery and support trainee teachers to understand the benefits of learning outside the classroom. I am a member of the Awards committee for Norwich's City of Sanctuary and have become very interested in how exploring children's "migration stories" can be included within curriculum subjects to enable children to understand and support others who join their school community.
In my research, I have explored the impact of Master's level study on the professional development and identity of trainee teachers. This has also enabled me to identify how university tutors can work in partnership with school-based mentors to best support trainees at the start of their teaching career. I am one of the Placement tutors for the course, leading mentor training and working with our partnership schools to ensure our students begin their ECT careers as confident, reflective practitioners. I am Chair of the Primary PGCE Exam board.