Personal profile


I am a statistician with an interest in the application of statistical methods to clinical trials, mainly in stroke and respiratory diseases.

Key Research Interests

Application and development of the statistical methods used in clinical trials.

Teaching Interests

Lecturer/Module co-ordinator on “Epidemiology” module of the MSc in Applied Statistics
Lectuer/Module co-ordinator on “Statistical Methods” module of the MSc in Health Sciences
Lecturer on “Clinical Trials” module of the MSc in Applied Statistics
Lecturer on “Introduction to Research” module of the MSc in Health Sciences
Lecturer on the undergraduate MB/BS medical degree programme.


Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics, UEA 1/8/09
Lecturer in Medical Staistics, UEA 1/8/07 – 31/7/09
Medical Statistician, Norfolk and Norwich University Hosptial 1/6/04-1/8/07
Research Fellow, University of South Carolina, 1/2/02-31/5/04
Research Fellow, University of Aberdeen, 1/6/01 – 31/1/02
Research Associate, Napier University 1/1/00 – 31/1/01
Research Assistant, University of Aberdeen, 1/6/98-31/12/99
Research Assistant, University of Abertay, 1/8/96-30/5/98

Professional Qualifications and professional memberships:

Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Practice University of East Anglia Pass 2010
PhD Statistics University of Aberdeen 2002
BSc (Hons) Applicable Mathematics with Computing (First), University of Abertay, 1996

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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