Personal profile


I am an Accounting Professor at the Norwich Business School (UEA). Previously, I was part of the faculty of Nova School of Business and Economics (Lisbon, Portugal) and spent three years visiting the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore (India). I hold a PhD from the University of Texas at Austin. I teach (or have taught) Financial reporting, Research methods, Corporate governance, Financial accounting, and Managerial accounting.

My research interests include the disclosure of non-GAAP earnings (alternative earnings measures), corporate social responsibility, corporate governance and international accounting. This research has been funded through a Maria Curie grant, projects approved by Foundation for Science and Technology, and other sources. My papers are published in academic journals such as Review of Accounting Studies; European Accounting Review; Journal of Business Finance & Accounting; Accounting Horizons; Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance; The International Journal of Accounting; Accounting and Business Research; and The British Accounting Review.

I am the Country Liaison - UK of the International Section of the American Accounting Association, and I have served on the council of the American Accounting Association (AAA), and on the AAA’s global engagement committee. I am currently organizing the JIAR 2023 conference (to be held in Norwich).

I am part of the editorial board of the European Accounting Review and Accounting in Europe. I am also a member of the Financial Reporting Standards Committee of the European Accounting Association (EAA) and the Editor in Chief of the Accounting Research Center of EAA.

Key Research Interests

My research focuses on four areas:

 - Alternative performance measures (non-GAAP earnings), 

 - Corporate Governance,

 - Corporate Social Responsibility,

 - Voluntary disclosures.


If you are planning to do a PhD at UEA and you're interested in these areas, please send me an email.


My papers can be found at SSRNGoogle Scholar, and Research Gate.


 My research has been funded by:

 - the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal), where I have been the principal investigator of projects that received over 120,000 Euros;

 - a Marie Curie International Reintegration Grant (80,000 Euros);

 - other smaller grants.


I have reviewed papers for: Review of Accounting Studies, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, European Accounting Review, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Accounting Horizons, Abacus, British Accounting Review, Accounting and Business Research, etc.

Academic Background

 - PhD in Accounting, from University of Texas at Austin (USA)

 - Masters in Management, from Instituto Superior de Gestão (Portugal)

 - Licenciatura (5-year undergraduate) in Management, from Instituto Superior de Gestão (Portugal)

Administrative Posts

 - Editorial board: European Accounting Review (started on 2020), Accounting in Europe (started on 2020), and Meditari Accountancy Research (started on 2019)

 - Editor in Chief of the Accounting Research Center of the European Accounting Association ( started on 2020)

 - Country Liaison - UK for the International Section of the American Accounting Association (2019-2022)

 - Member of the International Section of the American Accounting Association Research Committee (2019-2020)

- Member of the Financial Reporting Standards Committee of the European Accounting Association (2018 - 2020),

 - One of the organizers of the Lisbon Accounting Conference (annual event),

 - Council member, at the American Accounting Association (2016-2019),

 - Member of the Global Engagement Committee, of the American Accounting Association (2016-2019),

 - Member of the Scientific Committee, of the annual meetings of the European Accounting Association (2014-2016 & 2018-2020).


Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production