• 2.26 Biology

Accepting PhD Students

Calculated based on number of publications stored in Pure and citations from Scopus

Personal profile


Andrew Gates joined the School of Biological Sciences as a lecturer in 2011. He is a member of the Molecular Microbiology theme and the Centre for Molecular and Structural Biochemistry (CMSB). Andrew holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Molecular Biology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Newcastle upon Tyne and a PhD in Chemistry from the University of East Anglia. Prior to his appointment within the School of Biological Sciences, he worked with Prof David Richardson (UEA) and Prof Stuart Ferguson (Oxford) as a senior post-doctoral research associate, which initiated his interest in the genetics and biochemistry of assimilatory nitrate reduction, and nitrogen and iron respiratory systems in bacteria.

ResearcherID: www.researcherid.com/rid/F-8218-2011

ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4594-5038


  • 2019 to Present - University of East Anglia. Associate Professor.
  • 2019 to 2019 - University of East Anglia. Senior Lecturer.
  • 2011 to 2019 - University of East Anglia. Lecturer in Bacterial Bioenergetics.
  • 2008 to 2011 - University of East Anglia. Senior Research Associate.
  • 2003 to 2007 - University of East Anglia. PhD Chemistry.
  • 2000 to 2003 - University of Newcastle upon Tyne. BSc (Hons) Molecular Biology, Class I.

Research Group or Lab Membership

Group Members:

  • Dr Hannah Wright (Visiting PDRA)
  • Mr Jimi Kuusipalo (BBSRC-DTP PhD Student)
  • Ms Norah Alqahtani (Saudi Arabian Cultural Bureau-funded PhD Student)
  • Ms Marla Ind (Undergraduate Research Student, 2024/25)
  • Mr Arthas Esmeralda (Undergraduate Research Student, 2024/25)

Extended Group Members:

  • Mr Callum Eke (BBSRC-DTP CASE PhD Student; PI Dr Fraser MacMillan, UEA, CPP)
  • Mr William Stobbart (BBSRC-DTP PhD Student; PI Dr David Swainsbury, UEA, BIO)
  • Mr Ignacio Teran (PhD Student; PI Dr Matthew Sullivan, UEA, BIO)
  • Dr Corinne Appia-Ayme (BBSRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Associate; PI Dr Gary Rowley, UEA, BIO)
  • Mr James King (BBSRC-funded Research Technician; PI Dr Gary Rowley, UEA, BIO)

Former Group Members:

  • Dr Hannah Wright (BBSRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Associate)
  • Dr Peter Rivera (BBSRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Associate)
  • Ms Jorgia Ola-Fadaka (Undergraduate Research Student, 2023/24)
  • Dr Jason Brunt (BBSRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Associate)
  • Mr Jonas Valantiejus (Undergraduate Research Student, 2022/23)
  • Mr Franeo Rodrigo (Undergraduate Research Student, 2022/23)
  • Dr Juan Cabrera (Spanish Ministry-funded PDRA; PI Dr Maria Delgado, CSIC Granada, Spain)
  • Dr Andrea Jiminez (Spanish Ministry-funded PDRA; PI Dr Socorro Mesa Banqueri, CSIC Granada, Spain)
  • Mr Zengyi Li (SUSTEC/UEA PhD Student; PI Dr Tom Clarke, UEA, BIO)
  • Ms Hannah Wright (BBSRC-DTP CASE PhD Student)
  • Dr Maria Torres (BBSRC-funded Postdoctoral Research Associate)
  • Mr Sergio Parejo Treviño (Spanish Ministry-funded PhD Student; PI Dr Socorro Mesa Banqueri, CSIC Granada, Spain)
  • Mr William Cadman (UEA-funded PhD Student)
  • Mr Luke Shooter-Page (Undergraduate Research Student, 2021/22)
  • Ms Rebecca Harbord (Undergraduate Research Student, 2021/22)
  • Mr Carlos Gamez (BBSRC-funded Research Technician)
  • Mr Fred Spackman (UEA-funded MSc Student; PI Dr David Lea-Smith, UEA BIO)
  • Ms Sophie Longman (Undergraduate Research Student, 2020/21)
  • Mr Charlie Stoker (Undergraduate Research Student, 2020/21)
  • Mr Calum Steele (Undergraduate Research Student, 2020/21)
  • Mr Alexander Sadler (Undergraduate Research Student, 2020/21)
  • Dr Alexander Jarvis (UEA-funded PhD Student)
  • Ms Marta González (UEA-funded PhD Student)
  • Dr Ana Salas (Spanish Ministry-funded PhD Student; co-PI Dr Maria Delgado, CSIC Granada, Spain)
  • Dr Juan Cabrera (Alfonso Martín Escudero Foundation-funded Postdoctoral Fellow)
  • Ms Alisa Veller (Undergraduate Research Student, 2019/20)
  • Mr Jordan Swann (Undergraduate Research Student, 2019/20)
  • Ms Amy Lau (Undergraduate Research Student, 2019)
  • Mr Jack Barham (Undergraduate Research Student, 2019)
  • Dr Mahmoud Abdelhamid (Eastern Arc Consortium-funded PhD Student; PI Dr Zoë Waller, UEA PHA)
  • Mr Jamie Cheal (Undergraduate Research Student, 2018)
  • Mr Angus Mewton (Undergraduate Research Student, 2018)
  • Ms Jenna Chapman (Undergraduate Research Student, 2018)
  • Dr Sophie Bennett (BBSRC-funded PhD Student; PI Prof Nick LeBrun, UEA CHE)
  • Dr Amy Easey (BBSRC-funded PhD Student; PI Dr Richard Bowater, UEA BIO)
  • Dr Manuel Soriano-Laguna (EU Horizon 2020-funded Early Career Researcher & PhD Student)
  • Dr Marcus Edwards (BBSRC-funded PDRA; PI Prof David Richardson UEA VCO)
  • Dr Nanakow Baiden (BBSRC-funded PDRA)
  • Dr Hannah Gaimster (BBSRC-funded PDRA; PI Dr Gary Rowley UEA BIO)
  • Dr Isabel Johnston (UEA-funded PhD Student; PI Dr Gary Rowley, UEA BIO)
  • Ms Annabelle Schofield (Biochemical Society Summer Research Student)
  • Mr Alexander Goodchild (BBSRC-funded PhD Student; PI Dr Gary Rowley UEA BIO)
  • Ms Lindsey Wiggins (Undergraduate Research Student, 2017)
  • Mr Oliver Hayward (BBSRC-funded Research Technician, 2014-2017)
  • Dr Benjamin Pinchbeck (UEA-funded PhD Student, 2012-2016)
  • Dr Shun Tse (PhD Student, 2011-2015; PI Dr Nick Watmough, UEA BIO)
  • Dr Anthony Blake (Industry-funded PDRA, 2013)
  • Ms Fatuma Abdi (Undergraduate Research Student, 2016)
  • Mr Nathan Voller (Undergraduate Research Student, 2016)
  • Ms Emma Nicholls (EU-funded Summer Student, 2014 & 2016)
  • Ms Alice Gregorie (EU-funded Summer Student, 2014 & 2016)
  • Ms Surina Fordington (EU-funded Summer Student, 2014)
  • Mr Alexander Sheeka (Undergraduate Research Student, 2014)
  • Mr Joseph Seager (Undergraduate Research Student, 2013)
  • Ms Jasmine Stigloe (Undergraduate Research Student, 2013)
  • Ms Lidya Ashmore (Undergraduate Research Student, 2012)

Key Research Interests

Bacterial respiratory metabolism is highly adaptable and responsive to a changing environment. This versatility relies on the ability of the cell to employ a multitude of metalloproteins to harness energy from a variety of metabolic pathways. The global biogeochemical nitrogen cycle is essential to life and many processes are carried out by microbes, either to produce energy, or to capture bioavailable nitrogen for growth. My research group is part of the Molecular Microbiology theme and mainly focuses on investigating the role of proteins associated with the perception, trafficking, and transformation of nitrate, and nitrite, in denitrifying organisms.

We employ an interdisciplinary outlook and combine classical molecular genetics with biochemical and biophysical methods to study novel molecular enzymology and microbial physiology that underpin the nitrogen and iron cycles. As part of the Centre for Molecular and Structural Biochemistry (CMSB), we also use a range of techniques such as Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and Protein Film Electrochemistry (PFE) to elucidate the redox properties and catalytic mechanism of metal-containing redox enzymes.

Recently, with Professor David Richardson and Dr Gary Rowley, we have extended our research interests to the study of, and development of mitigation strategies for, nitrous oxide production by nitrate-utilising microbes as part of the Nitrous Oxide Research Alliance (NORA). In addition, we have developed a strong international network of collaborators to study the regulation and biochemistry of nitrate-utilisation in diverse denitrifying bacteria and archaea.

Nitrous Oxide Research Alliancehttp://nora.umb.no/


PhD, Postdoctoral & Fellowship Positions

Click here for current PhD opportunities in Biological Sciences. But feel free to email me to discuss projects outside these areas and alternative sources of funding.

I am more than happy to explore funding opportunities, project ideas and mentor researchers wishing to visit our laboratory to undertake postdoctoral work or perform collaborative research. Possible funding routes include EU Marie Curie or Royal Society fellowships.

Also, I would be happy to develop RCUK grant applications in partnership with early career researchers who demonstrate exceptional promise and motivation, and have a keen interest in bacterial metabolism or metalloprotein biology.


Research Funding

BBSRC - Epigenetic control of nitrous oxide emission by denitrifying bacteria (BB/S008942/1)

PI: Andrew J Gates, Co-I: Zoë A E Waller, David J Richardson

01/10/2019 – 30/11/2023


The Biochemical Society (Summer Vacation Studentship) - Making ends meet: novel forms of bacterial DNA ligases from Paracoccus denitrificans

PI: Richard P Bowater. CoI: Andrew J Gates

03/07/2017 – 28/08/2017


European Union (Horizon 2020) - Bridging Structural Biology with Biological Synthesis and Self Assembly to Reveal Key Processes in Living Systems

PI: Richard P Bowater. CoI: Julea N Butt, Thomas A Clarke, Andrew J Gates, Christopher J Hamilton, Matthew I Hutchings, Nicholas E Le Brun, Gary Rowley, Mark Searcey, Zoë A E Waller

01/01/2016 - 31/12/2018


Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spanish Ministry) - Strategies for mitigating emissions of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide from agricultural crops (AGL2013-45087-R)

PI: María J Delgado. CoI: Lars R Bakken, Emilio Bueno Romero, Elizabeth Baggs, Andrew J Gates, Germán Tortosa Muñoz, David J Richardson

30/09/2014 – 29/09/2018


Royal Society - Investigating the role of cations in altering DNA conformation and gene expression in bacteria (RG140746)

PI: Andrew J Gates. CoI: Zoë A E Waller

16/03/2015 – 15/03/2016


Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (Spanish Ministry) - Haloarchaeal contribution to climate change: Innovative applications to waste water treatment and uses of biomass produced (CTM2013-43147-R)

PI: Rosa M Martinez-Espinosa. CoI: Lars R Bakken, Andrew J Gates, Julia M Esclapez-Espliego, David J Richardson, Vanesa B Saiz, Jörg Simon

30/09/2014 – 29/09/2018


John and Pamela Salter Charitable Trust - Investigating control of bacterial nitrate and nitrous oxide metabolism by DNA secondary structures

PI: Andrew J Gates. CoI: Zoë A E Waller

01/10/2014 – 30/09/2015


BBSRC (New Investigator) - Investigating widespread regulation of nitrogen assimilation at the level of RNA in bacteria (BB/M00256X/1)

PI: Andrew J Gates

01/09/2014 - 31/08/2017


Royal Society (International Exchanges Scheme) - A new integrated system for nitrate assimilation and nitric oxide detoxification (IE140222)

01/09/2014 - 31/08/2017

PI: Andrew J Gates. CoI: María J Delgado


BBSRC - The molecular interface of microbe-mineral electron transfer (BB/L023733/1)

PI: David J Richardson. CoI: Julea N Butt, Thomas A Clarke, Marcus J Edwards, Andrew J Gates

30/09/2014 - 29/09/2017


BBSRC - The regulation of bacterial nitrous oxide reduction (BB/L022796/1)

PI: Gary Rowley. CoI: Andrew J Gates, Nicolas E Le Brun, David J Richardson, Matthew J Sullivan

20/08/2014 - 19/08/2017


BBSRC (Follow-on Fund Pathfinder Scheme) – Proposal Ref. BB/FOF/PF/22/13

PI: David J Richardson. CoI: Andrew J Gates

01/11/2013 - 30/04/2014


The Big C Appeal - Student Bursary (SB13-04)

PI: Zoë A E Waller. CoI: Richard P Bowater, Andrew J Gates

29/07/2013 – 20/09/2013


European Union (Marie Curie ITN, Framework 7) - The Nitrous Oxide Research Alliance Training Network (316472, FP7-PEOPLE-2012-ITN)

PI: Åsa H Frostegård. CoI: Andrew J Gates, David J Richardson, Gary Rowley (and other EU partners)

01/01/2013 – 31/12/2016

£1,959,457 (Institutional award £237,647)

UEA Proof of Concept Innovation Fund - Proposal Ref. i295

PI: Andrew J Gates

19/07/2012 – 31/12/2013


Administrative Posts

  • Module Coordinator: BIO-7039Y Bioscience Seminars (2022-Present)
  • Health and Safety Officer for BIO (2017-2022)
  • Member of the Athena Swan Support and Equality Team (ASSET) for BIO (2015-2017)
  • Module Coordinator: BIO-4009Y "Foundations for Chemistry and Physiology" (2011-2016)
  • Dept. Module Coordinator: BIO-4011Y "Foundations for Chemistry and Physiology (with Higher Chemistry)" (2011-2016)
  • Dept. Module Coordinator: BIO-5002A "Biochemistry"
  • Student Partnership Officer for BIO (2011-Present)
  • Member of the BIO Teaching Committee (2011-Present)

Teaching Interests

  • Lecturer: BIO-6004A "Microbial Biochemistry" Undergraduate Degree Course, Year 3.
  • Lecturer and Seminar Leader: BIO-4009Y "Foundations for Chemistry and Physiology" Undergraduate Degree Course, Year 1.
  • Lecturer and Seminar Leader: BIO-4007Y "Physical and Analytical Methods in the Biomolecular Sciences" Undergraduate Degree Course, Year 1.
  • Lecturer and Seminar Leader: BIO-4011Y "Foundations for Chemistry and Physiology with Higher Chemistry" Undergraduate Degree Course, Year 1.
  • Lecturer and Practical Leader: BIO-5002A "Biochemistry" Undergraduate Degree Course, Year 2.
  • Project Supervisor: BIO-6019Y "Laboratory-based Research Project" Undergraduate Degree Course, Year 3.
  • Undergraduate Student Advisor (Biochemistry, Biological Sciences and Natural Sciences Degree Programmes).
  • Postgraduate Student Supervisor (MSc and PhD).

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 2 - Zero Hunger
  • SDG 6 - Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 7 - Affordable and Clean Energy
  • SDG 9 - Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
  • SDG 13 - Climate Action

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

Recent external collaboration on country/territory level. Dive into details by clicking on the dots or