Projects per year
Personal profile
Anne Cockburn is an Emeritus Professor in Early Years' Education. Her research interests focus on mathematics education, teacher well being, recruitment and retention. Her most recent book - Zero for Parents and Teachers - was written with Ioannis Papadopoulos and published by Cambridge Scholars in 2020. Understanding Mathematics for Young Children (5th ed.) with Derek Haylock (Sage Publications) was published in 2017.
Her research projects include - Understanding the Primary Mathematics Classroom Part 2 (ESRC) with Paola Iannone (2004-2005); Communicating our Strategies in Primary School Mathematics (Socrates-Comenius 2.1) with EU colleagues (2003-2006); Mathematical Misconceptions in the Primary Years (British Academy) with international partners (2006-2007) and 'Challenging Colleagues: primary head teachers managing mediocre practitioners' funded (Nuffield Foundation).
Professor Cockburn chaired the International Meeting of the Psychology of Mathematics Education Group (2002); was an Associate Editor of the Journal of Mathematics Teacher Educators (2007-2012) and an external examiner for the Economic and Social Research Council student awards (2002-2006).
Key Research Interests
Key Research Projects
2004-05: Understanding the Primary Mathematics Classroom part 2 was a 14-month ESRC funded project investigating how early years mathematics education has changed in last 20 years. The original database was created between 1983 and 1986. (£ 70K)
2003-06: COSIMA (Communicating ‘own strategies’ in primary school mathematics) was a Socrates-Comenius 2.1 to explore and develop constructivist mathematics teaching and learning in Germany, Czech Republic and England (217 427 Euros)
2006-07: Understanding Mathematical Misconceptions in the Primary School was a cross-cultural 14-month project funded by the British Academy (£ 70K) comparing, contrasting and understanding mathematical performance in the UK, Israel, Italy and the Czech Republic.
2011: Challenging Colleagues: primary head teachers managing mediocre practitioners was funded by the Nuffield Foundation (£ 8K) and included an exploration of how to enhance the teaching of mathematics in primary schools.
Recent doctoral students
ROBERTS, S. (2017) The Norfolk Condition Management Programme: a retrospective evaluation.
MAGEE, A. (2014) The Creative Dance of Love and Consciousness: an integral, phenomenological inquiry into the experiences of belonging and not-belonging.
HARCOURT-HEATH, M.J. (2013) Primary Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances Effective leadership and the Potential Contribution of Complexity Theory
ADNAN, A.M.D. (2009) Practices in Parental Involvement in Four Malaysian Annexe Preschools.
BORTHWICK, A. (2009) Children's Perceptions of, and Attitudes towards, Mathematics Lessons in Primary Schools
MENSAH, D. (2008) A Study of Teacher Job Satisfaction among Primary School Teachers in the Sekondi-Takoradi (Shama-Ahanta East) District of Ghana
THOMPSON, J. (2008) Key Stage 2 Teachers’ Engagement with ICT: a mixed methods study investigating the effect of school size and social capital.
MADINI, M. (2005) An Investigation into Female Kindergarten Teachers' Stress in Saudi Arabia
List of Publications
Books (authored)
COCKBURN, A.D. and PAPADOPOULOS, I. (2020) Zero for Parents and Teachers. (pp198) Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars
HAYLOCK, D.W. and COCKBURN, A.D. (2017) Understanding Mathematics for Young Children. London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. (2013) Headteachers, Mediocre Colleagues and the Challenges of Educational Leadership. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan
HAYLOCK, D.W. and COCKBURN, A.D. (2013) Understanding Mathematics for Young Children. London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. (2013) ‘The teaching and learning of mathematics’. In J. Moyles, J. Payler and J. Georgeson (eds) Early Years Foundations: Meeting the Challenge. Maidenhead: Open University Press (Autumn 2013)
HAYLOCK, D.W. and COCKBURN, A.D. (2008) * Understanding Mathematics for Young Children. (pp 260) London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. and HAYDN, T. (2004) Recruiting and Retaining Teachers: understanding why teachers teach (pp 170) London: Routledge Falmer
COCKBURN, A.D. (1999) Teaching Mathematics with Insight: the identification, diagnosis and remediation of young children's mathematical errors (pp 124) London: Falmer Press
COCKBURN, A.D. (1996) Teaching Under Pressure. (pp 159) London: Falmer Press
COCKBURN, A.D. (1992) Beginning Teaching. (pp 108) London: Paul Chapman Publishing
DESFORGES, C.W. and COCKBURN, A.D. (1987) Understanding the Mathematics Teacher: a Study of Practice in the First School. (pp 167) Lewes: Falmer Press
BENNETT, S.N., DESFORGES, C.W., COCKBURN, A.D. and WILKINSON, B.(1984) The Quality of Pupil Learning Experiences. (pp 262) London: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
* This book was previously been published in 1989 (under the title of ‘Understanding Early Years Mathematics') and in 1997 and 2003 (as ‘Understanding Mathematics in the Lower Primary Years')
Books (edited)
COCKBURN, A.D. and HANDSCOMB, G. (eds., 2011)Teaching Children 3-11: a student’s guide (3rd edition) London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. and LITTLER, G. (eds., 2008) Mathematical Misconceptions (pp 166) London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. (ed. 2007) Mathematical Understanding 5-11 London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. and NARDI, E. (eds. 2002) Volumes 1-4 of Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education (pp 371, 437, 430, 441) Norwich: University Of East Anglia.
Articles in Journals
COCKBURN, A.D. (2011) Exploring complex issues: insights from classrooms, courses and conversations. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 14 (5), 327-330
COCKBURN, A.D. (2010) “Crossing the Divide: reflecting on the benefits of cross-cultural collaboration”. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13 (2), 95-98.
COCKBURN, A.D. (2009) Bringing enthusiasm into the mathematics classroom. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 12 (1), 1-5
COCKBURN, A.D. (2008) How can research be used to inform and improve mathematics teaching practice? Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 11 (5), 343-347
IANNONE, P. and COCKBURN, A.D. (2008) "If you can count to 10 you can count to infinity really" Fostering conceptual mathematical thinking in the first year of primary school. Research in Mathematics Education, 10 (1), 37-51
COCKBURN, A.D. (2005) The Anatomy of Change: an insider's perspective. The International Journal of Leadership in Education, 8, 335-346.
COCKBURN, A.D. (2000) Elementary Teachers' Needs: issues of retention and recruitment. Teaching and Teacher Education, 16, 223-238
COCKBURN, A.D. (1996) Primary Teachers' Knowledge and Acquisition of Stress Relieving Strategies. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 66, 399-410
COCKBURN, A.D. (1995) Mathematics Education: yet another change. Mathematics Education Review, 6, 10-16
COCKBURN, A.D. (1994) Teachers' Experience of Time: Implications for Future Research. The British Journal of Educational Studies, XXXXII, 4, 375-387
COCKBURN, A.D. (1984) A Study of the Role of Parents and Police in Children's Road Safety Education. Collected Original Resources in Education, 8, 1, Fiche 3
KYRIACOU, C. AND COCKBURN, A. (2009) “There is no such thing as traditional or progressive teaching methods, only effective and ineffective teaching methods - discuss". In J. Arthur and I. Davies (eds) The Routledge Textbook on Educational Studies. London: Routledge
MARCHINI, C., COCKBURN, A. and GUASTALLA, R. (2009) “Il contratto di valutazione”. In G. Santoro (Ed.) New Trends in Science and Technology Education. Bologna: Clueb
COCKBURN, A.D. (2009) "Thoughts to ponder on". In E. Swoboda and J. Guncaga (eds.) Children's Mathematics. (pp. 194-200). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
COCKBURN, A.D. (2009) "Myslenky na premysleni". In E. Swoboda and J. Guncaga (eds.) Dziecko I matematyka. (pp. 225- 232). Rzeszów: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Rzeszowskiego
COCKBURN, A.D. (2008) "Assessment of mathematical knowledge of prospective teachers". In T. Wood (Series Ed.) and P. Sullivan (Vol. Ed.), /International handbook of mathematics teacher education://Vol.1. Knowledge and beliefs in mathematics teaching and teaching development/ (pp. 247 - 272). Rotterdam, the Netherlands: Sense Publishers.
COCKBURN, A., COCKERTON, E., MANNING, R. AND PARSLOW-WILLIAMS, P (2008) "Thinking to the future: prospective teachers encouraging children's mathematical thinking." In B. Maj, M. Pytlak and E. Swoboda (eds.) Supporting Independent Thinking Through Mathematical Education. (pp. 156-157). Warsaw: Nowa Era Publishing
MARCHINI, C. and COCKBURN, A. (2008) "Teaching practices revealed through arithmetic misconceptions." In B. Maj, M. Pytlak and E. Swoboda (eds.) Supporting Independent Thinking Through Mathematical Education. (pp. 145-151) Warsaw: Nawa Era Publishing
COCKBURN, A.D. and PARSLOW-WILLIAMS, P. (2008) "Zero: understanding an apparently paradoxical number." In Cockburn, A.D. and Littler, G. (eds.) Mathematical Misconceptions. (pp. 7-22) London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. (2008) "Developing an understanding of children's acquisition of number concepts." In Cockburn, A.D. and Littler, G. (eds.) Mathematical Misconceptions. (pp. 86-100). London: Sage Publications
PARSLOW-WILLIAMS, P. and COCKBURN, A.D. (2008) "Equality". In Cockburn, A.D. and Littler, G. (eds.) Mathematical Misconceptions. (pp. 23-38). London: Sage Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. (2007) "Understanding subtraction through enhanced communication" In A.D. Cockburn (ed.) Mathematical Understanding 5-11.(pp. 9-27) London: Sage Publications
GAL, H., LINCHEVSKI, L. and COCKBURN, A.D. (2003) "Developing Teachers' Ability to Understand their Students' Difficulties". In A. Peter-Koop and V. Santos Wagner (eds.) Collaboration in Mathematics Teacher Education. (pp 113-132) Dordretcht: Kluwer
COCKBURN, A.D. (1999) "The Difficulties of Changing Mathematics Education." In N. Ellerton (ed.) Mathematics Teacher Development: International Perspectives. (pp 47-55) Perth, Australia: Meridian Press.
COCKBURN, A.D. (1995) "Learning in Classrooms". In C.W. Desforges (ed.) An Introduction to Teaching: psychological perspectives. (pp 75-92) Oxford: Blackwell.
BENNETT, S.N., DESFORGES, C.W., COCKBURN, A.D. and WILKINSON, B. (1988) "The Experienced Curriculum". In M. Clarkson (ed.) Emerging Issues in Primary Education. (pp 99-108) Lewes: Falmer Press
DESFORGES, C.W., COCKBURN, A.D. and BENNETT, S.N. (1986) "Teachers' Perspectives on Matching: Implications for Action Research." In D. Hustler, A. Cassidy and E.C. Cuff (eds.) Action Research in Classrooms and Schools. (11 pages) London: Allen and Unwin.
BENNETT, N., DESFORGES, C., COCKBURN, A., and WILKINSON, B. (1985) "Classroom Tasks". In C. Richards (ed.) The Study of Primary Education. (pp 59-66) Lewes: Falmer Press
DESFORGES, C.W., BENNETT, S.N. and COCKBURN, A.D. (1985) "Understanding the Quality of Pupil Learning Experience." In N. Entwistle (ed.) New Directions in Educational Psychology. (10 pages) Lewes: Falmer Press
Conference Publications
COCKBURN, A.D. (2011) “Working with less successful teachers”. In B. Ubuz (ed.) Proceedings of the 35th International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (Vol 1, 184)
COCKBURN, A.D., SAKONIDIS, H. and TZEKAKI, M. (2010) “Crossing the Divide: exploring cross cultural possibilities.” In M.M. Pinto and T.F. Kawasaki (eds.) Proceedings of the 34th International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (Vol 1, 389) Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
MARCHINI, C., COCKBURN, A.D., PARSLOW-WILLIAMS, P. and VIGHI, P. (2009) “Equality relation and structural properties – a vertical study.” Proceedings of the Sixth Conference of European Research in Mathematics Education. (pp 569 – 578). Paris: Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique. May be accessed at
COCKBURN, A.D. and COCKERTON, E. (2009) "Prospective primary mathematics teachers in action: exploring capabilities and constraints" In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou and H. Sakonidis (eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol 1, p 283). Thessaloniki: PME33
COCKBURN, A.D., MARCHINI, C. and VIGHI, P. (2009) "Equality in diversity: reflections on primary teachers' learning." In M. Tzekaki, M. Kaldrimidou and H. Sakonidis (eds.) Proceedings of the 33rd International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol 1, p 363). Thessaloniki: PME33
COCKBURN, A.D. and PETER-KOOP, A. (2006) "An Opportunity for Mathematical Communication". In J. Novotna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka and N. Stehlikova (eds.) Proceedings of the 30th International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (Vol. 1, p 202) Prague: Charles University
IANNONE, P. and COCKBURN, A.D. (2006) "Fostering Conceptual Mathematical Thinking in the Early Years: a case study". ". In J. Novotna, H. Moraova, M. Kratka and N. Stehlikov (eds.) Proceedings of the 30th International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (Vol. 3, pp 329-336) Prague: Charles University
COCKBURN, A.D. (2005) "The Complexities of Classroom Processes in a Mathematics Classroom". In J. Novotná (ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium for Elementary Maths Teaching. (pp. 94-100). Prague: Charles University
COCKBURN, A.D. and IANNONE, P. (2005) "Understanding the Primary Mathematics Classroom." In D. Hewitt and A. Noyes (eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth British Congress of Mathematics Education. (pp. 49-56). Coventry: University of Warwick.
COCKBURN, A.D. and LOPEZ-REAL, F. (2003) "Understanding Learning through Teaching in the Mathematics Classroom". In N.A. Pateman, B.J. Dougherty and J. Zillox (eds.) Proceedings of the 2003 Joint Meeting of the PME and PMENA. (vol 1, p 181) Honolulu: University of Hawai'i
COCKBURN, A.D., LOPEZ-REAL, F. and GAL, H. (2000) "Encouraging Reflective Practice". In T. Nakahara and M. Koyama (eds.) Proceedings of the 24th International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol I, p 129) Hiroshima: University of Hiroshima.
COCKBURN, A.D. (1999) "Authentic Learning in Mathematics: a reality or an academic's fantasy?" In O. Zaslavsky (ed.) Proceedings of the 23rd International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol I, p 345) Haifa, Israel: Israel Institute of Technology
COCKBURN, A.D. (1998) "Understanding the Mathematics Teacher Eleven Years on" In A. Olivier and K. Newstead (eds.) Proceedings of the 22nd International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol IV, p 245) Stellenbosch, South Africa: University of Stellenbosch
COCKBURN, A.D. (1997) "Mathematics which is surprisingly challenging to teach in the early years of schooling" In E. Pehkonen (ed.) Proceedings of the 21st International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol I, p 277) Lahti, Finland: University of Helsinki
COCKBURN, A.D. (1994) "Theory and Practice: Do student teachers encourage young children's mathematical knowledge of the real world ?" In J.da Ponte and J. Matos (eds.) Proceedings of the 18th International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. (vol I, p 36) Lisbon: University of Lisbon
Areas of Expertise
Teaching Interests
Recent doctoral students
ROBERTS, S. (2017) The Norfolk Condition Management Programme: a retrospective evaluation
MAGEE, A. (2014) The Creative Dance of Love and Consciousness: an integral, phenomenological inquiry into the experiences of belonging and not-belonging.
HARCOURT-HEATH, M.J. (2013) Primary Schools Facing Challenging Circumstances Effective leadership and the potential contribution of complexity theory
ADNAN, A.M.D. (2009) Practices in Parental Involvement in Four Malaysian Annexe Preschools.
BORTHWICK, A. (2009) Children's Perceptions of, and Attitudes towards, Mathematics Lessons in Primary Schools
MENSAH, D. (2008) A Study of Teacher Job Satisfaction among Primary School Teachers in the Sekondi-Takoradi (Shama-Ahanta East) District of Ghana
THOMPSON, J. (2008) Key Stage 2 Teachers’ Engagement with ICT: a mixed methods study investigating the effect of school size and social capital
MADINI, M. (2005) An Investigation into Female Kindergarten Teachers' Stress in Saudi Arabia
Masters' students (2008-09)
GREY, R. Perfecting the role of counsellor
HANCI, G. Art and play therapy for children: a comparison study
JONES, R. Homework: can it work?
KANESON, V. It casts a shadow: a phenomenological study of the long-term impact of school bullying on women.
KWOK, K.K. The counselling process between counsellors and clients who are linguistically different – an inquiry
LAWLOR, J. Resilience – can it be learned?
PARK, B. Towards an integrative Christian-cultural model of psychotherapy in Korea
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 4 Finished
Challenging Colleagues: primary head teachers managing mediocre practitioners
1/03/11 → 31/08/11
Project: Research
Mathematical Misconceptions in the Primary Years
Cockburn, A. & Parslow-Williams, P.
1/08/06 → 31/12/07
Project: Research
Zero for Parents and Teachers, Or (Almost) All You Need to Know about Mathematics for Young Children
Cockburn, A. & Papadopoulos, I., 30 Jul 2020, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 199 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book
Headteachers, Mediocre Colleagues and the Challenges of Educational Leadership: Reflections on Teacher Quality
Cockburn, A., Aug 2013, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. 196 p.Research output: Book/Report › Book
Understanding Mathematics for Young Children: A Guide for Teachers of Children 3-8
Haylock, D. & Cockburn, A., 2013, Sage Publications.Research output: Book/Report › Book
To generalise or not to generalise that is the question (with apologies to Hamlet and William Shakespeare)
Cockburn, A., 2012, (Unpublished).Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper
Exploring complex issues: insights from classrooms, courses and conversations
Cockburn, A. D., Oct 2011, In: Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education. 14, 5, p. 327-330 4 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
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