Anne Murphy

Anne Murphy


  • SWK

Personal profile


Anne is an Associate Tutor and PhD researcher in the School of Social Work. Anne is currently an adviser on the qualifying programmes within the school. Her research focuses on the experiences of prospective adoptive parents on Preparation to Adopt courses. She is using a Qualitative Longitudinal Research model to explore how thinking and understanding of adoptive parenting changes during the preparation process.

Anne has a degree in English and Drama from Queen Mary, University of London. Anne worked in a number of residential settings, before qualifying as a social worker with an MA in Social Work from the University of East Anglia. She then worked in a Local Authority with children in care, before moving to the voluntary sector in adoption and fostering work. Anne’s research is funded through a SeNSS ESRC studentship. She joined the school in 2018 to complete a Masters in Social Science Research, before beginning her PHD in 2019.

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