Anthony Kemp-Welch

Anthony Kemp-Welch


  • 4.15 Arts

Personal profile


Tony Kemp-Welch works on Poland, the Cold War and International Relations. After a BSc in International Relations and PhD in Government from the LSE, he held post-doctoral fellowships in the universities of Oxford, Harvard and Cambridge. He has been at UEA since 1993, and was Dean of the School of Economic and Social Studies (1996-98).

He welcomes research students in Soviet/East European History and International Relations.

Areas of Expertise

Research Interests - Soviet Politics, Eastern Europe and International Relations.

Past Research Grants and Groups

Project TitleStart DateEnd DateFunding Body
Stalin and historians since 19531/2/200431/5/2004Arts and Humanities Research Council
Party and opposition in Poland, 1980-891/1/200330/6/2003Leverhulme Trust