Personal profile
Academic Background
Dr Antonios Panagiotakopoulos (PhD, University of Leeds, 2009) is an Associate Professor in Human Resource Management (HRM) and the Course Leader for the 'BA in Business and HRM' and 'MSc in HRM' at Norwich Business School (NBS), University of East Anglia. He has extensive teaching and research experience both in Greece and the UK. In all, Antonios has over 17 years of teaching experience in Higher education where he has taught various HR modules at UG and PG levels. His research interests are related to the field of 'employee learning' where he has published over 15 articles in international peer-reviewed journals such as the International Journal of Training and Development, the Journal of Business strategy, the Learning Organization and many more. He has also published 3 books with Routledge publisher. He currently teaches ‘Managing across the Globe’, ‘Management and Organizations’ and ‘Managing people and organizations’ at NBS. He is also a Fellow member of the Higher Education Academy and a regular visiting research scholar at the University of Leeds, U.K.