Personal profile


Tony Arthur joined the School of Nursing Sciences, University of East Anglia in January 2013. Prior to this appointment he was Senior Lecturer in Elder Care in the Division of Nursing at the University of Nottingham. He has a background in general nursing, qualifying at the Middlesex Hospital, London in September 1984. He has a first degree in Sociology from the Polytechnic of East London, a PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Leicester, and an MSc in Medical Statistics from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.


His research interests are focused on the health needs of those in late life and at the end of life. He has experience in the design and conduct of longitudinal epidemiological studies of ageing and randomised controlled trials of complex and nurse-led interventions designed to improve the care of older people.


Key Research Interests

·         Nurse-led interventions designed to improve the care of older people

·         The epidemiology of ageing

·         Mental health needs of older people

Research Grants

Brayne C, Arthur A, Bond J, Jagger C, Matthews F, McDonald A, McKeith I, Wittenberg R. (2008-2013) Is Ageing Changing? Health, healthy life and cognition across generations Medical Research Council £2,567,469

Coupland C, Hippisley-Cox J, Morris R, Arthur A, Kendrick T, Moore M. (2011-2013) Safety of antidepressants in people aged under 65: cohort study using a large primary care database NIHR School for Primary Care Research £119,961

Seymour J, Arthur A, Wilson E, Forsythe A. (2008-2010) Evaluation of the Department of Health/King’s Fund ‘Environments for Care at the End of Life’ programme King's Fund £50,684

Coupland C, Hippisley-Cox J, Arthur A, Sach T, Morriss R. (2008-2010) Safety and harms of antidepressant drugs for older people: an analysis using a large primary care database The HTA programme of the NIHR £95,969

Arthur A, Wilson E, James M, Stanton W, Seymour J. (2010) A review of the English language literature on bereavement, bereavement support and bereavement services Department of Health £38,682

Seymour J, Arthur A, Cox K, Pollock K, Stanton W. (2009) Public attitudes to death, dying & bereavement: a systematic review National Council for Palliative Care £35,224

Hanratty B, Addington-Hall JM, Arthur A, Grande G, Payne SA, Seymour J. (2008-2009) Older adults with advanced cancer living alone: An exploratory study Dimbleby Cancer Care £69,805

Siddall V, Addington-Hall J, Porock P, Wilcock A, Langley-Evans S, Hopkinson J, Arthur A. (2007-2008) Predicting weight loss in patients with cancer: Development and preliminary validation of a simple and practical screening tool National Cancer Research Initiative £73,019


Recent Research outputs

Venkatasalu MK, Arthur A, Seymour J. Talking about end-of-life care: the perspectives of older South Asians living in East London. Journal of Research in Nursing2013;in press.

Wale J, Arthur A, Faull C. An analysis of knowledge and attitudes of hospice staff towards organ and tissue donation. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care 2013;in press.

Kerry R, Madouasse A, Arthur A, Mumford S. Scientific truth status in randomised controlled trials. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2013;in press.

Hanratty B, Addington-Hall J, Arthur A, Cooper L, Grande G, Payne S, Seymour J. What is different about living alone with cancer inolder age? A qualitative study of experiences and preferences for care. BMC Family Practice 2013;14:22.

Cox K, Bird L, Arthur A, Kennedy S, Pollock K, Kumar A, et al. Public attitudes to death and dying in the UK: a review of published literature. BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care 2013;3:37-45.

Hanratty B, Lowson E, Holmes L, Addington-Hall J, Arthur A, Grande G, Seymour J, Payne S. A comparison of strategies to recruit patients and carers to end-of-life research in primary care. BMC Health Services Research 2012;12:342.

Hunt C, Arthur A. Student nurses’ reasons behind the decision to receive or decline influenza vaccine: a cross-sectional survey. Vaccine 2012; 30:5824-5829.

Field-Richards S, Arthur A. Negotiating the boundary between paid and unpaid hospice workers: a qualitative study of how hospice volunteers understand their work. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine 2012; 29:627-631.

Halliday V, Porock D, Arthur A, Manderson C, Wilcock A. Development and testing of a cancer appetite and symptom questionnaire. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics 2012;25(3):217-24.

Guo P, East L, Arthur A. A preoperative education intervention to reduce anxiety and improve recovery among Chinese cardiac patients: a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2012;49(2):129-37.

Coupland C, Dhiman P, Morriss R, Arthur A, Barton G, Hippisley-Cox J. Antidepressant use and risk of adverse outcomes in older people: population based cohort study. British Medical Journal 2011;343:d4551.

Bird L, Arthur A, Cox K. "Did the trial kill the intervention?" experiences from the development, implementation and evaluation of a complex intervention. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2011;11:24.

Randle J, Arthur A, Vaughan N. Twenty-four-hour observational study of hospital hand hygiene compliance. Journal of Hospital Infection 2010;76:252-55.

Oliver D, Demiris G, Wittenberg-Lyles E, Porock D, Collier J, Arthur A. Caregiver Participation in Hospice Interdiscplinary Team Meetings via Videophone Technology: a Pilot Study to Improve Pain Management. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care 2010;27(7):465-73.

Bird L, Arthur A, Niblock T, Stone R, Watson L, Cox K. A randomised controlled trial of a rehabilitation programme to assist physical and psychosocial recovery after stem cell transplantation. Journal of Advanced Nursing 2010;66(3):607-15.

Schneider J, Arthur A, Doody G, Simpson J, Jones P. Individual social capital and psychosis: secondary analysis of AESOP data for Nottingham. Mental Health Review Journal 2009;14(3):4-12.

Lee LL, Perng SJ, Ho CC, Hsu HM, Lau SC, Arthur A. A preliminary reliability and validity study of the Chinese version of the self-efficacy for exercise scale for older adults. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008.

Lee LL, Arthur A, Avis M. Using self-efficacy theory to develop interventions that help older people overcome psychological barriers to physical activity: a discussion paper. International Journal of Nursing Studies 2008;45(11):1690-9.

Barclay S, Arthur A. Place of death - how much does it matter? The priority is to improve end-of-life care in all settings. British Journal of General Practice 2008;58(549):229-31.

Teaching Interests

I teach at undergraduate and postgraduate levels in the areas of epidemiology, the health needs of older people, and quantitative research methods.

I am an experienced PhD supervisor in the areas of: frailty, ageing, and the evaluation of nurse-led and other complex interventions.

Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

  • SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being

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