Carlos De Pablos-Ortega

Carlos De Pablos-Ortega


  • 0.15 Arts and Humanities Building

Accepting PhD Students

Personal profile

Academic Background

1992 – B.A. University Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
2002 – Master’s (MEELE). Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain.
2005 – M.Phil. Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain.
2009 – Ph.D. and Doctor Europeus Universidad Nebrija, Madrid, Spain.


Dr Carlos de Pablos-Ortega holds a degree in English and Linguistics from the University Complutense in Madrid, Spain. On obtaining a PGCE at the same university, he began teaching English in Madrid before moving to the University of Bangor, in North Wales. Whilst at Bangor, he worked in the Department of Language for non-specialists as Spanish Language Tutor. He then moved to the United States to teach Spanish in Newport News (Virginia) for two years. 

Back in Madrid, he began working as Lecturer in Spanish, became Academic Coordinator, and later Head of the Spanish Department in the Centro de Estudios Hispánicos at University Antonio de Nebrija. Whilst there, he completed a Master’s and an M. Phil. on Teaching Spanish as a Second Language. He completed his Doctorate on Applied Linguistics in the area of Sociopragmatics in July 2009. He has been working as Lecturer in Spanish at UEA since 2007. In 2011 Carlos was one of the recipients for a UEA award for Excellence in Teaching. He became a Senior Lecturer in 2015.

In 2015-16 Carlos took a year’s sabbatical to work in the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies at the University of Sydney, Australia. He taught Spanish Film & Literature and Spanish Language and Linguistics alongside co-ordinating and teaching levels 1, 2 and 8 in the Spanish Language degree. He was presented with two commendations for Excellence in Teaching by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

In 2019 Carlos became Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) in recognition of his attainment against the UK Professsional Standards Framework for teaching and learning support in higher education.

Carlos is currently leading a project entitled Support for Access to Audiovisual Media (SAAM), where students work with charities who need to have their videos subtitled for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing as well as being translated into other languages. UEA students gain valuable practical experience using authentic material and professional software. For more information about the project, visit  


Key Research Interests

Interlanguage and cross-cultural pragmatics: pragmalinguistics and sociopragmatics, the study of politeness. 

Intercultural communication through audio-visual translation:

  • the translation of specific speech acts in audiovisual resources in relation to cultural representations and stereotypes of the target language

  • language attitudes and perceptions of non-native speakers towards the realization of speech acts.


Invited Talks

  • 2018, 8th March, BA in Education, Teaching of English as a Second Language: issues and challenges, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Pragmatics in Second Language Learning.

  • 2018, 8th February, PGCE Secondary Modern Foreign Languages Programme, School of Education and Lifelong Learning, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Audio-visual Resources in Foreign Language Teaching.

  • 2017, 26th October, University Pablo de Olavide, Spain; Title: Audio-visual Translation Challenges.

  • 2017, 29th September, Department for Education Spanish Teachers Training, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Lights, Camera and… Using Films for Language Teaching.

  • 2017, 5th July, Instituto Cervantes & University Antonio de Nebrija, Spain; Title: Introducción a la competencia pragmática.

  • 2017, 5th May, Department for Education Spanish Teachers Training, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Subtitling: A Language Teaching Tool.

  • 2017, 7th March, Project on Multilingualism and Multicultural Awareness in Secondary Education Project, University of East Anglia, UK, Title: Hands-on Subtitling Using your Spanish.

  • 2017, 6th April, University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain; Title: Let’s Be Pragmatic in the Teaching of Spanish L2.

  • 2016, 9th – 12th November, University College London, UK; Title: Audience’sPerceptions via Non-Verbal Language, Paralinguistic Features and Linguistic Representation of Speech Acts in Subtitling.

  • 2014, 10th January, University Antonio de Nebrija, Spain; Title: Research in L2 Spanish Pragmatics

  • 2014, 9th January, University of Zaragoza, Spain; Title: The Challenges of Audiovisual Translation: Subtitling Cultures.

  • 2010, 8th March, University of East Anglia, UK; Title: Attitudes of English Speakers Towards Thanking in Spanish.


Conference Papers and Workshop Presentations

  • 2018, 29th June, Instituto Cervantes, Manchester, UK, XI Jornadas Didácticas de ELE; Title: Seamos Pragmáticos en la Didáctica de ELE.

  • 2018, 2nd – 4th May, University of Seville, Seville, Spain, 8th International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics; Title: Pragmatic Representation of Directive Speech Acts in Spanish and English Films.

  • 2017, 15th-16th June, University of Strathclyde, UK, Encuentro ELE UK; Title: Communicating beyond Words: Pragmatics in Spanish Teaching Materials.

  • 2017, 18th May, University of East Anglia, UK, Learning and Teaching Day; Title: Engaging with the Community whilst Developing Professional Practice through an Audiovisual Project.

  • 2016, 11th-13th February, Sapienza Università di Roma & Università degli Studi di Roma Tre, Italy, Linguistic and Cultural Representations in Audiovisual Translation; Title: I’m so sorry to disturb you but I wonder if I could have your autograph vs ¿Me firma un autógrafo por favor? Contrastive (In)Directeness in Subtitling.

  • 2015, 4th November, University of East Anglia, UK, Enhancing security through efficient policing workshop, Knowledge Exchange Workshop, University of East Anglia; Title: Exploring police questioning from a cross-cultural perspective: Is there anything you would like to tell us about what happened at the party back in March of this year?”

  • 2015, 17th- 18th September, University of Western Sydney, Australia, 6th International Conference Media for All; Title: I wonder if you would be kind enough to give me a hand? Indirectness in Audiovisual Translation

  • 2015, 2nd November, University of Sydney, Australia, Title: Applied Linguistics in Audiovisual Translation and Language Teaching

  • 2014, 29th November, Durham University, UK, V Encuentro de Profesores de ELE en Centros Universitarios del Reino Unido; Title: “Seamos pragmáticos” en los Programas de Español como Lengua Extranjera

  • 2014, 26th-28th June, University Antonio de Nebrija, Spain, II Congreso Internacional en Lingüística Aplicada a la Enseñanza de Lenguas: En camino hacia el plurilingüismo; Title: Action Research: Teaching and Learning Pragmatics in Spanish L2.

  • 2013, 26th-28th June, University of East Anglia, UK, Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads III: Making a Difference in Intercultural Communication; Title: Understanding and Promoting Appropriate Communication Practice in Ask-the-Expert Healthcare Websites: Insights from a Cross-Cultural Comparison.

  • 2012, 4th-6th September, Kings College, UK, 34th Annual ACIS Conference; Title: Noisy Spaniards! A study on Pedro Almodóvar’s cinema

  • 2011, 3rd- 8th July, University of Manchester, UK, 12th International Pragmatics Conference; Title: The Pragmatic Representation of Thanking in English and Spanish

  • 2011, 29th June - 1st July, University of East Anglia, UK, Cross-cultural Pragmatics at a Crossroads II: Linguistic and Cultural Representation across Media; Title: Linguistic and Cultural Representation via Subtitling in Pedro Almodóvar’s film Labyrinth of Passion.

  • 2011, 28th June - 1st July, Imperial College, UK, 4th International Conference Media for All: “Audiovisual Translation: Taking Stock”; Title: Audience Perception of Characters in Pedro Almodóvar’s Film The Flower of My Secret.

  • 2010, 16th-19th July, Kobe University, Japan, 18th International Pragmatics and Language Learning; Title: Socio-pragmatic Classification of the Speech Act of Thanking in Spanish.

  • 2010, 30th June-2nd July, University of Basel, Switzerland, 5th International Symposium on Politeness; Title: Facework Values in the Speech Act of Thanking: A Contrastive Study in Spanish and English.

  • 2009, 9th-12th September, New Bulgarian University, 44th Linguistics Colloquium: “Globalization, intercultural communication and language”; Title: Linguistic Attitudes of English Speakers Towards Thanking in Spanish.

  • 2009,  6th-9th September, All Hallows College, Dublin, Ireland, 30th Annual ACIS Conference. Title: Recursos multi-media para la presentación de contenidos socioculturales en la España contemporánea.

  • 2009, 26th June, Birkbeck College. Symposium on Pragmatics and Intercultural Communication in Spanish. Title: La ficción como herramienta para el desarrollo de las competencias intercultural.


Key Responsibilities

  • Head of Language and Communication Studies (2016 - 2018)
  • Head of Spanish (2007-2014)

  • Module Convenor: Spanish Honours Language 3: World Spanishes; Spanish Honours Language 3: Advanced Hispanic Studies Language; Technological Tools for Subtitling and Dubbing; Technological Tools for Media Accessibility and Reinterpreting 21st Century Spain 

  • Member of School Exam Board (2007-2014)
  • Chair of the Extenuating Circumstances Panel (2013-2014)

  • Member of School Promotions Committee (2007-2012)

  • Director of E-Learning (2009-2012)



Areas of Expertise

Spanish language and linguistics; pragmalinguistics and sociopragmatics; intercultural communication; media, culture and language.

Teaching Interests

Contrastive Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics

Contemporary Spanish cinema.

Audiovisual Translation


Research supervision

MA in Applied Translation Dissertation supervisions in the area of Pragmatics, Sociolinguistics and Audiovisual Translation.


Modules taught

  • Spanish Honours Language 3: Advanced Hispanic Studies
  • Spanish Honours Language 3: World Spanishes
  • Technological Tools for Subtitling and Dubbing
  • Techonological Tools for Media Accessibility
  • Specialised Translation (Eng>Spa)
  • Reinterpreting 21st Century Spain
  • Spain Through the Eye of a Lens 
  • Spanish Post A-Level 1
  • Spanish Post A-Level 2
  • Language Learning Through Media.
  • Issues and Controversies in Contemporary Spain.



  • Linguistics & Philology
  • Pragmatics
  • Romance languages and literatures
  • Spanish