Projects per year
Search results
A High-resolution, high-complexity model to Investigate Carbon variability and storage in the Ocean (HICO) - Renewal application
Le Quéré, C., Buitenhuis, E., Racault, M. & Baughan, A.
31/03/24 → 30/03/29
Project: Research
CALIPSO - Carbon Loss In Plants, Soils and Oceans
Le Quéré, C., Racault, M. & Racault, M.
Virtual Earth System Research Institute
1/09/23 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
The Critical Decade for Climate Change
Le Quéré, C., McNeil, J. & Tebboth, M.
1/10/21 → 30/09/27
Project: Training
Frontiers of instability in marine ecosystems and carbon export (Marine Frontiers)
Le Quéré, C., Buitenhuis, E., Mayot, N., Sommer, A., Willis, D. & Wright, R.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/04/21 → 30/09/26
Project: Research
A High-resolution-high-complexity model to Investigate Carbon variability in the Ocean (HICO)
Le Quéré, C., Buitenhuis, E., De-Gol, A., Willis, D., Buitenhuis, E., Willis, D. & Harold, J.
31/03/19 → 30/03/29
Project: Research
Seed funding a climate change stories repository – the Critical Decade
Tebboth, M., Le Quéré, C. & McNeil, J.
1/11/22 → 31/10/23
Project: Internal Funding › NERC Discipline Hopping
Constraining the EvoLution of the southern Ocean-carbon Sink (CELOS)
Le Quéré, C., Heywood, K. & Harold, J.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/07/20 → 30/06/24
Project: Research
Climate-Carbon Interactions in the Current Century
Le Quéré, C., Manning, A., De-Gol, A., Pickers, P. & Wright, R.
1/06/19 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health (CUSSH)
Le Quéré, C., Le Quéré, C. & Goodess, C.
1/02/18 → 31/10/23
Project: Research
Observation-based system for monitoring and verification of greenhouse gases
Le Quéré, C., Peylin, P., Aalto, T., Astrup, R., Bombelli, A., Brunner, D., Buchwitz, M., Chang, J., Dolman, H., Engelen, R., Gerbig, C., Gon, H., Gunther, D., Hammer, S., Hase, F., House, J., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Kern, B., Kutsch, W., Makarova, M., Nabuurs, G., O'Brien, P., Obersteiner, M., Olsen, A., Osborn, T., Palmer, P., Peters, G., Peters, W., Regnier, P., Rigler, E., Ruyssenaars, P., Scholze, M., Serengil, Y., Smith, P., Tarasova, O., Thompson, R., Tworke, K., Vitullo, M., Zakharov, V., Andrews, O., Jones, M., Pickers, P. & Harris, I.
1/02/18 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
CO2 Human Emissions (ECMWF Lead)
Balsamo, G., Le Quéré, C., A, R., Baillion, Y., Boesch, H., Bovensmann, H., Brunner, D., Butz, A., Chevallier, F., Gon, H., Houweling, S., Janssens-Maenhout, G., Kaminski, T., Lizon-Tati, L., Manning, A., Munro, R., Papale, D., Peters, W., Prunet, P., Reichstein, M., Scholze, M., Thompson, R., Weise, D., Andrews, O., Jones, M. & Pickers, P.
1/10/17 → 31/12/20
Project: Research
Southern OceaN optimal Approach To Assess the carbon state, variability and climatic drivers (SONATA)
Le Quéré, C., Brown, P., Jones, A., King, B., Manning, A., McDonagh, E., Suntharalingam, P., Watson, A., Andrews, O., Buitenhuis, E. & Chen, Z.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/07/17 → 31/07/22
Project: Research
Foundations for climate resilient and sustainable growing settlements (U-RES)
Le Quéré, C., Clarke, J., Dawson, R., Dhakal, S., Tebboth, M., Tebboth, M., Wasonga, O. & Metcalfe, A.
Natural Environment Research Council
9/01/17 → 19/11/17
Project: Research
Limits to habitability under climate change
Le Quéré, C., Harpham, C., Lemke, B., kjellstrom, P. & Andrews, O.
1/09/16 → 20/11/17
Project: Research
Knowledge Assessment Platform for the valuation of Energy and Nature together (KAPtEN)
Lovett, A., Le Quéré, C., Noppen, J., Watson, S. R. & Moriarty, R.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/02/16 → 31/07/19
Project: Research
Coordinated Research in Earth Systems and Climate: Experiments, Knowledge, Dissemination and Outreach.
Jones, C., Suntharalingam, P., Aalto, T., Alessandri, A., Bopp, L., Brovkin, V., Buitenhuis, E., Doescher, R., Eyring, V., Friedlingstein, P., Galluccio, G., Hardenberg, J., Heinze, C., Iversen, T., Jones, C., Knutti, R., Kuhlbrodt, T., Le Quéré, C., Lucarini, V., Miller, P., Minns, A., Noije, T., Popova, E., Riahi, K., Seferian, R., Vuuren, D., Warszawski, L., Andrews, O., Buitenhuis, E. & Enright, M. C.
1/11/15 → 31/03/21
Project: Research
Royal Society Support for European Hub for Future Earth
Jickells, T., Le Quéré, C. & Minns, A.
23/03/15 → 31/10/18
Project: Other
Integrated Marine Biogeochemical Modelling Network to Support UK Earth System Research - i-MarNet
Le Quéré, C., Suntharalingam, P., Andrews, O., Buitenhuis, E. & Enright, M. C.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/06/12 → 30/11/14
Project: Research
International Project Office for the Global Carbon Project (Not Joint Proposal - Lead, UEA)
Le Quéré, C., Buitenhuis, E., Vaughan, N. & Salmon, M.
Natural Environment Research Council
13/02/12 → 11/12/15
Project: Research
EMBRACE: Earth system Model Bias Reduction and assessing Abrupt Climate changE
Le Quéré, C., Buitenhuis, E., Suntharalingam, P. & Salmon, M.
1/11/11 → 28/02/16
Project: Research
GEOCARBON: Operational Global Carbon Observing System
Bombelli, A., Le Quéré, C., Bertino, L., Buitenhuis, E., Castaldi, S., Ciais, P., Crevoisier, C., Dolman, H., Gatti, L., Gloor, E., Gruber, N., Hartmann, J., Heinze, C., Houweling, S., Kaminski, T., Latham, J., Obersteiner, M., Papale, D., Peters, W., Regnier, P., Reichstein, M., Santoro, M., Scholze, M., Schuster, U., Sonké, B., Williams, M. & Salmon, M.
1/10/11 → 31/12/14
Project: Research
CARBOCHANGE: Changes in Carbon Uptake and Emissions by Oceans in a Changing Climate
Bakker, D., Buitenhuis, E., Le Quéré, C., Manning, A., Schuster, U., Blomfield, D., Etchells, A., Lee, G., Rix, S. & Salmon, M.
1/03/11 → 28/02/15
Project: Research
Joint Appointment in Marine Biogeochemistry (01/04/2010 to 31/12/2010)
1/04/10 → 31/12/10
Project: Research
GREENCYCLESII: Anticipating Climate Change and Bispheric Feedbacks within the Earth System to 2200
Buitenhuis, E., Bakker, D. & Le Quéré, C.
1/01/10 → 31/12/13
Project: Research
Database Development for the Parameterization and Evaluation of Dynamic Green Ocean Models
1/07/09 → 30/06/10
Project: Research
QUEST - Earth System Modelling
Natural Environment Research Council
1/07/09 → 31/03/11
Project: Research
MAREMIP - Setting the basis of a MARine Ecosystem Model Intercomparision Project. (EUROCEANS)
1/04/08 → 31/10/08
Project: Research
Use of satellite observations to understand the interactions between climate and marine ecosystems.
16/04/07 → 31/07/08
Project: Research
Earth Modelling System
Le Quéré, C., Gregory, J. M., Slingo (Reading), J. M. & Watson, A.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/04/06 → 30/11/09
Project: Research
MARQUEST - Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Initiative in Quest
Watson, A., Aiken (PML - CASIX), J., Allen (PML), J. I., Anderson (University of Southampton, T. R., Blackford (PML), J., Challenor (Southampton), P., Geider, R., Haines (Reading University), K., Holt (Proudman Oceanographic Lab), J., Huthnance (Proudman Oceanographic), J., Johnston (University of Essex), M. R., Le Quéré, C., Oschlies (Uni of Southampton), A., Proctor (Proudman Oceanographic), R., Souza (Proudman Oceanographic Lab), A. & Wolf (Proudman Oceanographic Lab), J.
Natural Environment Research Council
1/10/05 → 30/09/09
Project: Research
CARBO-Ocean: Marine carbon sources and sinks assessment
Watson, A., Bakker, D., Le Quéré, C., Manning, A. & Schuster, U.
1/01/05 → 31/12/09
Project: Research