Projects per year
Personal profile
- 2002 - ongoing. National Institute for Mental Health (NIMHE) National Committee in training in psychosocial interventions for psychosis. Committee member and Eastern Region Representative. This committee reports to the national NIMHE executive. It monitors and promotes University courses and NHS initiatives within local Trusts.
- 1997 - 2001. Joint convenor of the UK International Conference on Early Intervention in Psychosis (With Prof Birchwood, Birmingham). The 1st UK international conference (1997) was the first in Europe to bring together an international group of academics, clinicians, users and carers on this topic and preceded Government policy in this area. The cofnerence proceedings evolved into an edited book (Birchwood, Fowler, Jackson, 2000).
- 2000 -2003. International Society for Psychotherapy in Schizophrenia. (Committee member, British section). This society aims to disseminate good practice in psychotherapy for psychosis, it has traditionally been psychoanalytic in orientation but I was invited to offer a cognitive behavioural perspective. I have also been invited to join the international organizing committee.
- 1998 - ongoing. Cognitive therapy in psychosis international collaborative group. This group co-ordinated by Prof A Beck (Philadelphia, USA) involves an annual meeting (USA/UK) of most of the leading researchers in this area, there is also an active email discussion group. I have had responsibilities for facilitating communication regarding adherence and other aspects of methodology of CBT trials in this area.
- I also sit on a range of local and regional committees eg Eastern Regional NIMHE early psychosis and research groups, Central Norfolk and Norfolk county mental health LIT, East Norfolk and Waveney Research consortium, NWMHPT research forum, Continuing support.
- National and International Post Graduate Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development, Consultancy and Training:
- I am regularly asked to provide training in management of psychosis within the UK and internationally. I am also asked to consult on dissemination of evidence based psychosocial interventions for psychosis. I have conducted workshops and training seminars relating to these topics at the Hotel Dieu de Levis Hospital, Quebec, Canada (1998); Umea University Sweden (1991); Kalmar Behandlingshemmet, Sweden (1998) and Mora Behandlingshemmet, Sweden (1996) Rosenburg Hospital, Den Haag, Holland (1995); Bescia, Italy (1999); University of Oslo, (2000); Gothenburg University Psychiatry Dept (2000); Keio University, Tokyo, Japan (2000); New Hampshire (Dartmouth Med School) (2001); University of Hong Kong and Tai Po Hospital, New Territories (2001); Boston (Mass Gen Hospital) (2002), Boulder Colorado (2003); Aarhus Hospital, Denmark (2001, 2004); and have been invited to Palo Alto, California and Bologna (2005).
- Invited International Lectures:
- I am regularly asked to give keynote and invited lectures. These include University of Oslo (2000); Keio University (2000); Dartmouth Medical School (2001); University of Hong Kong (2001); Mess Gen Hospital (2002); Boulder Colorado (2003); Aarhus University, Denmark (2001, 2004); Stanford University (2005); University of Milan (2005); Alice Barber lecture University of Melbourn (2006); World Congress of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Athens (2006); Italian society for psychopathology Naples (2005); Rome (2006).
- Post Graduate Medical Education for psychiatrists in Italy:
- This work began with a series of 3 day workshops for senior psychiatrists organized by the Italian Department of Health (Istituto Superiore Sanita) Rome, Italy (1995, 1996, 1997). The work has continued with abi-annual contribution to psychiatrists PGME organized by the Italian Society for Biological Psychiatry, Rome (1999, 2001); Napoli (2003); Bologna (2005).
- Post Graduate Medical Education for Psychiatrists in Italy:
- This work began with a series of 3 day workshops for senior psychiatrists organized by the Italian Department of Health (Istituto Superiore Sanita) Rome, Italy (1995, 1996, 1997). The work has continued with a bi-annual contribution to psychiatrists PGME organized by the Italian Society for Biological Psychiatry, Rom (1999, 2001); Napoli (2003); Bologna (2005).
- National Collaborations:
- 1999 - ongoing. Cohort studies of the course and outcome of first episode psychosis in Norfolk and evaluation of models of service delivery and dissemination of CBT and family work. Norwich PCT and NWMHPT early intervention service core funding (Principal Investigator). Final results from two year follow ups are only now fully complete. A preliminary report (Fowler et al, 2003) suggested that a specialist support plus CMHT model of early psychosis service delivery was ineffective. By contrast the preliminary results of the dedicated multidisciplinary early intervention team (at 3 months, 9/04) from the first cohort (n=50) are very promising.
- 2000 - 2007 PRP Group. Cognitive and Social Processes in Psychosis and the development of more effective interventions. Wellcome Programme Grant (Principal Investigator with the PRP group: Prof Kuipers (Kings), Prof Garety (Kings), Prof Dunn (Manchester), Prof Bebbington (UCL). This is a large scale programme of research which aims to better understand the way in which cognitive and social processes contribute to the maintenance of psychosis, and to develop better psychological treatments for people at risk of psychotic relapse. At the centre of this project is an RCT of the use of CBT in reducing relapse in psychosis. This programme grant is already being highly productive with a stream of publications being submitted to and accepted in high impact journals. I contribute to development of theoretical models and specification of novel hypotheses (Fowler, 2000; Garety, Kuiperes, Fowler et al 2001; Steel, Fowler, Holmes, In Press; Fowler et al, In Press). I lead subgroups of the project on trauma and emotion in psychosis (eg Hardy, Fowler, Freeman et al, In Press; Smith, Fowler, Freeman et al, Submitted; Fowler, Freeman, Smith et al, Submitted) and studies of adherene and competence of CBT intervention (Rollinson, Fowler, Freeman, et al, In Prep). I also contribute to the design, conduct, analysis and write up of studies on attributions (eg Freeman, Garety, Fowler, et al 2004) experimental studies on paranoia and virtual reality experiments and reasoning (eg Freeman et al, 2003; 2004; Freeman et al, In Press; Garety et al, In Press).
- 2004 - 2006 Improving Social Recovery in Early Psychosis: A randomised controlled trial of Social Recovery Oriented CBT. Medical Research Council trial platform grant. (Chief Investigator with Prof Jones Cambridge University co-applicant and Dr Iain Macmillan.) This project involves the development and evaluation of an innovative therapy to improve social recovery combining CBT and supported employment. The pilot results are very promising. We have also now successfully put into place the necessary administrative arrangements to run trials between the Norfolk and Cambridge centres which is a new collaboration. Recruitment to the trial begins October 2004.
- The National EDEN project. Department of Health. (PI with Prof Birchwood and Dr Lester (Birmingham-lead) Prof Jones (Cambridge) Prof Harrison and Prof Amos (Bristol) Prof Marshall (Manchester). This study aims to be the main evaluation of the effectiveness of new services for people with psychosis in the UK. It involves a detailed case study approach to the evaluation of early psychosis services in five leading centres in the UK (one of which is Norfolk). We have responded to the initial reviews which were favourable and we are awaiting a final decision on funding from the DoH.
- Early detection and Intervention in Early Psychosis (EDIE 2). Medical Research Council (PI with Dr Morrison, Prof Bentall, Prof Lewis, Prof Dunn (Manchester-lead) Prof Birchwood (Birmingham) Dr Gumley (Glasgow) Prof Jones (Cambridge). This trial aims to undertake an RCT involving the early detection and psychological intervention for individuals at high risk of psychosis. Following review we are submitting a revised applicaton providing further details about recruitment figures in each centre and revised costings in October.
- International Collaborations:
- 2002 - ongoing. A randomised trial of CBT to treat PTSD in patients with severe mental illness. NIMH project grant (USA) (Named consultant to Prof Mueser (PI) Dartmouth Med school USA). This study involved the development and evaluation of a new approach to treating PTSD in people with severe mental illness. I advised on the development of this new therapy and on aspects of studies concerning the interface of PTSD and psychosis in clients with SMI.
- 2003 - 2007 Effectiveness of case managers delivery CBT for psychosis in a routine clinical setting in Boulder, Colorado. Eli Lilly education grant. PI with Dr Richard Warner, Colorado and the PRP group.
- 2006 - 2009 Cognitive behavioural skills training in schizophrenia. National Institute of Mental Health RO1 grant (USA). (Named international consultant to Prof Granholm, University of San Diego - PI). Advisor on development of the therapy manual, design and meausres of trials of interventions with target social goals of patients with schizophrenia and scientific aspects of the research.
- 2004 - 2008 NHMRC programme grant (Australia). Biopsychosocial predictors of outcome and treatment trials of psychosocial interventions in early psychosis (International PI with Profs McGorry, Jackson, Pantellis, Melbourn University). I am assisting with the development and evaluation of social recovery intervention involving combinations of CBT and supported employment as part of this large programme of research in Australia.
Key Research Interests
Research Group or Lab Membership
Areas of Expertise
1983 BSc (Hons) Psychology (2.1), Leeds University
1986 MSc Clinical Psychology, Leeds University
1986-1989 Scientific Officeer, MRC Social Psychiatry Unit, Institute of Psychiatry, London
1989-1994 Principal Clinical Psychologist, Cambridge University Teaching Hospital Trusts
1994-1998 Lecturer in Clinical Psychology (0.4 wte)
1998-2003 Senior Lecturer in Clinical Psychology (0.6 wte)
2003-date Reader in Clinical Psychology (0.6 wte), University of East Anglia
1996-date Consultant Clinical Psychologist (Grade B, 0.4 wte) Norfolk & Waveney Mental Health Partnership Trust (NWMHPT)
2004-date Professor of Social Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Health Policy & Practice UEA
Mental Health Research Lead, Faculty of Health, UEA
Teaching Interests
My teaching is usually characterised by the use of innovative methods which aim to promote the application of theoretical understanding to complex problems presented in the clinic. These methods build on core psychotherapeutic and clinical assessment skills, and integrate experiential learning (role play, demonstration and video) with case discussions, problem based learning and formal didactic presentations.
National and International Post Graduate Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development, Consultancy and Training
I am regularly asked to provide training in management of psychosis within the UK and internationally. I am also asked to consult on dissemination of evidence based psychosocial interventions for psychosis. I have conducted workshops and training seminars relating to these topics at the Hotel Dieu de Levis Hospital, Quebec, Canada (1998); Umea university Sweden (1991); Kalmar Behandlingshemmet, Sweden (1998) and Mora Behandlingshemmet, Sweden (1996) Rosenburg Hospital, Den Haag, Holland (1995); Brescia Italy, (1999); University of Oslo, (2000); Gothenburg University Psychiatry Dept (2000); University of Hong Kong and Tai Po Hospital, New Territories (2001); Boston (Mass Gen Hospital) (2002), Boulder Colardo (2003); Aarhus Hospital, Denmark (2001, 2004); and have been invited to Palo Alto, California and Bologna (2005).
Post Graduate Medical Education for psychiatrists in Italy: This work began with a series of 3 day workshops for senior psychiatrists organized by the Italian Department of Health (Istituto Superiore Sanita) Rome, italy (1995, 1996, 1997). The work has continued with a bi-annual contribution to psychiatrists PGME organized by the Italian Society for Biological Psychiatry, Rome (1999, 2001); Napoli (2003); Bologna (2005).
MSc Level
2003 to date. Post graduate diploma and Masters programme in Mental Health (NAM, UEA). I serve on the course management committee and served as a consultant to the programme coordinators in the development of this programme.
1995 to date. CBT courses and related programmes. I teach on the CBT course at UEA and serve on the course management committee. I have also taught on many University courses involving training in CBT for psychosis and psychosocial interventions at Masters level for psychiatrists, psychologists and other disciplines (University of Dundee, Birmingham, Manchester, Institute of Psychiatry, London; University of Aarhus, Denmark; University of Oslo, Norway). This has been a useful opportunity to observe and learn from practices and curricula used elsewhere.
Since 2006 I have led the psychiatry unit for the Medical Degree undergraduates at UEA School of Medicine. With colleagues from within the university and from the Mental health Trust we have developed an innovative programme based on reflective learning from involvement with cases in the Trust. This is facilitated by expert led problem based learning from mental health professionals (mainly consultant psychiatrists). The main aim is developing a sophisticated biopsychosocial understanding of complex mental health problems integrating theory and practice.
Doctoral level research supervision
PhD, MD and ClinPsyD thesis supervision. Most of these theses are linked to ongoing research programmes with respect to the understanding of emotional, cognitive and social aspects of severe mental health problems and psychosis.
Administrative Posts
- Mental Health Research Lead
- Unit 12 lead (psychiatry) in the MBBS
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
- 9 Finished
Prevention of long term social disability amongst young people with emerging signs of severe mental illness: A pilot randomised controlled trial of social recovery cognitive behaviour therapy for young people with emerging severe mental illness
Fowler, D., Barton, G., Byrne, R., French, P., Lewis, P., Notley, C., Parker, S., Shepstone, L., Street, C., Wilson, J. & Hodgekins, J.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/11/12 → 30/04/15
Project: Research
SUstaining Positive Engagement and Recovery (SuperEDEN) - the next step after Early Intervention for Psychosis
Birchwood, P., Fowler, D., Amos, T., Benington, K., Freemantle, N., Hodgekins, J., Jones, P., Larsen, J., Lester, H., Marshall, P., McCrone, P., Phipps, K., Sharma, V., Singh, S. & Smith, J.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/10/10 → 30/09/15
Project: Research
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for People with Asperger Syndrome and Anxiety Disorders: A Pilot Randomised Control Trial [PASSA]
Langdon, P., Langdon, P., Fowler, D., Murphy, G. & Shepstone, L.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/07/10 → 31/03/15
Project: Research
Development of a novel computer-based therapy for social anxiety in psychosis: preliminary investigations of feasibility and effectiveness (RISC)
Fowler, D., Gega, L., Hill (NWMHP), K., Hoppitt, L., Mackintosh, B. & Turner (NWMHP), R.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/04/09 → 31/03/11
Project: Research
A systematic review and lived-experience panel analysis of hopefulness in youth depression treatment
Berry, C., Hodgekins, J., Michelson, D., Chapman, L., Chelidoni, O., Crowter, L., Sacadura, C. & Fowler, D., Jun 2022, In: Adolescent Research Review. 7, 2, p. 235–266 32 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Open AccessFile5 Citations (Scopus)34 Downloads (Pure) -
Improved social functioning following social recovery therapy in first episode psychosis: Do social cognition and neurocognition change following therapy, and do they predict treatment response?
Griffiths, S. L., Wood, S. J., Fowler, D., Freemantle, N., Hodgekins, J., Jones, P. B., Singh, S., Sharma, V. & Birchwood, M., 1 Feb 2021, In: Schizophrenia Research. 228, p. 249-255 7 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile5 Citations (SciVal)22 Downloads (Pure) -
Social recovery therapy for young people with emerging severe mental illness: the Prodigy RCT
Fowler, D., Berry, C., Hodgekins, J., Banerjee, R., Barton, G., Byrne, R., Clarke, T., Fraser, R., Grant, K., Greenwood, K., Notley, C., Parker, S., Shepstone, L., Wilson, J. & French, P., 1 Nov 2021, In: Health Technology Assessment. 25, 70, p. 1-98 98 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile2 Citations (Scopus)21 Downloads (Pure) -
Sleep duration and psychotic experiences in patients at risk of psychosis: A secondary analysis of the EDIE-2 trial
Reeve, S., Nickless, A., Sheaves, B., Hodgekins, J., Stewart, S. L. K., Gumley, A., Fowler, D., Morrison, A. & Freeman, D., Feb 2019, In: Schizophrenia Research. 204, p. 326-333 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile29 Citations (SciVal)40 Downloads (Pure) -
Persecutory delusions: Effects of cognitive bias modification for interpretation and the Maudsley Review Training Programme on social anxiety, jumping to conclusions, belief inflexibility and paranoia
Hurley, J., Hodgekins, J., Coker, S. & Fowler, D., Dec 2018, In: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry. 61, p. 14-23 10 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile8 Citations (SciVal)22 Downloads (Pure)
Cognitive behavioural skills training in schizophrenia
David Fowler (Contributor)
2006 → 2009Activity: Other activity types › Other
NHMRC programme grant (Australia): Biopsychosocial predictors of outcome and treatment trials of psychosocial interventions in early psychosis
David Fowler (Contributor)
2004 → 2008Activity: Other activity types › Other
Improving Social Recovery in Early Psychosis: A randomised controlled trial of Social Recovery Oriented CBT.
David Fowler (Contributor)
2004 → 2006Activity: Other activity types › Other
National and International Post Graduate Medical Education and Continuing Professional Development, Consultancy and Training:I am regularly asked to provide training in management of psychosis within the UK and internationally. I am also asked to consult on dissemination of evidence based psychosocial interventions for psychosis.
David Fowler (Contributor)
2004 → …Activity: Other activity types › Other
Effectiveness of case managers delivery CBT for psychosis in a routine clinical setting in Boulder, Colorado
David Fowler (Contributor)
2003 → 2007Activity: Other activity types › Other