David Savage

David Savage


  • 1.49 Lawrence Stenhouse Building

Personal profile


David has gone full circle with his teaching - beginning his teaching career at the UEA studying for a PGCE in Physical Education (PE) and now has the role of Subject Lead for the PGCE PE course. He has worked in secondary education for a number of years and has always held a passion for PE and Sport. 

Having decided a career in teaching was the right decision, David has embraced a variety of roles and experiences to supplement his knowledge and is now able to pass this on to the next generation of PE teachers. Taking the lead on Boy's PE and holding whole school pastoral roles, in addition to external examining roles across several key stages and exam boards have been hugely insightful and ensured an holistic view of education has been experienced. 

David's first experiences of working with young people came in the form of teaching swimming to younger children during his teenage years. Since this time, he has used this to catapult himself into various other activities and sports and done this in more formal education settings. Whilst PE and Sport have always been a passion, it was not until University that David really embraced the theoretical side of PE and committed to achieving a 1st Class Honours degree. 

Prior to the role of Subject Lead for the PGCE PE course, David worked at UEA as an Associate Tutor on the Physical Education, Sport and Health (PESH) degrees delivering the Policy and Practice Module. In addition to this, he was seconded to the UEA alongside his teaching job, before becoming Subject Lead. He also has a management role and is responsible for Professional Development across the whole cohort of PGCE students. He is also the Senior Adviser for the School of Education and Lifelong Learning, having also previously held the role of Digital Champion. 

People often ask for advice when it comes to the PGCE course and teaching and David's advice would be to ensure you are organised and able to manage your time effectively. In addition to this, he would say that it is important to be resilient, as the job of a teacher is never straightforward! 

Academic Background

David achieved a First Class BSc (Hons) degree in Sport and Exercise Science from the University of Lincoln. In addition, he also has a Masters in Advanced Educational Practice and a PGCE(M) in Secondary Education (Physical Education) from the UEA. He also holds a PGDip in Higher Education Practice. 


External positions

External Examiner, Roehampton University

1 Jan 202431 Jul 2028

Examiner, OCR (Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations)

1 Apr 2021 → …

External Examiner , Edge Hill University

1 Jan 202131 Jul 2025

Visiting Moderator , Pearson Edexcel

1 Nov 2015 → …