Projects per year
Personal profile
PhD Positions
Click here for current PhD opportunities in PHA. But feel free to email me to discuss projects outside these areas and alternative sources of funding.
After managing a community pharmacy in York I returned to academia in 1992 to undertake a PhD to evaluate the role of the clinical pharmacist in care homes. This resulted in two future research streams, improving the quality and delivery of pharmacist education and integrating the pharmacist into the healthcare team. My research skills include systematic reviews, feasibility and pilot studies to definitive trials. Areas of interest are the management of medicines in care homes, the administration of medicines to patients with swallowing problems and the improvement of information transfer between care settings. Additionally I have been involved in a number of studies to improve the quality of pharmacist education.
Current projects I am involved in include the evaluation of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of pharmacist independent prescribers in care home (CHIPPS) and the introduction of Patient Association charter for residents with swallowing difficulties in care homes. Recently completed studies include a pilot study on the provision of medicines reconciliation in hospital, a feasibility study of using the provision of patient services as a model for undergraduate pharmacist education and a definitive trial to determine the effect of multi-disciplinary medication review in care homes. I was recently commissioned by NHS England to undertake a literature review regarding clinical pharmacy services, many of my recommendations being incorporated into the final Kings Fund review.
I have a strong interest in teaching and have won teaching awards at both the University of Bradford and East Anglia. I have been recently appointed as a professor of clinical pharmacy at the University of Bergen to help set up their undergraduate clinical pharmacy course. I was responsible for setting up the five year integrated degree at the UEA school of pharmacy, managing the introduction of the postgraduate diploma and independent prescribing course and am currently responsible for managing both of our pre-registration contracts for pharmacist and pharmacy technician training with HEE.
Selected Publications
Cadman B, Wright D,* Barton G, Desborough J, Holland R, Irvine L, Nunney I.
Pharmacist provided medicines reconciliation within 24 hours of admission and on discharge: A randomised controlled pilot study.
BMJ Open 2017;7 :e013647
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-013647
Watson M C, Ferguson J, Barton G R, Maskrey V, Blyth A, Paudyal V, Bond C M, Holland R, Porteous T, Sach T H, Wright D J, Fielding S.
A cohort study of influences, health outcomes and costs of patients’ health seeking behaviour for minor ailments from primary and emergency care settings.
BMJ Open 2015;5:e006261.
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006261
Neilson AR, Bruhn H, Bond CM, Elliott AM, Smith BH, Hannaford PC, Holland R, Lee AJ, Watson M, Wright D, McNamee P.
Pharmacist-led management of chronic pain in primary care: costs and benefits in a pilot randomised controlled trial.
BMJ Open. 2015. 5(4), e006874
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2014-006874
Adams RP, Barton G, Bhattacharya D, Grassby PF, Holland R, Howe A, Norris N, Shepstone L, Wright DJ.
Supervised pharmacy student-led medication review in primary care for patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled pilot study.
BMJ Open 2015;5:e009246
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009246
Wright D, Twigg M, Thornley T, Kerr C.
An evaluation of a multi-site community pharmacy–based chronic obstructive pulmonary disease support service.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2014; 24 NOV 2014.
DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12165
Wright D, Twigg M, Thornley T, Kerr C.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease case finding by community pharmacists: a potential cost-effective public health intervention.
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, 2014; 5 NOV 2014.
DOI: 10.1111/ijpp.12161
Bruhn H, Bond CM, Elliott AM, Hannaford PC, Lee AJ, McNamee P, Smith BH, Watson MC, Blyth A, Holland R, Wright D.
Pharmacist-led management of chronic pain in primary care: results from a randomised controlled exploratory trial.
BMJ Open, 2013;3:e002361
DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-002361
Desborough J, Houghton J, Wood J, Wright D, Holland R, Sach T, Ashwell S, Shaw V.
Multi-professional clinical medication reviews in care homes for the elderly: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial with cost effectiveness analysis.
Trials, 2011; 12: 218-227
Kelly J, Wood J, Wright D.
Medication administration errors in secondary care older person’s wards: A multi-centre observational study.
Journal of Advanced Nursing, 2011, 67(12), 2615–2627.
DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2011.05700
- 1992 to date Practising community pharmacist
- 2010 Professor of pharmacy practice, University of East Anglia
- 2003 Senior lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, University of East Anglia
- 1996 Lecturer in pharmacy practice, University of Bradford
- 1992 PhD, University of Bradford
- 1991 Community pharmacy manager, York
- 1987 BPharm(Hons) Student, University of Bradford
Key Research Interests
Health service research involving the use of medicines. Interests include administration of medicines to patients with dysphagia, improving medicines prescribing, supply and administration by better integration of the pharmacist into the healthcare team and research into improving the skills of pharmacists to enable them to operate within the new NHS.
14/7/14: David Wright on has been on Mustard TV talking about the £2 million grant from the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) for a five-year research programme into medicines management in care homes. Click here to view, the interview is in PART 2 of the programme.
Research Funding
2015 National Institute for Health Research PGfAR £2M
Applicants: David Wright (PI), Richard Holland (Co-PI), James Desborough, Garry Barton, Lee Shepstone, Christine Bond, Carmel Hughes, David Alldred
Independent Pharmacist Prescribing in Care Homes (CHIPPS)
2014 Community Pharmacy Futures Research Group £50,000
Applicants: Michael Twigg, David Wright, Garry Barton
To perform an independent evaluation of a novel community pharmacy based service
2014 Rosemont Pharmaceuticals PhD Studentship £65,000
Applicant: David Wright
Improving medicines administration for patients with dementia
2013 Colchester Hospital Pharmacy Department £30,000
Applicant: David Wright
Funding to support a PhD studentship in medicines safety
2011 Research for Patient Benefit £229,000
Applicants: Brit Cadman, David Wright (UEA PI), Tracey Sach, John Wood, Richard Holland, James Desborough
The cost-effectiveness of pharmacist medicines reconciliation services: A pilot study
2010 Pharmacy Practice Research Trust £270,000
Applicants: Margaret Watson, Christine Bond, Richard Holland, David Wright
Community pharmacy management of minor illness
2010 Research for Patient Benefit £250,000
Applicants: David Wright, Paul Grassby, Rick Adams, John Wood, Tracey Sach
Development and evaluation of final year clinical skills laboratories
2010 Health Technology Assessment £380,000
Applicants: Debi Bhattacharya, David Wright, Tracey Sach, John Wood,
Ian Small, Richard Holland, Christine Bond
A pilot study of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of medication multi-compartment compliance aids
2010 Colchester Hospital Pharmacy Department £30,000
Applicant David Wright
Funding to support a PhD studentship in medicines reconciliation
2010 MRC (DPFS Panel) £345,000
Applicants Duncan Craig, David Wright, Tracy Sach, Allan Clarke
Innovative gel aid for administering tablets to stroke and other dysphagic patients
2009 Eastern Strategic Health Authority: SWIFT funding £78,800
Applicants: David Wright
Secondment to develop a unified pharmacy education & workforce strategy within the Eastern region
2009 Eastern Strategic Health Authority: SWIFT funding £440,000
Applicants: David Wright, Denise Farmer, James Desborough
The development and evaluation of a novel program to develop community pharmacy clinical skills
2009 EPSRC £80,000
Applicants: Duncan Craig, David Wright
Validation of an electronic tongue for tasting liquid medicines
2009 NIHR Research for Patient Benefit £249,853
Applicants: James Desborough, David Wright, Tracey Sach, John Wood,
Richard Holland, Val Shaw, Sue Ashwell
Multi-professional clinical medication reviews in care homes for the elderly. A randomised controlled trial with cost-effectiveness study
2009 ICENI £25,000
Applicants David Wright, Duncan Craig
Development of a gel to aid swallowing
2009 NIHR Research For Patient Benefit £229,730
Applicants: Jenny Kelly, David Wright (UEA PI), Tracey Sach, John Wood, Richard Holland, Carol Farrow, Amy McKimm
Will a dedicated service improve medicine administration in older persons with
dysphagia? A pilot study.
2008 NIHR Research For Patient Benefit £117,000
Applicants: Rebecca White, David Wright (UEA PI), Duncan Craig, John Wood
Determination of the ideal medication characteristics for the safe and effective administration of medications via enteral feeding tubes.
2008 Rosemont Pharmaceuticals £30,000
Applicants David Wright
Development of dysphagia research
2008 MRC £421,405
Christine Bond et al, Aberdeen UEA Applicants: Richard Holland, David Wright
Developing a RCT of general practice based, pharmacist led, management
of chronic pain
Income to UEA £120,000
2006 DoH Patient safety grant Multi-centre study £450,000
Applicants: Amanda Howe, Maggie McArthur, Susanne Linqvist,
Jill Robinson, David Wright, Pauline Pearson
Patient safety training in healthcare professional educational curricula:
Examining the learning experience.
Income to UEA £61,278
2005 Rosemont Pharmaceuticals PhD Studentship
Applicant: David Wright
Phd Studentship in Medication and Swallowing Difficulties £60,000
2004 Norfolk PCT & Moss Trust PhD Studentship
Applicant: David Wright
East Anglia Medicines Management Evaluation £30,000
Academic Background
Wright D, Beavon N, Branford D, Griffith R, Harding C, Howseman T, Rasmussen J, Sandhu B, Shmueli U, Smith A, White A.
Guideline for the identification and management of swallowing difficulties in adults with learning disabilities.
Guidelines November 2012; Mebendium Group Publishing Ltd.
Wright D, Morgan L
An independent evaluation of frameworks for personal development in pharmacy.
Report for Modernising Pharmacy Careers Work stream 2. 2012
Date accessed 18.8.13
Wright D. Modernising the pharmacy workforce in the East of England.
East of England Strategic Health Authority 2011.
Wright D, Loftus M, Norris N, Eggleton A, Christou M.
Healthcare professional education and training: How does pharmacy in Great Britain compare?
Research commissioned by the RPSGB. Guidelines 2006. ISBN: 0-9550029-6-6.
Tomlin, Cockerill, Costello, Griffith, Hicks, Sutcliffe, Tuleu, Wong, Wright.
Making medicines safer for children-guidance for the use of unlicensed medicines in paediatric patients.
Guidelines February 2009; 441-445. Medendium Group Publishing Ltd.
Wright, Chapman, Foundling Miah, Greenwall, Griffin, Guyon & Merriman.
Medication management of adults with swallowing difficulties.
Guidelines October 2006; 373-6. Medendium Group Publishing Ltd.
Wright DJ.
Swallowing difficulties protocol: Medication administration.
Nursing Standard 2002;17(nos 14-15):43-5.
Non-peer reviewed journal articles
Wright D.
Pharmacists: Label with care
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2013; 21(5): 275-6
Wright D, Howseman T.
Managing swallowing difficulties in patients with learning disabilities
Journal of community nursing 2013; 27(4):79-84
Wright D
A large plate of perspective please
International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 2012; 23 (3); 139-140
Wright D, Sach T.
Embedding Health Economics into Pharmacy Research: a three-part guide
Primacy Care Pharmacists Association 2011: 1-26.
Wright D, Desborough J, Bhattacharya D, Wood J, Holland R, Bond C, Watson M.
Developing partnerships: The path to successful medicines management research.
Pharmaceutical Journal 2011: 285. 555.
Wright D, Tomlin S.
The role of the pharmacist in the management of patients with dysphagia.
Pharmaceutical Journal 2011: 286. 271.
Wright D.
Don’t rush to crush.
Motor Neurone Disease 2011.
Kelly J, Wright D.
Administering medication to adult patients with dysphagia.
Nursing Standard 2012.
Wright D.
Minimising the risks of medication management in residents with dysphagia.
Focus in care.
Wright D.
Dysphagia should always be considered when prescribing.
Guidelines in Practice 2008;11(9):39-43.
Wright D, Sach T.
Service evaluation toolkit.
National Pharmacy Association 2008.
Wright D.
GPs should ask about swallowing difficulties when prescribing.
Guidelines in Practice 2007; 10(2):19-21.
Holland R, Rechel B, Wright D.
Effects of telephone counselling on mortality and adherence.
[Research Review] Prescriber 2007 18(1), 16-29.
Wright D J.
The hidden dangers of tablet crushing.
Berkshire Care Association News 2007,
Holland R, Wright D.
Medication review in older patients: A review
Geriatrics & Ageing 2006; 9 (3); 203 - 209.
Wright D.
A bitter pill to swallow.
Public service review: Central government 2006;12:165-8.
Wright D, Kelly J. The development of prescribing guidelines for patients who find it difficult to swallow oral medicines.
Guidelines October 2006; Supplement. Medendium Group Publishing Ltd.
Wright DJ.
Don’t rush to crush. Public service review. Health 2006; 10:116-117.
Wright DJ.
Altering medication forms: what you should know.
Nursing & Residential CARE 2003;5(8):372-5.
Wright D J.
Tablet crushing is a widespread practice but it is not safe and may not be illegal.
The Pharmaceutical Journal 2002; 269: 132.
Wright D. Prescribing for patients with dysphagia.
To be published 2011.
Wright D.
Chapter 7: The legal and professional consequences of administering drugs via enteral feed tubes.
White R, Bradman V.
Handbook of Drug Administration via Enteral Feeding Tubes.
Pharmaceutical Press, London 2007.
Bonner M, Wright DJ.
Practical pharmaceutical calculations.
Radcliffe Publishing ltd. First edition 1999, Second revised edition 2008. > 16,000 copies sold to date.
Wright DJ, Silcock J, Chrystyn H.
Preparing for the MRPharmS: The pharmacy registration examination First edition 1999. ISBN 1 900603 96 9.
Research Group or Lab Membership
Medicines management research group
School of Pharmacy
- Dr Debi Bhattacharya - Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
- Dr James Desborough - Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice
- Mr Michael Twigg - Independent Research Fellow in Pharmacy Practice
School of Medicine
- Dr Richard Holland - Reader in Public Health
Current PhD students as Primary Supervisor
- Nadwa Alkhaldi - The value of pharmacist led medicine information services
- Rebecca White - Administration of medicines via enteral tubes
- Alistair Huong – The role of the community pharmacist in chronic disease management
- Bassam Al Won – Counterfeit medicines: Defining the role of the pharmacist
- Manuel Serrano - Evaluation of individualised medication administration guides
- Rowan Yemm - Medicines reconciliation in secondary care
- Jeremy Sokhi - Evaluation of community pharmacy diploma
- Rick Adams - Evaluation of clinical skills laboratories
Areas of Expertise
Teaching Interests
- Health service research
- Health Economics
- Statistics
- Pharmaceutical Calculations
- Law and ethics
Teaching awards
- UEA Transforming Teaching Awards Finalist - 2015
- UK RPS Finalist for contribution to pharmacy education - 2012
- UK Pharma Award for ‘Outstanding contribution to pharmacy education’ - 2008
- The 2008 UKCPA Education & Training Award - 2008
- Chancellor’s award for excellence in teaching, University of East Anglia - 2008
- Chancellor’s award for distinguished teaching, University of Bradford - 2002
Teaching funding
East of England NHS Tender £2.7M
Applicants: David Wright, Maria Christou, Melanie Boughen
To deliver pre-registration pharmacist and technician training
Modernising Pharmacy Careers £30,000
Applicants: David Wright
Independent review of competency frameworks within pharmacy education
University of Bergen, Norway £1.6M
Applicants: Duncan Craig, David Wright, Susan Barker, Paul Grassby
Bergen Student Study Programme, School of Pharmacy
Administrative Posts
- Head of Medicines Management team at UEA School of Pharmacy
- Deputy head of school
- Director of undergraduate admissions
- Course director, Bergen pharmacy pharmaceutics and clinical skills course
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
- Pharmacy
- Health services research
- Dysphagia
- Randomised controlled trials
- Medicines administration
- Medicines prescribing
- Service evaluation
- Questionnaires and surveys
- Feasibility and pilot studies
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
FluCare: Evaluating a Complex Intervention to Increase Care Home Staff Influenza Vaccination Rates
Patel, A., Birt, L., Clark, A., Jones, A., Wright, D., Goodall, K., Hammond, M., Katangwe-Chigamba, T., Stirling, S., Wagner, A., Wright, A., Blacklock, J., Blyth, A. & Sims, E.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/09/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Optimising the equitable delivery of high-cost biologic treatments to patients with rheumatic disease (OpBIO)
Macgregor, A., Wright, D., Yates, M. & Roach, A.
1/11/21 → 31/05/22
Project: Research
Learning from proactive deprescribing experiences within the Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Study to develop national policy regarding deprescribing in care homes for older people
Wright, D., Scott, S., Birt, L. & Blacklock, J.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/04/21 → 30/09/21
Project: Research
CompreHensive geriAtRician-led MEdication Review (CHARMER)
Bhattacharya, D., Clark, A., Bhattacharya, D., Clark, A., Scott, S., Wright, D., Clark, A., Colles, A., Goodall, K., Hojas Garcia, E., Pond, M., Sims, E., Stirling, S., Swart, A. M. & Turner, D.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/09/20 → 31/12/21
Project: Research
ARC Ageing and Multi-morbidity theme
Hornberger, M., Bhattacharya, D., Wright, D. & Gillings, R.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/10/19 → 30/09/24
Project: Research
Developing a core outcome set for evaluating medication adherence interventions for adults prescribed long-term medication in primary care
Bhattacharya, D., Kantilal, K., Martin-Kerry, J., Millar, V., Clark, A., Wright, D., Murphy, K., Turner, D. & Scott, S., Jul 2024, In: Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. 20, 7, p. 625-632 8 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile6 Downloads (Pure) -
Patient’s and consultant’s views and perceptions on switching from an originator biologic to biosimilar medication: A qualitative study
Rosembert, D., Twigg, M. & Wright, D., 7 Apr 2024, In: Pharmacy. 12, 2, 65.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile5 Downloads (Pure) -
Taxonomy development for term standardization in activity resulting from medication review processes: A Delphi study
Alharthi, M. S., Scott, S., Hughes, C., Bond, C., Hatah, E., Bryant, L., Holland, R., Kosari, S., Baqir, W., Loke, Y. & Wright, D., Apr 2024, In: International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 32, 2, p. 180-185 6 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile5 Downloads (Pure) -
A systematic review of barriers and enablers associated with uptake of influenza vaccine among care home staff
Alsaif, F., Twigg, M., Scott, S., Blyth, A., Wright, D. & Patel, A., 6 Oct 2023, In: Vaccine. 41, 42, p. 6156-6173 18 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Open AccessFile23 Downloads (Pure) -
Contextual factors influencing medicines-related interventions to support safe transitions for care home residents post hospital discharge: a systematic review and meta-ethnographic synthesis
Kandiah, J., Nazar, H., Blacklock, J., Robinson, A. & Wright, D., Feb 2023, In: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 45, p. 26–37 12 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Review article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)14 Downloads (Pure)
Drafter for the five year GPhC learning outcomes for the integrated clinical degree - 2013
David Wright (Contributor)
2013Activity: Other activity types › Other
Consultancy work for Australian Pharmaceutical Council
David Wright (Consultant)
2013Activity: Consultancy
Lead academic consultant on Community Pharmacy Futures Group
David Wright (Consultant)
2013Activity: Consultancy
Royal Pharmaceutical Society Conference Research Panel (External organisation)
David Wright (Chair)
2012 → 2013Activity: Membership › Committee
Lead on modernising Pharmacy Careers independent review on frameworks - 2012
David Wright (Contributor)
2012Activity: Other activity types › Other