Dianzi Liu


  • 1.07 Sciences

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

XAI for engineering problem solving;
Temporal-spatial coupled model for predictions of complex dynamic systems;
AI-assisted evolutionary optimzation approach to large-scale optimal designs.

Personal profile


I am currently a full-time Associate Professor and Director of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the School of Engineering.

Research Fellow, University of Leeds, UK (2011 ~ 2013)

PhD in Analysis and Optimization of Composite Panels (ORS Award), University of Leeds, UK (2010) 

Master in Structural Strength and Vibration, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China (2002) 

Bachelor in Solid Mechanics, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China (1999) 

Key Research Interests

  • Inverse design and optimization of structural composites or structural aspects in the fields of Mechanical/Aerospace/Biomechanics/Material/Energy Engineering;
  • Computation and numerical analysis for multiphysics and multiscale modeling; Structural integrity;
  • Multi-disciplinary Analysis and Optimization (MAO) of energy efficient designs;
  • Robustness analysis; Reliability-based optimization;
  • Improved predictive models of nonlinear responses for complex systems;
  • Experimental design and validation; Structural vibration testing. 


Simulation and Optimization Research Group (SORG)

The aim of this international research group - established by the support of the UEA, UL, LU, and the Beihang University, (China) - is to perform advanced research in the field of numerical simulation and computation, composite design, multidisciplinary analysis and optimization. The group tends to develop/implement fast and robust algorithms in an optimization framework oriented to solving large scale engineering optimization problems. The application of this considerably reduces calculation time and is able to solve simulation and optimization-based tasks that cannot be tackled by the programmes available at present. The research group objective is to develop tools for industrial applications. All the research is performed by this international research team.


Dr Dianzi Liu (Director)

Prof. Jianqiao Ye (Lancaster University)

Dr Xiaoan Mao (University of Leeds)

Dr Congxiao Shang (UEA, ENV)

Mr Chengyang Liu (PhD)

Mr Liheng Luo (PhD)

Mr Tolulope Ogundare (PhD)


If you are interested in PhD position at UEA from September 2017, you can contact me directly for details and currently I am planning a phd topic on :

Design and optimization of variable-stiffness laminates using steered fibres

For more information, please check the link https://www.uea.ac.uk/study/-/design-and-optimization-of-variable-stiffness-laminates-using-steered-fibres-liu_u17sf-

(Also, you are welcome to propose your own project topic for PhD study)


Potential candidates are encouraged to contact me directly for informal discussions. If you are a self-funded phd candidate and would like to be considered for tuition-fee waived or maintenance-fee covered by University Scholarship, please contact me immediately for this purpose. Such scholarship is available now!



1. University Research  Funding (2014-2017)

Development of efficient hybrid algorithms to solve mixed discrete-continuous optimization problems.  

2. Joint research with Beihang University (China) by the support from Short-Term Recruitment Program of Professional Scholars (2016)

Aeroelastic tailoring with novel composites for advanced aerospace applications. 

3. EU-FP7 collaborative project on Production Aspects of Lattice Related Barrel Elements with Advanced Reliability, (in collaboration with Vassili Toropov in the Queen's Mary University of London, QMUL)  (Jan, 2014 ~ Dec, 2016).

4. EU-FP7 collaborative project on Advanced Lattice Structure for Composite Airframe (ALaSCA), 2010-2013.

Postgraduate Research Opportunities

If you are interested in PhD position at UEA from September 2016, you can contact me directly or submit the online application below for details:



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