Research output per year
Research output per year
1.32 Elizabeth Fry Building
I began my career as a registered Mental Health Nurse and further to ten years in clinical practice began and academic career - I have now worked in Higher Education for more than 20 years.
I undertook my nurse education in Norfolk and joined the NMC register in 1994. In my role of practitioner I developed expertise in Community and Liaison Mental Health practice working in both rural and city localities and within a general hospital context:
As a Community Psychiatric Nurse I worked alongside individuals with Serious Mental Illnesses before going on to develop an interest in assessment and brief interventions, and supporting individuals with a diagnosis of Personality Disorder who may present with risky behaviours.
My subsequent role, as a liaison nurse within an acute medical and A/E environment, enabled me to gain an appreciation of diverse mental health needs and to develop my particular interests in supporting those who presented in crisis following acts of self-injury were in acute distress, or presented with substance related problems.
Since joining UEA I have held an extensive range of roles, initially involved in the delivery and design of educational provision, having taught across diverse levels, a range of regulated health professional programmes and within and outside of Higher Education contexts. I have also worked on behalf of the Nursing and Midwifery Council undertaking programme approval and monitoring activity as an external Reviewer/ Registrant Visitor.
More recently I have undertaken roles primarily concerned with governance, policy and the leadership of teaching and learning practice, including Faculty Associate Dean for Learning and Teaching Quality, and as the University Academic Director for Taught Programmes. My interest in the wider student experience and holistic nature of learning also led me to undertake the role of Discipliinary Officer for four years and allowed me to work closely with Professional, Commercial and Support Services in adopting an holistic aporoach to interventions.
I currently hold the position of Professor of Health Professions Education and am undertaking the role of Pro Vice Chancellor for Student Experience and Education, acting as Executive Team member with strategic responsibility for our student academic and non-academic experience with a current focus upon wellbeing.
2020 - current - Pro Vice Chancellor Student Experience and Education: Executive Team Mmeber with strategic responsibility for students academic and non-academic experience and wellbeing
2019 -2020 - Academic Director of Taught Programmes: reponsible for the strategic leadership, policy and practice pertaining to undergraduate and prostgraduate taught provision at UEA
2019-current - VC Taskforce on Mental Health and Wellbeing: member of the strategic coordinating body responsible for direction and oversight of the University Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy
2018 -2019 - Academic Link and Project Lead: Sharjah University (UAE), Chair of the faculty steering group, responsible for project design and leadership of identified work streams including teaching delivery; faculty development and due diligence with the partnerships team.
2018 -2019 -Curriculum Redesign Project lead: responsibility for the project design and delivery of the redesigned MSc accelerated nursing curriculum. Involving extensive stakeholder/ external engagement and PSRB approval.
2018 -2019 -Chair of Faculty Appeals and Complaints Committee (reserve): undertaking Chair responsibilities as needed on behalf of the faculty of medicine and health sciences
2017 -2019 -NMC confirmer for HSC: responsible for undertaking an appraisal and ‘sign-off’ role with registrant colleagues to support their professional revalidation
2018 -2020 - Line Manager/ Appraiser: responsibility for five academic colleagues
2016 -2018 - Post Grad curriculum redesign project lead: led the successful redesign and implementation of a post-graduate advanced practice curriculum framework accommodating multiple routes and diversification of delivery
2016-2020 Student Disciplinary Officer : university wide role involving the strategic and operational management of high level non-academic disciplinary cases
2015-2020 SSDC Chair: and panel member duties for disciplinary hearings further to alleged breaches of General Regulations
2015-2019 Associate Dean (Learning & Teaching) Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences: Responsible for the strategic leadership of learning and teaching quality across Faculty taught provision; Chair of the Faculty Learning & Teaching Quality Committee reporting to the University Learning Teaching Committee;
2015-2019 External Examiner, University of Brighton: in relation to post registration and post-graduate APEL / WBL/ RAWL modules
2014-ongoing Partnerships - Chair / Panel member: supporting the work of the UEA in validation of external partnership activity as needed
2010-2019 Fitness to Practice Investigating Officer: undertaking and reporting on alleged breaches of professional conduct and Regulation 14
2012-2015 Associate Director of Teaching and Learning - Assessments: responsible for the quality and governance of formative and summative assessment practice across pre-registration provision.
2014-2018 External Examiner, Southampton University: in respect of BSc (hons) Clinical Practice/ MSc. Advanced Clinical Practice
2013-2015 Chair of the Extenuating Circumstances Panel: supporting the appraisal of student EC submissions and making recommendation to the Boards of Examiners as appropriate
2012-2015 Chair of the Boards of Examiners: (Nursing and Paramedic programmes); responsible for the governance of boards; liaison with external examiners and supervision of examination practice.
2011-2015 Vice Chair of the Boards of Examiners: (Nursing, Midwifery, ODP, Post-registration provision, and Post-graduate taught provision) support to the Chair across a number of professional boards.
2010-2012 School Plagiarism Officer: worked to develop our strategy to help students avoid plagiarism through instigation of a comprehensive programme of sessions implemented across as part all pre-registration, post-registration and PGTP programmes
2010-2012 School Enterprise and Engagement Champion: represented the School at Faculty level as member of a strategic group working to enhance academic community engagement and enterprise opportunities
2007-2012 Accreditation of Prior Learning (APL) co-ordinator: formalised School practice through development of an APEL policy; standard portfolio; and use of mapping and simulated / workbook activities. Responsible for ensuring compatibility with Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) standards in-keeping with UEA regulations.
2003-2011 Internal Board of Examiners member (pre-registration Nursing): long- serving representative of the Mental Health programme team reporting to the board.
2018-2019 - Masters in Health Professions Education (University of Sharjah):- guest lecturer delivering pedagogic practice, and assessment, workshops
2017-2019 - Masters in Clinical Education: sessional input to post-graduate interdisciplinary programme
2013-2016 - Mental Health Lead: BSc Nursing (pre-registration cohort provision = 300+)
Module 2 (24-weeks twice yearly) Responsible for the co-ordination and provision of the mental health foundation learning experience for nursing students of all specialisms. Involved the production and delivery of virtual and classroom based teaching resources in large lecture, skills based and EBL formats.
2006 - 2014 - Course Director and Module Lead, Certificate of Higher Education in Substance Misuse: Comprising Substance Misuse Foundation plus Work Based Learning modules: acted as course instigator, responsible for the design and delivery of a skill based programme in collaboration with commissioning service partners. Led annual monitoring; commissioning and quinquennial review events alongside module leadership and teaching contribution.
2009 -2013 Course Director and Module Lead, MSc in Mental Health: Initiator and lead for a cross faculty, interdisciplinary post-graduate programme aimed at enabling experienced mental health practitioners to develop professional and academic skills to Masters Level. Secured funding via SHA contract and Norfolk County Council as foundation to a Health and Care Professions Council recordable Approved Mental Health Practitioner programme. Produced programme specification; led validation events and annual monitoring related to the programme alongside acting as module lead for one of two ‘core’ components.
2007 -2011 Year 2 Lead- Mental Health: (BSc (Hons) Nursing - pre-registration provision)
Responsible for the provision and monitoring of three modules of study comprising ‘People in Crisis’, ‘Living with enduring mental ill-health’ and ‘Psychosocial and family interventions’. Seated within an EBL based curriculum, made use of diverse teaching methodologies including simulated practice events; and champion of service user involvement
2002-2008 Substance Misuse, Module Lead (BSc (Hons) Nursing - post-registration provision
Planning, delivery and monitoring of a 20 credit, degree level post-registration module aimed at equipping practitioners form non-specialist settings or new to working directly alongside those with substance misuse problems with skills and knowledge to support their practice.
2000-2004 Acute Care in Mental Health Practice, Module Lead (BSc (Hons) Nursing - post-registration
provision) Planning, delivery and monitoring of a 40 credit, degree level post-registration
module of study addressing acute distress; crisis intervention and risk.
Sutton E & Everden P (2019) Teaching teachers through experiential learning: An international learning journey. Advance HE – Annual Teaching and Learning Conference 2019
Sutton E (2019) ‘Current themes in the use assessment in health professions education’ Symposia keynote lecture, Sharjah University, UAE
Sutton E (2018) ‘Introducing blended and flipped learning in health professions education’- Faculty workshop, University of Sharjah, UAE
Taylor L, Sutton E, Emerson K and Bowater L (2017) A marriage of Associate Deans – UEA Annual Learning and Teaching Day
Sutton E (2015) ‘Supporting women in acute mental distress: opportunities for proactive midwifery intervention’ in Bates K and Crozier K (Ed) Managing Childbirth Emergencies in the Community and Low-tech settings. Palgrave Macmillan.
Beezhold J & Sutton E (2011)Suicide Risk Assessment: outcomes of the Norwich Training Programme. Abstract for World Psychiatric Congress: Buenos Aires
Doy R, Blowers E, & Sutton E (2008) Assessing and managing psychosis, drug misuse and violence and aggression in Wardrope J et al Community Emergency Medicine Churchill Livingstone.
Sutton E (2005) An exploration of students’ perceptions and experience of the relationship between theory and practice, and how components of an enquiry-based learning unit influenced their ability to integrate those two aspects of learning. as part of MA in Higher Education
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Other chapter contribution
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article
Emma Sutton-Pavli (Reviewer)
Activity: Membership › Industry panel or group
Emma Sutton-Pavli (Examiner)
Activity: Examination
Emma Sutton-Pavli (Examiner)
Activity: Examination
Emma Sutton-Pavli (Member)
Activity: Membership › Network, Working Group or Professional Association
Emma Sutton-Pavli (Contributor)
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in external training