Personal profile
Erica Piasecka is a PhD candidate and Associate Tutor at the University of East Anglia's School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing. Supported by CHASE Arts and Humanities Research Council, her research looks at formulations of chronic pain in live art through a theoretical framework that combines Heideggerian phenomenology with crip/disability, queer, and gender theory. This research builds on her dissertation for the Erasmus Mundus Master of Arts in Women's and Gender Studies, a bilingual joint degree programme that she undertook at the universities of York and Granada from 2019-2021. This work was awarded the Matrícula de Honor from the University of Granada and recieved the University of York's Centre for Women's Studies Prize for Adventurous Academic Work.
Her professional experience consists of language teaching and translation, most notably as assistant to Dr Jim McCarthy of Trinity University College, Camarthen, in his Spanish-English translation of plays by Antonio Tabares.