Personal profile

Areas of Expertise

Person-centred communications, expression of attitude, human communication skills, empathy, emotion, applied linguistics and discourse analysis, esp. expression of evaluation and emotion through language (eg advertising, media, political discourse and expression of empathy and person-centredness in professional communication); cultural awareness; foreign languages.

Academic Background

1989 BA Hons 1st class (German Language and Linguistics), University of East Anglia

2003 PhD (Discourse Analysis), University of East Anglia


Gabrina Pounds studied German Language and Linguistics at the University of East Anglia. After finishing her degree she had two children (1989 and 1990) and was employed as an Associate Tutor of Italian at the same university. In 1996 she began her PhD study in Linguistics on a part-time basis, while continuing to teach Italian and some Linguistics at UEA. In 2001 she was appointed to the full-time position of Director of Language Resources at UEA and was responsible for the running of the University-wide Language Programme (ULP). She completed her PhD in 2003 with a thesis focusing on the expression of attitude in Letters to the Editor in English and Italian. In 2005 her appointment was confirmed and she has since been working as ATR Lecturer B and Senior Lecturer (since 2014), teaching a number of modules in Applied Linguistics (discourse analysis, pragmatics and socio-linguistics) and producing research in the area of discourse analysis, particularly expression of emotion and attitude.



1991-2001 Associate Tutor (Italian), University of East Anglia

2001-2005 Director of Language Resources/ Lecturer (Linguistics and Italian), University of East Anglia

2005 Lecturer B (Applied Linguistics), University of East Anglia

2014 Senior Lecturer (Applied Linguistics), University of East Anglia

Key Research Interests

Application of Systemic Functional Linguistics (Halliday, 1994-2002), particularly Appraisal Theory (Martin and White, 2005) and related approaches. Research focused on the expression of attitude, subjectivity and emotion in news and advertising discourse and the communication of empathy and person-centeredness in medical consultations, police interviews and other professional contexts, both online and face-to-face.



Teaching Interests

Discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, pragmatics.

Modules taught:

UG: Discourse and Power; Language in Action; Language and Society.

MA: The Power of Discourse: Ideology and Textual Interaction.

Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Philosophy, Attitudinal Meaning in Italian and English Letters to the Editor , University of East Anglia

1 Oct 19963 Jul 2003

Award Date: 3 Jul 2003

Bachelor of Arts, University of East Anglia

Award Date: 1 Jan 1989

Media Expertise

  • Language & Communication