Projects per year
Personal profile
Career summary
Professor of Health Economics 1/8/16 -
Lead Health Economist for the Norwich Clinical Trials Unit 2013-2018
Reader in Health Economics University of East Anglia 01/08/12 - 31/7/16
Deputy Director of the East of England Research Design Service (RDS) (Norfolk and Suffolk region) 01/03/12 -
Senior Lecturer in Health Economics, University of East Anglia 01/08/09 - 31/07/12
Lecturer in Health Economics University of East Anglia 01/08/07 - 31/07/09
ESRC/MRC PhD Studentship University of Nottingham 01/10/04 - 31/7/07
Research Associate MRC Institute of Hearing Research 01/10/01 - 30/9/04
Research Fellow University of York 01/11/98 - 30/9/01
Research Fellow University of Glamorgan 01/10/97 - 30/10/98
Professional Qualifications and professional memberships
Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Practice University of East Anglia Pass 2010
PhD. Health Economics University of Nottingham Pass 2007
MSc. Health Economics University of York Pass (with Magellan award) 1998
BA Economics and Sociology University of York 2 (i) 1996
Member of the UK Health Economics Study Group (HESG)
Key Research Interests
Application and development of the methods of economic evaluation
Research design (member of the East of England Research Design Service (RDS) and Norwich Clinical Trials Unit)
Selected research Grants
Awarding body |
Grant Holder(s) |
Duration |
Title |
Amount (£) | |
NIHR HTA 12/35/57
Hutchinson, Belli, Menon, Kolias, King, McHugh, Barton, Piercy, Manley, Servadei, Pickard, Mendelow, Gallagher, Kirkpatrick, Turner, Kareclas, Nagarajan |
2014-2023 |
Randomised Evaluation of Surgery with Craniectomy for patients Undergoing Evacuation of Acute Subdural Haematoma (RESCUE-ASDH) |
1,412,561 | |
NIHR HTA 13/34/70
Wilson, Smith, Musgrave, Price, Clark, Barton, Caress, Butler, Griffiths, Pinnock, Sheikh, Thomas, Walker, Noble, Harvey, Swart |
2015- 2023 |
At-Risk Registers Integrated into primary care to Stop Asthma crises in the UK (ARRISA-UK): A pragmatic cluster randomised trial with nested economic and process evaluations examining the effects of integrating at-risk asthma registers into primary care with internet-based training and support. |
~2.1M | |
Green G, Barton G, Murphy S, Wellsted D, Bradley J, Henwood J, Bateman A, Wilkinson I, Swart AM, Deaton C, Shepstone L, Johns T. |
2018-2023 |
East of England Research Design Service
5,281,362 | |
Hutchinson, Marson, Kolias, Duncan, Lecky, Richardson, Piercy, Anwar, Mee, Wilson, Barton, Ercole, Bond, Turner, Christmas, Belli, Ham, Cruickshank, Maw
2020-2026 |
Pharmacological management of post-traumatic seizures
2,005,405 | |
Kotter, Hutchinson, Selvanathan, Davies, Kolias, Bond, Barton, Newcombe, Turner, Hutton, Wilby, Curt, Kalsi-Ryan, Milligan, Sadler. |
2021-2027 |
FUSION4DCM? POsterior Laminectomy and FIXation for Degenerative Cervical Myelopathy [POLYFIX-DCM]
R208704MED |
1,532,927 | |
Wilkinson, Fisk, Price, Sibley, Malik, Anderson, Bolton, Polkey, Wedzicha, Saggu, Maule. Early, Fuld, Davies, Prigmore, Bond, Barton |
2021-2027 |
Optimising azithromycin prevention treatment in COPD to reduce exacerbations (OPACE) |
2,879,185 | |
NIHR HTA Call: 21/558 |
Helen Murphy, Eleanor Scott, Tom Newbound, Jenny Myers, Khalida Ismail, Graham Law, Shivani Misra, Ann Marie Swart, Garry Barton, Lee Shepstone, Linda McGowan, Neena Modi, Alexandra Berry, Goher Ayman, Seema Hussain, Sarah Dunkley |
2023-2027 |
PROTECT PRegnancy Outcomes using continuous glucose monitoring TEChnology in pregnant women with Type 2 diabetes: A multicentre randomised controlled trial of the clinical and cost-effectiveness of using continuous glucose monitoring in pregnant women with type 2 diabetes |
1,447,896 | |
Hutchinson, Horner, Mee, Wilson, McAuley, Coles, Venturini, Veenith, Barton, Newcombe, Bond, Stanworth, Frew. |
2023-2028 |
Timing Of venous thromboembolism Prophylaxis for adult patients with Traumatic Brain Injury (TOP-TBl): a pragmatic, randomised trial |
2,267,518 |
Selected papers
Peter J. Hutchinson, Hadie Adams, Midhun Mohan, Bhagavatula I. Devi, Christopher Uff, Shumaila Hasan, Harry Mee, Mark H. Wilson, Deepak K. Gupta, Diederik Bulters, Ardalan Zolnourian, Catherine J. McMahon, Matthew G. Stovell, Yahia Z. Al-Tamimi, Manoj K. Tewari, Manjul Tripathi, Simon Thomson, Edoardo Viaroli, Antonio Belli, Andrew T. King, Adel E. Helmy, Ivan S. Timofeev, Sarah Pyne, Dhaval P. Shukla, Dhananjaya I. Bhat, Andrew R. Maas, Franco Servadei, Geoffrey T. Manley, Garry Barton, Carole Turner, David K. Menon, Barbara Gregson, Angelos G. Kolias, for the British Neurosurgical Trainee Research Collaborative, NIHR Global Health Research Group on Acquired Brain and Spine Injury, and RESCUE-ASDH Trial Collaborators. Decompressive Craniectomy vs Craniotomy for Traumatic Acute Subdural Hematoma. New England Journal of Medicine 2023; 338: 2219-2229. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2214172.
Richard Holland, Christine Bond, David Phillip Alldred, Carmel Hughes, Garry Barton, Fiona Poland, Lee Shepstone, Antony Arthur, Linda Birt, Jeanette Blacklock, Annie Blyth, Stamatina Cheilari, Amrit Daffu-O’Reilly, Lindsay Dalgarno, James Desborough, Joanna Ford, Kelly Grant, Bronwen Harry, Helen Hill, Jacqueline Inch, Phyo Kyaw Myint, Nigel Norris, Maureen Spargo, Vivienne Maskrey, David Turner, Laura Watts, Arnold Zermansky, David Wright. The Care Homes Independent Prescribing Pharmacist Study (CHIPPS): A cluster randomised controlled trial to evaluate safety and effectiveness. BMJ 2023, 380, e071883.
Fowler D, Berry C, Hodgekins J, Banerjee R, Barton G, Byrne R, Clarke T, Fraser R., Greenwood K, Notley C, Parker S, Shepstone L, Wilson J, Yung A, French P. PRODIGY: Prevention and treatment of long-term social disability amongst young people with emerging severe mental illness: A definitive randomised controlled trial (RCT) of clinical and cost-effectiveness. Health Technol Assess. 2021: 25: 70.
Hutchinson PJ, Edlmann E, Bulters D, Zolnourian A, Holton P, Suttner N, Agyemang K, Thomson S, Anderson IA, Al-Tamimi Y, Henderson D, Whitfield P, Gherle M, Brennan PM, Allison A, Thelin EP, Tarantino S, Pantaleo B, Caldwell K, Davis-Wilkie C, Mee H, Warburton EA, Barton G, Chari A, Marcus HJ, King AT, Belli A, Myint PK, Wilkinson I, Santarius T, Turner C, Bond S, Kolias AG, for the British Neurosurgical Trainee Research Collaborative and Dex-CSDH Trial Collaborators. Trial of Dexamethasone for Chronic Subdural Hematoma. New England Journal of Medicine. 2020/12/16
Sampson M, Clark A, Bachmann M, Garner N, Irvine L, Howe A, Greaves C, Auckland S, Smith J, Turner J, Rea D, Rayman G, Dhatariya K, John G, Barton G, Usher R, Ferns C, Pascale M, on behalf of the NDPS group. A lifestyle intervention (with or without lay volunteers) to prevent Type 2 diabetes in people with impaired fasting glucose and/or non-diabetic hyperglycemia: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Internal Medicine 2021; 181:168-178
Alava MH, Wailoo A, Grimm S, Pudney S, Gomes M, Sadique Z, Meads D, O’Dwyer J, Barton G, Irvine L. An international comparison of EQ-5D-5L and 3L for use in cost effectiveness analysis. Value in Health. 2021: 24: 568-574
Crossman-Barnes CJ, Sach T, Wilson A, Barton G. The construct validity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D-5L, AQL-5D and a bespoke TTO in acute asthmatics. Quality of Life Research 2020; 29: 619-627
Crossman-Barnes CJ, Sach T, Wilson A, Barton G. Estimating loss in quality of life associated with asthma-related crisis events (ESQUARE): a cohort, observational study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 2019; 17:58
Quentin Summerfield & Garry Barton. Differential sensitivity of EQ-5D-3L, HUI2, HUI3, and SF-6D to changes in speech reception and annoyance due to tinnitus associated with unilateral cochlear implantation in adults with severe-profound hearing impairment. Quality of Life Research 2019; 28:1145–1154
Twigg MJ, Wright D, Barton G, Kirkdale CL, Thornley T. The Pharmacy Care Plan Service: service evaluation and estimate of cost-effectiveness. Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy. (2018),
Hunter SM, Johansen-berg H, Ward N, Kennedy N, Chandler E, Weir CJ, Rothwell J, Wing AM, Grey MJ, Barton G, Leavey NM, Havis C, Lemon R, Burridge J, Dymond A, Pomeroy VM. Functional Strength Training and Movement Performance Therapy for upper limb recovery early post-stroke – efficacy, neural correlates, predictive markers and cost-effectiveness: FAST-INdiCATE trial. Frontiers in Neurology (in press)
Crossman-Barnes CJ, Peel A, Fong-Soe-Khioe R, Sach T, Wilson A, Barton G. Economic evidence for non-pharmacological asthma management interventions: A systematic review. Allergy (in press)
Alava MH, Wailoo A, Grimm S, Pudney S, Gomes M, Sadique Z, Meads D, O’Dwyer J, Barton G, Irvine L. EQ-5D-5L versus 3L: the impact on cost-effectiveness in the UK. Value in Health. 2018; 21: 49-56.
Fowler D, French P, Banerjee R, Barton G, Berry C, Byrne R, Clarke T, Fraser R, Gee B, Greenwood K, Notley C, Parker S, Shepstone L, Wilson J, Yung AR. Hodgekins J. Prevention and treatment of long term social disability amongst young people with emerging severe mental illness (The PRODIGY Trial): Protocol for a definitive randomised controlled trial of Social Recovery Therapy. Trials. 18, 315.
Barton GR, Irvine L, Flather M, McCann GP, Curzen N, Gershlick AH, on behalf of the CvLPRIT trial investigators. Economic evaluation of complete revascularisation for patients with multi-vessel disease undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention. Value in Health 2017; 20: 745–751
Sackley CM, Walker MF, Burton C, Watkins C, Mant J, Roalfe AK, Wheatley K, Sheehan B, Sharp L, Stant K, Fletcher-Smith J, Steel K, Wilde K, Barton G, Irvine L, Peryer G, on behalf of the OTCH group. An Occupational Therapy intervention for residents with stroke-related disabilities in UK Care Homes (OTCH): cluster randomised controlled trial with economic evaluation. Health Technol Assess 2016;20(15)
Blyth A, Maskrey V, Notley C, Barton GR, Brown TJ, Aveyard P, Richard Holland, Max O Bachmann,
Stephen Sutton, Jo Leonardi-Bee, Thomas H Brandon, Fujian Song. Effectiveness and economic evaluation of self-help educational materials for the prevention of smoking relapse: randomised controlled trial. Health Technol Assess 2015;19(59).
Twigg M Wright D, Barton G, Thornley T, Kerr C. The four or more medicines (FOMM) support service: results from an evaluation of a new community pharmacy service aimed at over-65s. International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. 2015; 23: 407–414.
Logan PA, Armstrong S, Avery TJ, Barer D, Barton GR, Darby J, et al. Rehabilitation aimed at improving outdoor mobility for people after stroke: a multi-centre randomised controlled study (the Getting out of the House Study). Health Technol Assess 2014;18 (29)
M Goodall, G Barton, P Bower, P Byrne, JE Cade, S Capewell, C Cleghorn, LA Kennedy, AM Martindale, C Roberts, S Woolf, MB Gabbay. Food for thought: pilot randomised controlled trial of Lay Health Trainers supporting dietary change to reduce cardiovascular disease in deprived communities. Journal of Public Health 2013; 36: 635-643.
Barton GR, Fairall L, Bachmann MO, Uebel K, Timmerman V, Lombard C, Zwarenstein M. Cost-effectiveness of nurse-led versus doctor-led antiretroviral treatment in South Africa: Pragmatic cluster randomised trial. Tropical Medicine & International Health 2013; 18: 769-777.
Barton GR, Goodall M, Bower P, Woolf S, Capewell S, Gabbay MB. Increasing heart-health lifestyles in deprived communities: Economic evaluation of lay health trainers. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 2012; 18: 835-840.
Irvine L, Barton GR, Gasper A, Murray N, Clark A, Scarpello T, Sampson M. Cost effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention in preventing Type 2 diabetes: economic evaluation alongside a clinical trial. International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care 2011; 27: 275-282.
Barton GR, Sach T, Jenkinson C, Doherty M, Avery A, Muir KR. Lifestyle Interventions for Knee Pain: Cost-effectiveness analysis. British Medical Journal 2009;339:b2273.
Sach T, Barton GR, Jenkinson C, Doherty M, Avery A, Muir KR. Comparing cost-utility estimates: Does the choice of EQ-5D or SF-6D matter? Medical Care 2009; 47: 889-894.
Barton GR, Hodgekins J, Mugford M, Jones PB, Croudace T, Fowler D. Measuring the benefits of treatment for psychosis: The validity and responsiveness of the EQ-5D. British Journal of Psychiatry 2009;195:170-177.
Barton GR, Hodgekins J, Mugford M, Jones PB, Croudace T, Fowler D. Cognitive behaviour therapy for improving social recovery in psychosis: Cost-effectiveness analysis. Schizophrenia Research 2009; 112: 158-163.
Barton GR, Briggs A, Fenwick E. Optimal cost-effectiveness decisions: The role of the cost-effectiveness acceptability curve (CEAC), the cost-effectiveness acceptability frontier (CEAF), and the expected value of perfection information (EVPI). Value in Health 2008; 11: 886-897.
Barton GR, Sach T, Avery AJ, Jenkinson C, Doherty M, Whynes DK, Muir KR. A comparison of the performance of the EQ-5D and SF-6D for patients aged ≥45 years. Health Economics 2008; 17: 815-832.
Teaching Interests
Lecturer/Module co-ordinator on the ‘Economic Evaluation’ module of the MSc. in Health Economics, School of Medicine, Health Policy & Practice, University of East Anglia.
Lecturer on the undergraduate MB/BS medical degree programme, School of Medicine, Health Policy & Practice, University of East Anglia.
Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals
In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):
Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years
OPTIMISing personal care assistance for people with advancED DEMentia to reduce refusals of CARE in care homes (OPTIMISED-DEMCARE): intervention co-development and feasibility testing
Backhouse, T., Hammond, M., Barton, G., Pond, M., Shepstone, L. & Sims, E.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/06/24 → 31/01/29
Project: Fellowship
Pharmacological management of post-traumatic seizures
Barton, G., Barton, G. & Wagner, A.
National Institute for Health and Care Research
1/12/19 → 31/05/26
Project: Research
A randomised, double blind, placebo-controlled trial of a two-week course of dexamethasone for adult patients with a symptomatic chronic subdural haematoma (Dex-CSDH trial)
Hutchinson, P. J., Edlmann, E., Hanrahan, J. G., Bulters, D., Zolnourian, A., Holton, P., Suttner, N., Agyemang, K., Thomson, S., Anderson, I. A., Al-Tamimi, Y., Henderson, D., Whitfield, P., Gherle, M., Brennan, P. M., Allison, A., Thelin, E. P., Tarantino, S., Pantaleo, B., Caldwell, K., & 15 others , Mar 2024, In: Health Technology Assessment. 28, 12, p. 1-122 122 p.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile1 Citation (Scopus)1 Downloads (Pure) -
A smoking cessation smartphone app that delivers real-time ‘context aware’ behavioural support: the Quit Sense feasibility RCT
Naughton, F., Hope, A., Siegele-Brown, C., Grant, K., Notley, C., Colles, A., West, C., Mascolo, C., Coleman, T., Barton, G., Shepstone, L., Prevost, T., Sutton, S., Crane, D., Greaves, F. & High, J., Apr 2024, In: Public Health Research. 12, 4, p. 1-99Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile2 Downloads (Pure) -
Cost-effectiveness of craniotomy versus decompressive craniectomy for UK patients with traumatic acute subdural haematoma
Pyne, S., Barton, G., Turner, D., Mee, H., Gregson, B. A., Kolias, A. G., Turner, C., Adams, H., Mohan, M., Uff, C., Hasan, S., Wilson, M., Bulters, D. O., Zolnourian, A., McMahon, C., Stovell, M. G., Al-Tamimi, Y., Thomson, S., Viaroli, E., Belli, A., & 6 others , 16 Jun 2024, In: BMJ Open. 14, 6, e085084.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile12 Downloads (Pure) -
Cost-effectiveness of surgery for degenerative cervical myelopathy in the United Kingdom
Goacher, E., Yardanov, S., Phillips, R., Budu, A., Dyson, E., Ivanov, M., Barton, G., Hutton, M., Gardner, A., Quraish, N. A., Grahovac, G., Jung, J., Demetriades, A. K., Vergara, P., Pereira, E., Arzoglou, V., Francis, J., Trivedi, R., Davies, B. M. & Kotter, M. R. N., 26 Apr 2024, (E-pub ahead of print) In: British Journal of Neurosurgery.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Evaluating the correspondence between the EQ-5D-5L and disease severity and quality of life in adults and adolescents with cystic fibrosis
Altabee, R., Carr, S. B., Abbott, J., Cameron, R., Office, D., Simmonds, N. J., Whitty, J. A., Turner, D. & Barton, G., Nov 2024, In: Respiratory Medicine and Research. 86, 101137.Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
Open AccessFile12 Downloads (Pure)
NIHR Clinical Research Network East of England (External organisation)
Garry Barton (Member)
2023 → 2024Activity: Other activity types › Other
NIHR HTA General board (External organisation)
Garry Barton (Member)
2022 → …Activity: Membership › Committee
National Institute for Health and Care Research (External organisation)
Garry Barton (Member)
2021 → …Activity: Membership › Committee
National Institute for Health and Care Research (External organisation)
Garry Barton (Member)
2021 → …Activity: Membership › Committee