• 2.20 Sciences

Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Telecommunications Protocols
Internet of Things
Cloud Computing
Wireless Sensor Networks
UAV Management and Safety Protocols

Personal profile

Administrative Posts

Gerard Parr holds the Full Chair in Telecommunications Engineering at the University of East Anglia.  He holds a PhD in Self Stabilising Protocols, aspects of which were completed with one of the founding Fathers of the Internet (Professor Jon Postel) as a Visiting Research Scientist at the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute in Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles.  Within his academic career, areas of research include Wireless Sensor Clouds, Disaster Response Communications, Massive Data Acquisition and Transport Protocols, delay-sensitive protocols, and energy-aware autonomic networking for sensor-clouds and edge computing. He has attracted several £millions of external research and commercial funding and has advised governments on the allocation of funding to large-scale projects valued in total at approximately £2.5 billion.   Professor Parr is a member of the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Peer Review College.   His academic research collaborations include MIT, Georgia Institute of Technology, USC-ISI Los Angeles, University of Florida, University College London, Southampton, Surrey, QMUL, Oxford, St Andrews, Lancaster and Cambridge, Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications (BUPT) and Indian Institutes of Technology in Mumbai, Madras, Kanpur, Hyderabad, Delhi, Mandi and IISc Bangalore. In recent years he has been successful in attracting major EPSRC research funding for the India-UK Advanced Technology Centre (IU-ATC) in Next Generation Networks Systems and Services as well as ESRC Administrative Data Research Centres. Most recently he has been successful in attracting funding under the US-Ireland R&D Programme with the NSF in the area of Agile Photonics for Massive Data Analytics and also from the UK FCO Global Innovation Fund for the China-UK Technology Innovation Centre with BT.

Key Research Interests




Education/Academic qualification

Doctor of Engineering, Fault Tolerant Self-Stabilising Protocols, Ulster University

Award Date: 30 Jun 1990

Bachelor of Science, Computer Science and Information Systems, Ulster University

Award Date: 30 Jun 1984

External positions

Visiting Professor- Computer Science Research Institute- Ulster University- Northern Ireland

Technical Advisor- Department of the Economy- Stormont Executive- Northern Ireland- Broadband Improvement Project

Member of EBTIC International Advisory Board (EBTIC- UEA), Khalifa University of Science and Technology

Member of IAB for CDT in Communications, University of Bristol

Collaborations and top research areas from the last five years

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