Personal profile

Teaching Interests

Security, Network Metadata Analysis, Data Mining

Key Research Interests

The key research interest is where people and technology meet. Security issues are often about how the line between the technical and the human becomes burred. To explore that fine line techniques such as network analysis are useful to understand how people and applications have behaved.


My current research interests include the analysis of network traffic to identify behaviour, approaches to network probe design, network metadata storage, cybersecurity and harm reduction. Previously I have worked in security, moving picture and sound delivery, cybersecurity curriculum development and both offensive and defensive cyber techniques.

I wear several hats and maintain a visiting status at UEA with a UEA email address: [email protected].

Education/Academic qualification

Master in Science, Knowledge Discovery from Sampled Network Flow Data, School of Computing Sciences

Award Date: 28 Oct 2006

External positions

Managing Director, Yukoo Limited

29 Oct 2006 → …